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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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So, how is Maxxforce? Is there any air at all over the bump, and is the ride intense/how's the high speed flip? This ride intrigues me, figure its either intense or kind of lame, hoping for the former.


I got two rides, both in row 7 (where I was assigned each time). You barely notice the bump, though I imagine in the front row or two you might get some amount of air. The whole ride is intense IMO. The launch is insanity. Among my favorite coaster elements ever, and definitely the best single coaster element in the park. The roll is quite fun, offering a bit of floatiness while still keeping up the fast pace. Both the double inversions are very fun. Fantastic ride IMO, even if it’s over fast.


Oh yeah, the launch I don't question. It's basically Hypersonic XLC. I was lucky enough to get on that one twice, and that launch is, to this day, one of the most intense experiences I've had. See I figured the flip would be intense, bc it's so fast, or ya barely notice it, bc it's so fast haha Floatiness? Interesting.

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a 30 second walk

You have seen American Eagle's queue, right?


Yes. And Viper, Superman, Raging Bull, Maxx Force, X-Flight... Scream, X2, Goliath, Riddler... The Boss, Mr. Freeze, etc., etc. Notice a pattern? It’s not a space issue, it’s a Six Flags design feature. And a horrible way to treat paying customers.


Bruh... lol. Don't you think that statement is a little overboard?

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a 30 second walk

You have seen American Eagle's queue, right?


Yes. And Viper, Superman, Raging Bull, Maxx Force, X-Flight... Scream, X2, Goliath, Riddler... The Boss, Mr. Freeze, etc., etc. Notice a pattern? It’s not a space issue, it’s a Six Flags design feature. And a horrible way to treat paying customers.


You're right... Every queue should be 10' long... And have the line spill out into the midway and clog up the midway...


We get it... You hate SFGAm. You've repeatedly posted that you're "Done with SFGAm" for the next few years. Please stop bitching just to bitch.

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a 30 second walk

You have seen American Eagle's queue, right?


Yes. And Viper, Superman, Raging Bull, Maxx Force, X-Flight... Scream, X2, Goliath, Riddler... The Boss, Mr. Freeze, etc., etc. Notice a pattern? It’s not a space issue, it’s a Six Flags design feature. And a horrible way to treat paying customers.


Bruh... lol. Don't you think that statement is a little overboard?


No, I don't. But I definitely respect your opinion.


You're right... Every queue should be 10' long... And have the line spill out into the midway and clog up the midway...


I respectfully disagree and have experienced other parks for many years manage their crowds and queue lines/exits much better and with guest comfort in mind. Bottlenecks don't make people happy.


We get it... You hate SFGAm.

No, I don't hate SFGAm.


Please stop bitching just to bitch.

Please stop defending for no reason. It's a well known and valid complaint in the industry.


But you are correct in that this is not typically the place to air those grievances.

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^ If a ride is popular enough, it's not a problem to have two of them. Doesn't this park still have two log flumes next to each other?


As for RMC Eagle, they could always shorten the track length. Iron Rattler and Twisted Colossus didn't use the whole layout. I know this one is an out-and-back, but there's nothing saying they have to go all the way out.

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Yeah, that's definitely a thing. Can you imagine the look on everyone's faces when they get to this park and discover the brand new coaster they've seen all over TikTok and Youtube means this park has TWO rides from the SAME manufacturer? I can see the disappointment from here.

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I love the idea of one side staying 'traditional' and the other being converted. I know this is blasphemy to many, but it seems like a good compromise. Designers have a pretty solid idea of ride times at this point and they could get them close enough to still "race." The traditional side could be converted to RMC over topper as part of the project to freshen it up and keep it smoother while reducing maintenance. I thought the same thing about Racer when that whole discussion came up as well. I like wood coasters but AE didn't do much for me last month on my visit and would be on board with a conversion of one side.

