Hhappy Posted February 10, 2010 Share Posted February 10, 2010 That was about time for anothe update. You better not wait that long again for the next installment Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted July 12, 2012 Author Share Posted July 12, 2012 Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages I am proud to present to you the RETURN of the Scandi Trip 2009 via The "Smile Cam" trip report after a 2 year absence. Now for those of you who don't know what the Smile Cam is then feel free to look back at past updates but if your too lazy and only want to see these update we are returning with a double header update featuring Karolinelund and Tusenfryd. So here we go. Robb is sitting here reflecting back on how much he loved the Smile Cam trip report and wished it was back. Little did he know one day it would return! Well either that or he’s reflecting on life as he’s on a Boomerang. Elissa: "Why did you make me ride with Hanno?" Hanno: "Smile and wave boys, smile and wave!" "OH MY GOD IVE BEEN BUTT RAPED!" Hanno: "Hey that wasn’t too bad actually." Elissa: "I feel dirty." Robb: "Hey Big Mike, hows it going? Do you like being clenched and squished with me?" Oh I think Robb just learnt why they call him BIG Mike. Well it seems Big Mike enjoyed whatever happened Robb on the other hand....... PARTY OVER HERE! Rich: "Hey dude whats wrong?" Russ: "I can't seem to see anything down there" Russ: "Oh there it is!" Rich: "See I knew it would be there." "I like a good Wacky Worm!" "So guys for those of you that don’t know I have discovered why Big Mike is really called Big Mike. Yes I do feel dirty and violated, however I did enjoy it!" Now we are at Tusenfryd and Big Mike is on a mission to impress all the ladies. Even Hanno seems to be happy to see Big Mike! "Mommy why is some guys butt in my face?" Miles tips his hat to the awesomeness of the world’s smallest kiddie coaster! TPDave approved pink car! "Yes everyone, I am a dirty credit whore!" "Check us out were retarded!" "Hey ladies, fancy a ride?" To be honest I didn’t know smile cam took this picture but I am sure is hell glad it did. A "special" Dutch man and an angry Aussie. I don’t feel I need to say anymore. "Whatcha gonna do when Larry runs wild on you!" "Yes we are all nerds! Deal with it!" "I’m so happy my hand is melting!" "Hey ladies, if you ever want to see my hydraulics room just ask!” "The barrel says something rude" *giggles* Only a true coaster nerd will smile like this when getting a behind the scenes tour. Wow Big Mike can find the ladies anywhere! I can tell you what this engineer is thinking. He’s thinking "Why oh why did I let these people in! Who knows what could happen?" Everyone is celebrating that the smile cam is back as you can see. I hope you have all enjoyed the return of the Scandi Smile Cam and will come back for further updates. If not .......... KIDTUMS WILL EAT YOU! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted April 19, 2015 Author Share Posted April 19, 2015 Its time once again to bring back this trip report and I'm determined to finish it this time! What better park to bring this back than the park we visisted on day 9 of the trip, Liseberg! What is wrong with you crazy people. You want to ride Balder without beer in your system? "Hello I am in charge of beer distribution. Raise your hands if you want hammers and beer." Thumbs up for touching Balders wood! Hanno looks very comfortable with his bunny ears on..... "Oh damn, I got myself some beer and I'm watching some serious hammering going on! Life is good" OMG DJ Lance has ridden Balder!!!! Why is it that I always suck at nailing things? Even though KT couldnt ride Balder she was still allowed to make her mark on it! A bit round of applause for Balder, Beer and Hammers! Robb nailed Balder hard and left his mark! This is a bold bold statement by Elissa so that shows just how good Balder is! This is the equivalent of looking up Balders skirt and its AWESOME! Did Hanno see a naked lady or was he impressed with my amazing escalator dancing skills? Has Hanno seen his one true love or is he slightly constipated? One way or another I think this bunny is laughing at him. KT looks super excited for insane green bunny ride, Robb and Elissa don't share the same thought I think. Someone seems to be having a serious Kanonen orgasm! "Wait you mean we have to ride for a third time?" "OMG yes we got a freaking Intamin roll back! You should all be jealous" "Oh no you all caught me on the kiddies truck ride. I was just er term testing it to see if it was fun for them?" I love Scandinavia SOOOOOOOO much! This picture serves as a notice to all TPR members. DONT piss Elissa off! I think I may have drunk a little too much beer in the morning. Oh good lord when will it end? Elissa is better at handling a cannon than me. Am I high or does everyone else see the giant floating bunny? You will fear popcorn lizard! Or you will fear Robb! Which is scarier? Post below with you answer. Sadly we have to wave goodbye to Liseberg and its always sad to drive away. But don't worry we have this licking toad to keep us busy on the drive home. I really should "Give up the Toad now" So there you have it the smile cam has returned and there is plenty more awesome Scandinavian stuff to come up! Next up will be Skara Sommarland and Grona Lund! So comment below and I promise I will make sure to finish this trip report this time round Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Hey, look at that! A Scandi trip that Elissa and I actually had fun on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Hey, look at that! A Scandi trip that Elissa and I actually had fun on! Yep--that was a good one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted April 20, 2015 Author Share Posted April 20, 2015 Hey, look at that! A Scandi trip that Elissa and I actually had fun on! Also in 2009 there was 10% less corkscrews Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 So many great memories of that trip. The staff at Liseberg was great, and they greeted us in the morning with snacks, beer, and hammers under Balder. Need to go back