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Splash Adventure (Alabama Adventure) Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...
New cabana colors are cool, but what happened to the sand beach?


It's been gone for several years. The majority was removed back in 2009 and the remainder a couple of seasons later.


Update on Rampage?


Dan tweeted the picture out on Saturday

"‏@SplashinDan Rampage looking good. Still lots of work to be done. #SplashAdventure "


"‏@SplashinDan Rampage looking good. Still lots of work to be done. #SplashAdventure "

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^^There certainly is, but from what little I know of the situation, I would peg AA as one of the most likely shoppers to pick up a bunch of Hard Rock stuff. If you're needing to pick up a lot of equipment at once right now, there's only so many places to look. That doesn't mean they bought all the coasters though, but whatever flats they could get would be great for them. The mine train would be nice for this park as well - haven't heard if that is rumored to go somewhere else yet or not.

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^^There certainly is, but from what little I know of the situation, I would peg AA as one of the most likely shoppers to pick up a bunch of Hard Rock stuff. If you're needing to pick up a lot of equipment at once right now, there's only so many places to look. That doesn't mean they bought all the coasters though, but whatever flats they could get would be great for them. The mine train would be nice for this park as well - haven't heard if that is rumored to go somewhere else yet or not.


It would be awsome, I hope they do and add at least one good more good thrill ride for adults for next season.

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any news on rather or not the wild river gorge will repopen, or if they plan on replacing the buzz saw falls with another similar ride? it would make since considering all the plumbing and everything is already there, seems like that was a lot of work and wasted money to just have it there for one season.

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