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Things to do in the Cedar Point area


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Hey everyone,

I am currently trying to persuade my family to visit Cedar Point this summer. At the moment my Mum is on my side but we want to try and find other things to do in the area ie have a holiday but include Cedar Point . Anybody any ideas in that area, places to visit, ranching etc? Sorry I'm a bit of a newbie to this

Can anyone also give a clue as to what queue times are likely to be at the Point mid July.


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To be honest, the area around Cedar Point doesn't offer all that much stuff to do. Unless you're interested in the odd mini golf course, go-kart track, or shopping.


Cedar Point isn't very high on the list of parks that have other stuff to do in the area.

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Cedar Point is in Ohio, which automatically makes it in a lame area


There has got to be some stuff to do by the water at least? They have a beach, waterpark, and indoor water park if nothing else.


Cedar Point is known to have some of the longest queues in the world. If you're coming all the way from the U.K., give yourself at least 2 days.

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Thanks for the responses guys. I was worried this might be the case. As for the queues are we talking Thorpe Park 2 hour queues for a coaster in summer or longer?

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Depends on when.


If peak of the summer season, 2 hours is probably likely for the most popular rides. MF, TTD, Maverick could be around that. The rest of the rides probably more around the hour range or less, depending on the ride.


Obviously though, later in the summer you go, the better lines will get.

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Cedar Point is in Ohio, which automatically makes it in a lame area


There has got to be some stuff to do by the water at least? They have a beach, waterpark, and indoor water park if nothing else.


Cedar Point is known to have some of the longest queues in the world. If you're coming all the way from the U.K., give yourself at least 2 days.


Wasn't that indoor water park on the travel channel show extreme water parks? If so that place looked awesome.

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Wasn't that indoor water park on the travel channel show extreme water parks? If so that place looked awesome.


The one on the show was the Kalahari indoor water park. I've been there 3x and it really is awesome!


There is also a carousel museum in Sandusky, and alot of people seem to like Put in Bay and Kelley's Island. (I've never been to any of these places though)

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There isn't much to do in the area. Cleveland has the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You can catch a ferry to one of the Lake Erie islands, which have a lot to do, especially if you like to drink.


You can also visit the Toledo Zoo, which is about an hour west. It's apparently one of the best zoos of its size in the country.


South of Sandusky are some caverns you may visit called the Seneca Caverns.

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If you're staying on point, they do have the beach and have parasailing, jetskis and kayaks are available to rent.


If you're into haunted houses at all, Sandusky has a haunted house that is pretty good and open year round. Ghostly Manor is actully inside of a skating rink if your family is into that too.


There's also a drive through safari not too far from the park as well. http://www.africansafariwildlifepark.com/ or the Lagoon Deer Park is close by as well. http://www.sanduskyfunspots.com/deerpark/ so there's wildlife stff to go look at.


There's a really cheesy thing called Mystery Hill that has a walking trail with bunch of large plastic dinosuars, a "mystery house" (the ones that are at a very odd angle leading to disorientation and fun optical illusions) and a really bad mini golf course.


And of course there are (at least?) five different indoor water parks in the Sandusky area alone (some of which require you to stay at that hotel, but it's an option of places to stay)



So yeah plenty to do around the area, but it's all tourist trap type of things, and a lot of them are not the best quality there is.

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It seems like everytime somebody here asks about things to do in CP area, the same anwser comes up, which is "nothing," which is kinda true but also kinda false. There is actually a lot to do, but most of it revolves around alcohol, fishing or nature, execpt for the tourist traps RCFreak mentioned.


CP is in the heart of the Lake Erie tourist region, but the area isn't packed with with things fun activites. It's really a place where people go to either

a)Go to CP

b)Relax at their vacation homes on the lake and go fishing, see Kelly's Island, etc.

c)Get wasted at Put-In-Bay

However, I will add that the area is very scenic and calming (ignoring the tow of Sandusky). Probably my favorite part of the state.


There's Put-In-Bay (major party island), and several wineries, but obviously that won't work for you since you're under 21.


The most exciting bet is to visit Kalahari, home to North America's largest indoor waterpark. I've never been, but from what I've seen it looks outstanding. They have a ton of stuff to do there. Definitely go there and not Soak City (CP's waterpark, which is mediocre). There are several other indoor waterparks as well as Monsoon Lagoon, but they don't even come close in terms of selection.


Everything else was pretty much mentioned by RCFreak. Enjoy your trip!

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