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Can you imagine the look on everyone's faces when they get to this park and discover the brand new coaster they've seen all over TikTok and Youtube means this park has TWO rides from the SAME manufacturer? I can see the disappointment from here.

Oh God... that's a thing now? Did enthusiasts actually start reporting stuff on Tiktok?



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Tiktok's got roller coasters, but I haven't seen any enthusiasts there yet. Just cool people.


The point is, the kids are going to see a new coaster and not care about who made it. Most of them will think Six Flags designed it in house anyway. No one but enthusiasts cares about who manufactures what.

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Based on the new teaser I just now noticed, it looks like Magic Waters is also getting something new.


Having visited the waterpark quite a few times this summer while visiting a relative in the area, Magic Waters a good small waterpark. It’s just lacking a big waterslide since Splashblaster closed. A slide like Thunder Rapids can easily fix that.

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^ If a ride is popular enough, it's not a problem to have two of them. Doesn't this park still have two log flumes next to each other?


As for RMC Eagle, they could always shorten the track length. Iron Rattler and Twisted Colossus didn't use the whole layout. I know this one is an out-and-back, but there's nothing saying they have to go all the way out.


The log flumes are very old, from a time when log flumes were much more popular, and rarely run at the same time anymore.


My stance is this: I think an RMC Eagle would be great, even with Goliath right down the midway. And I'm sure they could make it different enough that it would be great to have both. BUT, I feel like if Six Flags is going to invest in another RMC they'd get a lot more bang for their buck in a park where there wasn't a similar ride 500 feet away. (And even if you don't think it's a similar ride, the general public would...)

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So I haven’t popped in this thread in a while. Are there actually rumors or any indication this park is actually going to convert one side of this coaster? Or are y’all just passing around the crack pipe?

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So I haven’t popped in this thread in a while. Are there actually rumors or any indication this park is actually going to convert one side of this coaster? Or are y’all just passing around the crack pipe?


Enthusiasts gonna enthusiast....



Another RMC isn't happening at this park... Eagle is starting to really show it's age however, so that is where all this is coming from. The fact that it appears we're just getting a water park addition for next week is also throwing fuel on the fire because enthusiasts are entitled morons. God forbid a park doesn't install a coaster that rips your face off every season

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Hi all. I know nobody has a crystal ball but hoping some locals can help me out here... My friend and I will be at the park on the last weekend of September for a couple hours on friday, all day Saturday, and a couple hours on Sunday. I'm hoping that since it's still September, the crowds shouldn't be horrid... is there any reason to have faith in that or should I expect 2 hour waits everywhere? Flash Pass isnt really in the budget, at best we could get like the lowest level. (does that include Maxxforce?)


I've been to the park many times but my friend has never been so the goal is to get at least one ride on all coasters plus a couple rerides on Goliath, Maxxforce, and Raging Bull.


Also, is there single rider lines on anything? I seem to remember one on Goliath?


Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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So I haven’t popped in this thread in a while. Are there actually rumors or any indication this park is actually going to convert one side of this coaster? Or are y’all just passing around the crack pipe?


Wasn't American Eagle missing in the rendering last year for Maxx Force? I believe that helped add fuel to the fire.


I've also heard a rumor American Eagle was possibly going to be RMCed, but they instead got Goliath since RMC was able to do something with the old plot where Iron Wolf resided.

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So I haven’t popped in this thread in a while. Are there actually rumors or any indication this park is actually going to convert one side of this coaster? Or are y’all just passing around the crack pipe?


Wasn't American Eagle missing in the rendering last year for Maxx Force? I believe that helped add fuel to the fire.


I've also heard a rumor American Eagle was possibly going to be RMCed, but they instead got Goliath since RMC was able to do something with the old plot where Iron Wolf resided.


Not a rumor. RMC was there to survey AE but when they brought them into the park they walked by the open plot of land where IW was. So Alan Schilke suggested they do a ground up coaster instead in that plot of land and wala...Goliath. AE then put on back burner.

Alan has talked about this when talking about Goliath.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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