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Splash Adventure (Alabama Adventure) Discussion Thread

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^Cool, thanks for the info. I like the name Alabama Adventure way better than Visionland, which conjures thoughts of embarking on a vision quest and doesn't really bring to mind an amusement park!

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My night rides on Rampage during AA's Halloween event back in 2004 were absolutely phenomenal. I can't wait to get back on it again!


Has everyone forgotten the pic of the Koch's at BGT checking out Cheetah Hunt while they were investigating steel coasters for HW? I can't remember if it was a HoliBlog, but I hope someone can find and post it.

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That being said, I hope they don't go with the Gravity Group when retracking Rampage. I'd much prefer to see GCI fix it up like they did with Boulder Dash, or let Rocky MouThis is quiet possibly the best thing that could happen to the park, having someone that sees potential in the ride side. I never understood the business sense behind shutting down the ride side of a park and letting it rot (I'm looking at you Geauga Lake).

ntain Construction go wild with the structure.


The Gravity Group can only make suggestions how to fix the track, it'll be up to the crew they hire to come in and fix it. TGG didn't do too bad of a job at all on their suggestions to make The Voyage better in 2012. Fixed everything up until the turnaround with their suggestions. The turn-around held up well for a couple seasons. Not bad for the Voyage. I believe there is a crew that is lead by one of the former CCI track guys that goes around and gets contracted out by parks to do major re-tracks or anything a park can't handle on their own. They'll probably be the ones that get the job. They've done a lot of work with the Koch's in the past. I am with you though. I hope they go with RMC or GCI. It looks like they're sticking with the PTC's. Dan said on twitter that they're going to send them off to Philly to get re-built or they need to be sent off. One or the other, but it's probably going to happen either way.


Has everyone forgotten the pic of the Koch's at BGT checking out Cheetah Hunt while they were investigating steel coasters for HW? I can't remember if it was a HoliBlog, but I hope someone can find and post it.


I do! Got my hopes really high too! I don't think they're working with that kind of money right now. If the park grows like they expect it to, then something like Cheetah Hunt could happen. That's way down the line though. I think it's important to remember that it's taken HW 21 years to get where they are at. I say 21 years because because that's when the waterpark was added. Without the waterpark, the park can't grow, so I expect them to invest heavily in the Splash Adventure through 2018. I wouldn't expect a water coaster either. Those cost around 8-13 million dollars.


While the demographics are similar to Southern Indiana, you have to remember that the Koch's were well known around Southern Indiana when they started expanding their park. People in Alabama have no idea who the Koch's are. There is no familiarity between the customers and the owners. I do hope Dan Koch succeeds! He is very enthusiastic about this industry.

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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Just posted on the park's Facebook page:

Anyone up for a little competition?? How about for 4 FREE one-day passes to Splash Adventure for the 2014 season?!


We want you to Name Our Next Ride! We need YOUR help naming one of our newest park rides, the Wacky Worm Coaster pictured below. Comment your best suggestion below between now and April 11, 2014, and the person with the winning name will receive 4 FREE one-day passes! Share this photo with your friends and let's see what you all can come up with!


The rules for the contest are as follows:

1. All entries must be posted as a comment on the picture below no later than Friday, April 11, 2014. Please don’t include your address or phone number, we’ll notify the winner via Facebook by April 18, 2014.


2. More than one entry per person is allowed, but each entry must be posted as a separate comment in order to be considered by our judges. (We don’t want a list. One at a time, please.)


3. To enter, you must be 16 years or older.


4. The prize is FOUR one-day tickets for the 2014 season. Only one winner will be chosen.


5. Employees of Alabama's Splash Adventure Waterpark and their immediate family members are not eligible to win (so please don’t enter).


6. If we receive more than one entry suggesting the same name (and choose that name), the entry received FIRST will be the winner.


Good luck, everyone!


Coming 2014!

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^Nice! Seems like it should be easy enough to come up with a cute new name for a Wacky Worm.


Has everyone forgotten the pic of the Koch's at BGT checking out Cheetah Hunt while they were investigating steel coasters for HW? I can't remember if it was a HoliBlog, but I hope someone can find and post it.

I'm holding out hope that this a still-relevant hint to their long-term plans. But who knows.

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Dan has been tweeting out some Rampage pictures today. You can follow him @SplashinDan


"Wicked finish into the station on Rampage! Whoa! #Splashadventure "


"Complete re-track needed. Coaster cats! We call it like we see it! Where is my hammer? #SplashAdventure "


"Trains need TLC too! We can get this animal going. Stay tuned. Not opening soon but it will open. #Splashadventure "


" Rampage is very fixable. Need a chain gang to emmm fix the chain! #Splashadventure "


"I love Rampaggggeeee!!!!!!!! #Splashadventure "

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  • 2 weeks later...

It really makes me happy seeing parks being revived back to their original form. Guess Alabama Adventure was fortunate that the old owners decided to "cheap out" and not tear down Rampage and let it sit. Happy that Dan Koch decided to pick this park to bring back. Between this and the revival of Kentucky Kingdom, I'm happy that there are people out there that are seeing the potential that was lost when previous owners were "incompetent" to say the least. Now we just need the Jazzland proposal to pass for New Orleans and that'll be another great revival!


It's probably one of those that I'll admire from a distance because I'm literally on the other side of the country from Alabama, so I'll probably never get a chance to visit there, but I'm looking forward to this park going back to being the state's largest amusement park!

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"There's a world class roller coaster sittin up on the hill called the Rampage..." oh yeah





He is very enthusiastic and happy. Not as enthusiastic as Jim Reid-Anderson but very happy. Guess I'm going to Alabama in 2015.

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The big question is, will this be RMC topper track or just a retracking of the ride by Gravity Group or GCI?


Rocky Mountain Construction topper track would make this ride infinitely better!

Edited by jedimaster1227
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So excited to see this happening! Very proud of the new owners, and it looks like the park will finally have a bright future.

It would be cool if they would add a digital billboard to the marquee be the interstate, kinda like six flags does to show off the park and rides since you really cant see it from the road.

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It is exciting to see that the park FINALLY has owners who are knowledgeable, experienced and COMPEDENT!

It is wonderful to see their enthusiasm.

If this park is ever going to prosper and GROW...this is it's BEST chance.

I wish Daniel Koch, his family, and crew all the best and am hoping that each season is better than the last!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today the park had local media out to talk about the changes coming this year, which included them smashing one of the parking booths to mark the end of paid parking at the park. Pics and videos included below. The local Fox station did four segments during their morning show, and the actual smashing is in segment number 2.


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


Article from AL.com/The Birmingham News


Parking Booth SMASH! From AL.com

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I'm not so sure that is good news. It's a CCI and it's been SBNO for so long...aside from a complete rebuild, I'm not confident the ride can be saved!



Thunder Run (Granted it's not CCI but it was SBNO from 2010 to 2014)

Rampage has Been SBNO since Oct. 2012

Blue Streak @ Conneaut was SBNO from 2007 to 2010

And Leap The Dips was SBNO from 12 Years and Reopened

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