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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Thanks! I just reported that to Google. For anyone else who wants to do so, his name is Manuel Lopez and that was posted about 2 months ago.

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. . . But for a park that is slowly starting to run out of room. . .


The park is not "running out of room." Whenever you think "Hmmm, this park is starting to run out of room" just remember Gröna Lund. . .


And in case you forgot what Gröna Lund looks like:





Therefore, "The park is running out of room" is never allowed to be an argument. . .

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. . . But for a park that is slowly starting to run out of room. . .


The park is not "running out of room." Whenever you think "Hmmm, this park is starting to run out of room" just remember Gröna Lund. . .


And in case you forgot what Gröna Lund looks like:



Therefore, "The park is running out of room" is never allowed to be an argument. . .


Holy crap... America would never give any park permission for that

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. . . But for a park that is slowly starting to run out of room. . .


The park is not "running out of room." Whenever you think "Hmmm, this park is starting to run out of room" just remember Gröna Lund. . .


Therefore, "The park is running out of room" is never allowed to be an argument. . .


Thank you! It drives me crazy when people attempt to bring up the space issue. It was also used as to why Goliath is so short: "they did as much as they could with the space." Wrong. They did as much as they could with the limited budget. Why not wait another year and build a full roller coaster ride? Six Flags doesn't do that anymore. Low capacity, trick or "contraption" coasters are what's happening now. Hey, I ain't complaining too much... we still have Whizzer!

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^ I know just that I wanted to remind everyone about in case anyone forgot. I don't really have a problem with it. Heck as of now I'm going with a group of 8. Me and 7 other friends. 4 of us have passed so 4 are getting in for free.

I edited my post just now.

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I have a question for the regulars? I'm a first time Gold pass holder (already purchased at Great Adventure) and I got the dining membership that came with the souvineer bottle. My question is do all the rides here have those holders for the bottles or will I have to get a locker for them?

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I have a question for the regulars? I'm a first time Gold pass holder (already purchased at Great Adventure) and I got the dining membership that came with the souvineer bottle. My question is do all the rides here have those holders for the bottles or will I have to get a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo for them?


I think the only time I've gotten a locker is at the waterpark. Can't think of a situation in the park that's required a locker.

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I have a question for the regulars? I'm a first time Gold pass holder (already purchased at Great Adventure) and I got the dining membership that came with the souvineer bottle. My question is do all the rides here have those holders for the bottles or will I have to get a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo for them?


I think the only time I've gotten a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo is at the waterpark. Can't think of a situation in the park that's required a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo.


You are correct, other than the Hurricane Harbor lockers are not required to store items unless you want to buy one which who really would?

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