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LIM Coaster Contest

What track is better?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What track is better?

    • The Guardian?
    • Hellfire?
    • Veer?

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Supporting's the best part of making a coaster, Real.


Except when trying to be manufacturer-authentic...blarg to Primier's over-supporting!

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Here's my entry. A few notes:

1. The G's will sometimes spike over the allowed limits when viewed at less than 100% speed. I blame this on NL.

2. The "barriers" in the launch tunnel are supposed to be holograms, but NL doesn't really allow for that sort of thing so the train appears to "crash through".




"As your soul begins to leave your body, you see flashes of firey torment. You're flipped upside down and are boosted through darkness until coming to a stop before the gates to heaven. Suddenly, you'll hear the unmistakable laughter of the devil and are shot at 60 miles an hour straight to hell. Once there, you'll experience a 540 degree ascending helix. You're given a moment to catch your breath before being turned on your head ,dropping 100 feet and feeling over 5 gs as you are again inverted before rocketing towards the sky. You'll catch a glimpse at heaven before being turned around, dropping straight down and twisting into a 360 degree heartline-roll. As you slow down, you notice that you're again climbing...was this all just the devil's cruel joke?"


Featuring a 60 mile-per-hour launch in just seconds and five gut-wrenching inversions, along with high-tech audio/visual effects in the rides several tunnels, HELLFIRE just may leave you wishing you were no longer amongst the living...

Mike240SX - Hellfire (LIM Coaster Contest).nltrack



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I'm trying hard, but there is no way I can get these supports done by tomorrow...I don't want to drop out, but I doubt I will be able to turn in the finished project.

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My nameless, crappy, didn't-have-enough-time-in-my-busy-schedule-to-work-on-it, track has arrived late and unfinished. I used a ton of pre-fab supports just to get it "done" and I still didnt finish on time. Sorry, I'm putting up the upload for anyone who may want to ride anyways.


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Well, I know it's a bit late, but since you haven't really confirmed that the contest is over, I will try to submit my coaster...


My entry is called Static Shock. I rushed the coaster a bit to make sure I had something to turn in, so it isn't quite as good of quality as I would have liked, but I think this will do.


I hope you enjoy it!

Static Shock.nltrack



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Sorry to not get back to you all yesterday. Busy day getting stuff ready for my senior year.


As for DBru, sorry, your entry was late. Not a valid entry. It was a good track though.


The poll will be up in a few minutes and will feature tracks from Mike240SX and Real. The poll will run for 10 days. Please cast a vote!

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Is the pre-station launch bad...or just would prefer something else? I thought a launch from the station is bit...dated and liked the idea of a little "woah" from the station that led into a faster launch. Plus, it helped make the second launch shorter but get the train up to a faster speed - especially with how small the template was and length of the track.


Plus, getting to the launch I figure eh, too many times we meander out of the station to the launching area. Why not just get the heck the move on! LOL

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^I don't have a problem with it, look at speed: the ride in vegas, it did exactly what yours did and that is a pretty fun little coaster.



Eric smith- one thing I don't get is why you are "busy" and cannot attend to your contest but penalize someone else (dbru) who is probably equally busy making a coaster for your contest. The way I see it, he should be in because you never said contest was finished until after he posted.

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^I see your point, but it was in the rules that I posted 3 weeks ago that late entrys would not be accepted. He said that he might not make the deadline and he didn't.


And I just want to let you know that I am posting this in a calm, cool manner and not trying to start a war. You have been nothing but kind to me and I don't want to be an A$$ for nothing.

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There were three coasters submitted...Only two are on the poll...


Someone got the shaft.


There were FOUR coasters submitted actually, two were late, which is why only 2 show up on the poll.

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