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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't think words can sum up how I felt about yesterday, so maybe I will do an interpretive dance to the tune of Ice Ice Baby. You'll have to wait until next time to see it.


Jeremie did pwned everyone in the leaf fight. I should know, I became injured. Who knew leaves can hurt you.


Dan, please do come down and visit us during the summer!


Nathan, please bring Avery with you next time. I think she's my new kindred spirit!


I miss you guys already and can't wait until our next meet up. I really hope it's during the winter. Sledding anyone?

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Park Thoughts released that Six Flags Great America will be bringing back the holding brake for Vertical Velocity. I am very excited!








I am not sure how you quote from another site, but I think its worth the visit.


I loved the holding brake and I am glad it is coming back. But on steel venom, it wasn't any fun

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Confirmed? Where? If they post a source I'll believe it.


Not sure anyone noticed but V2 was in the midst of getting a fresh coat of paint. The station and queue were all freshly painted.


And I can tell you that nothing that would compete with IW is coming in 2010, but changes are coming for next year!

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I wouldn't mind if Great America had an off year. Some of the buildings could use some paint, and it would be nice if the park went around fixing the areas that need work. I've read good things about the Glow in the Dark Parade, o hopefully Great America's is just as good.


I hope that V2 rumor is true. The moment the holding brake does its job is still one of the scariest coaster moments IMO.

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That sounds like great news but I don't understand why they haven't or cannot do the same to V2 @ SFDK? Ever since the change it has not been used yet is still there. There should be no drawbacks to using it now and I would like to experience it as it sounds really fun. Have they just forgotten about it, are they trying to save money, what is the reason?

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About the SFDK holding brake....


Doesn't the cart not make it fully up the vertical spike? The front 2 or 4 rows usually are still curved while the others touch the brake? Maybe because the spike is too short to operate the brake.


I just realised (sp) that a holding brake on the twisted spike would be pretty awesome.

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No one knows the exact reason why they havn't been using the holding brake, but there are 2 theories.

1. It broke and they never got around to fixing it

2. It was very expensive to use the holding brake so they turned it off to save money


Funny thing is I was the lead at that unit of rides the year it stopped working. V2 was my ride and its not that its expensive to use the brake. It's broken!!! One day it was fine, there was a bad storm that night, the next day I come to work and not only was the brake not working, the whole ride was out of wack. (Theory when I was there was that it got struck by lightning). The break is nothing but a set of LIMs that fire in the reverse direction. Its expensive to fix and to get a crane up there to repair or replace it. To get the ride back up they had to reprogram the ride (I was sure it was temporary) so that the ride would by pass the holding break thus not screwing with the ride program cycle. Certain things take priority, you rather have a ride operational than not. I'm sure when they can factor the fix in the budget it will get taken care of but there are lots of things on the fix it list, and further more, its hard to just call up a company and expect them to have a crane big enough ready when ever u pick and choose. Just keep your fingers crossed.


I miss working there and my 123 family!!!! U know who you are.

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I sure hope this is true. When I rode it back when the brake was still used, the back tower was actually my favorite part of the ride. Does anybody else like V2 more than Wicked Twister? My head always got whipped to the side on the back tower of Wicked Twister, even when I tried bracing for it.

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No one knows the exact reason why they havn't been using the holding brake, but there are 2 theories.

1. It broke and they never got around to fixing it

2. It was very expensive to use the holding brake so they turned it off to save money


Funny thing is I was the lead at that unit of rides the year it stopped working. V2 was my ride and its not that its expensive to use the brake. It's broken!!! One day it was fine, there was a bad storm that night, the next day I come to work and not only was the brake not working, the whole ride was out of wack. (Theory when I was there was that it got struck by lightning). The break is nothing but a set of LIMs that fire in the reverse direction. Its expensive to fix and to get a crane up there to repair or replace it. To get the ride back up they had to reprogram the ride (I was sure it was temporary) so that the ride would by pass the holding break thus not screwing with the ride program cycle. Certain things take priority, you rather have a ride operational than not. I'm sure when they can factor the fix in the budget it will get taken care of but there are lots of things on the fix it list, and further more, its hard to just call up a company and expect them to have a crane big enough ready when ever u pick and choose. Just keep your fingers crossed.


I miss working there and my 123 family!!!! U know who you are.


Thank you, that actually, totally makes sense and it's good to know that it could still work and it's just a matter of when they fix it. Lightning can really jack things up.

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