there--now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meteornotes Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 Yeah, this was one of the best trips I've ever taken. So many great parks. I miss Balder! dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jynx242 Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 I remember beginning this trip report a few years ago!! Still looks like it was an amazing time. D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted July 5, 2015 Author Share Posted July 5, 2015 You thought I had forgotten about about this trip report again didn't you. Well I'm happy to say I haven't forgotten about it and it will be finished! Today I bring you the update from the worlds largest Ikea and Grona Lund! I have had to miss out Skara Sommerland as there wasn't any good pictures from there. To make up for that please enjoy this POV of Tranan! [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] "Yay we are at the worlds largest Ikea! Where is Robb's wallet?" Dave showing how a Sharktopus is created! Lou is holding an Ikea certified rodent! If all of Robb's thoughts appeared above his head in a bubble it would be amazing I'm sure! Im sorry Dave but I don't think they will let you take a fridge/freezer on the plane as excess baggage. Even at a young age KT loved Ikea! She definitely takes after Elissa. Do you think this is good value to buy your very own Dave? Some people just can't handle the worlds largest Ikea. Oh dear I think this is what Ikea overload looks like. Is Steve drunk or excited for Grona Lund? Wait you mean I have to ride with Magnus P.I? "I LOVE YOU ROBB!!!" "Okay what is going on now?" "I have a child so this is perfectly acceptable." The clenching and squishing in this photo on the other hand may not be. Hanno is terrified someone will find out about his dirty little secret! There is footage of this coaster. How many of you would like to see "Credit Whores in the Raw"? Sometimes you just have to be serious when riding a Vekoma! A floorless stand up drop towers, something good for the ladies, bad for the men! Moment before testicle crushing commences. "No more big rides! FUN HOUSE TIME!" I think someone enjoyed the bumpy conveyor slide very much. KT loved this even though at the time it was not a Frog Hopper! Is Elissa going to recreate the Lion King after this photo? What do you think? Even the park owners make sure to get in on the coaster action! Robb: "I didn't think I would have to teach KT to drive for many more years!" "Don't worry, if I crash you can pay for repairs." "In the epic battle of TPR Vs Moles there can only be one winner.........." Which of course it is going to be Elissa! And naturally being the Whack-A-Mole expert that she is she got the high score! "Wait have we forgotten something?" Of course we have! More beer! I have no recollection of what I am doing to Steve here and I don't want to remember either! "Bye bye your all going to feel sick on Insane" Safety checks are always paramount on roller coasters. This is exactly why Robb is just checking his man bank is where it should be. Is that a look of concern or excitement? "OMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!" Insane looks like it can be a life changing experience for someone people! This is a look of "This may be one of the dumbest things I've ever done!" "Why the hell are you making me do this again?" The realisation that the car you are in is going to be super unbalanced! The best way to end this section of the trip report is with Elissa eating a giant block of cheese! So there you have it Ikea and Grona Lund via the "Smile cam"! Hope you enjoyed it and I hope you are looking forward to the next instalment. -Craig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted July 5, 2015 Share Posted July 5, 2015 My ride with Elissa on Insane was, indeed, insane. However, my ride with Erik Penders went one step beyond that! Two big guys + unbalanced car = SAVE ME JEEBUS! I miss the Scandanavian parks--need to get back there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
viking86 Posted July 5, 2015 Share Posted July 5, 2015 Lol is this the longest it has ever taken to do a trip report on TPR?? Anyway, I enjoy reading it very much! I haven't been to Gröna Lund since 2011, but I can safely say I have not experienced anything like Insane in those four years... Oh and Ikea is always fun. I'm fortunate to have Norways largest Ikea only 15 minutes away! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 mmmm. .giant block of cheese! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 Mmmmm Entire Block of Jarlsberg Cheese... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 ^As much as I like Jarlsberg Cheese, I probably would've become pretty sick pretty soon while eating a block of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 I think through the years of TPR Trips I've proved my cheese consumption prowess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted July 6, 2015 Author Share Posted July 6, 2015 I think through the years of TPR Trips I've proved my cheese consumption prowess. You have without question proved to be a cheese eating champion! I remember when you got back on the bus with that block of cheese and I was thinking "there is no way you will be able to eat all that". I was proved wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 I think through the years of TPR Trips I've proved my cheese consumption prowess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gisco Posted July 10, 2015 Share Posted July 10, 2015 Clicked into this report from the front page and started looking at the pictures. I was thinking to myself that I don't remember these people on the trip then I realized it was the one 6 years ago!. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted July 10, 2015 Share Posted July 10, 2015 ^There's real time, and then there's "Craig time." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted July 11, 2015 Author Share Posted July 11, 2015 ^There's real time, and then there's "Craig time." You have to feel sorry for anyone who has to endure "Craig time"! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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