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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I mean, JL does actually have a simulated loop in it...


So they say, and it was oh so thrilling that I do not remember it at all after riding it this summer. I had to look it up online earlier today to confirm it was even on the ride.

Were you paying attention? Right before the loop there's an audio cue that announces the loop, just so you don't miss that they have a loop.

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I mean, JL does actually have a simulated loop in it...


So they say, and it was oh so thrilling that I do not remember it at all after riding it this summer. I had to look it up online earlier today to confirm it was even on the ride.

Were you paying attention? Right before the loop there's an audio cue that announces the loop, just so you don't miss that they have a loop.


Yes, I was paying attention, thanks. Did you ever consider that audio cue was broken since the ride had major issues all summer? My wife does not remember it, nor do my two teenage daughters.

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^ That's exactly what my 6-year-old son just said when I asked him if he remembered the loop, so I guess we did experience it! Funny the youngen remembered it so well (though he loves the superhero stuff). We only rode it once, and it was over two months ago, so I guess the rest of us had forgotten about it.

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We were there on the 13th briefly. Did not know they were closing at 8 PM in the middle of August. Ridiculous. How many people are driving hundreds of miles to go there? They should be open til 10 pm minimum. I'd be absolutely shocked if Cedar Point closed anywhere near 8 PM. Line for Roaring Rapids was kinda short, near the bridge. Water was frigid. Log Jam was about 20 some minutes. Pretzelman's line was almost out the entrance, same with Batmans. Both seemed to shorten quite a bit by 6. Batman was then just about three rows full after the flash pass worker at 7. So about a 25 min wait. Never really got to see the other lines. Balloons and whirley gig were their usual volume(but the ride op seemed to set whirley gig's cycle to the shortest ride ever).


I'm half thinking to not buy the season passes next year and just use the money for a Cedar Point Trip. With this place it seems like May has 2 or 3 weeks of short lines and employees who don't know what they're doing yet, June is awesome the whole time, as well as the first half of July. After that it's all downhill. Maybe the first weekend of Fright Fest will have normal short lines this year. I like the midnight closings on Saturdays. Kinda goes against the park's usual philosophy of being closed as much as possible.

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Went on Saturday 8/22 mainly for the waterpark. Hurricane Harbor doesn't open 'till 11:30AM ....so what to do?


Walk back to be one of the first trains on Goliath. What's this? It's 10:20AM and they're letting passengers board? +1 Flag for opening 10 minutes early, Six Flags!

Goliath: This was my 3rd ride on this coaster. 2nd time in the back seat. It's smooth. It's tall. It's weird. Of course the first drop is fantastic, the airtime hill is outrageous, and the LOOOOONG zero g stall is something else. You hit the break run and ask yourself WTF just happened. Can't wait to ride Outlaw Run in 2 weeks. I have no problems with the restraints, and the crew was running at an acceptable pace.


Old invert vs Banshee talk:

With some time to kill before the waterpark, I took a spin on Batman since I hadn't been on an invert since Banshee last year. These rides kick ass, and I really like SFGAm's because of how the ride is so close to the trees and flies over the water in the second half of the ride. Forgot about that! I prefer the old restraints to the new restraints. Even though they ones on Banshee don't tighten anymore, I still like how the old OTSR's only touch my thighs. It gives me more freedom to move around. I also noticed how snappy Batman was - you really get whipped around the loops, around the turns. Which was a nice change of pace! But man I was seeing spots after the ride. Banshee is very fluid; still intense at parts, but doesn't have the whip that you feel on Batman. This isn't a positive or negative thing in my book, just noticed how they felt different.


Jo and I rode the Raging Rapids since we were already in bathing suits - WOW! What a nice rapids ride! I had never seen it or been on it before. There's some really solid theming in the tunnel, and it was all around a good ride. You do bump off of the walls and it seems like the ride is trying to throw you off the raft at some points. Seriously, hold in tight because this raft ride is wild! We all got soaked and the water was pretty cold, altough it wasn't too hot at 11am.


Hurricane Harbor:

Best waterpark I've been to. It's new, it's clean, it's colorful, the sand is clean and authentic, and the music/environment is welcoming and relaxing. The flowers could use a spruce up, but wow I was really impressed with the quality and upkeep of the park overall. What a fantastic waterpark.


Slides - there are too many to count. The one thing I did notice is that there isn't the standard open air body slide. If you're someone who doesn't like tube or enclosed slides, you might have slim pickin's here.

Wahoo Racers - Standard proslide 6 lane mat racer with a double drop. Great airtime, I came flying down in first place!

Bahama Mama/Bubba Tuba or something - Family raft ride, but one side you are only allowed 2 riders? We went on the one with the double drop and you come flying out and have to skid to a stop on the pavement. Crazy!!!

Tube slides - Between the 2 bowl sides, I believe there are 6-8 other single or double tube slides. Wow. What a variety.

Skull Island - It's a massive water play ground, not just for kids. There are two tall body slides connected (they were closed for some reason during my visit) And of course the massive water bucket attracts a crowd.

Wipeout - It's the Proslide Tantrum. I don't get it. You don't go up the sides of the mini funnels at all. The water pushes you the other way so you don't ride up the side like the Tornado does. WTF?


Let's all take a minute to bask in the glory of the drop-pod slides. Yes. That was incredible. I can't imagine how great Dive Bomber at Kentucky Kingdom is. Wow. The purest sensation of freefall. I actually got nervous for the ride and I came off the ride shaking and laughing hystarically. What an ingenious creation. Must do for those who love airtime. If you're scared, seriously suck it up and try it. You'll be impressed with yourself and Proslide.


Also, shout out to the lazy river. It took about...20 minutes to cruise around. How great is that? Once again - overall a beautiful waterpark, everything is clean and fresh. I didn't even ride half the slides in the hours I was there, too! There is so much to do. The only thing they're missing is water coaster/rocket slide and some classic open air body slides. I'm sure they'll be added sooner than later.


Wait times weren't that bad either. Went 11:30-3. Rode everything 11:30-2 and laid out for an hour.



My body is ready




Great views from the waterpark!

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We were there on the 13th briefly. Did not know they were closing at 8 PM in the middle of August. Ridiculous. How many people are driving hundreds of miles to go there? They should be open til 10 pm minimum. I'd be absolutely shocked if Cedar Point closed anywhere near 8 PM.


Funny you mention that, as CP actually does close at 8:00 tonight, and the rest of this week and next, M-Th!

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We were there on the 13th briefly. Did not know they were closing at 8 PM in the middle of August. Ridiculous. How many people are driving hundreds of miles to go there? They should be open til 10 pm minimum. I'd be absolutely shocked if Cedar Point closed anywhere near 8 PM.


Funny you mention that, as CP actually does close at 8:00 tonight, and the rest of this week and next, M-Th!


I was at Seabreeze last night until 10pm and also Canobie the other night until 10pm. Both park pass Six Flags by miles in terms of operations. I would even say the amount of pure FUN one can have at these places is many fold that of a SF park. Great America and other SF parks used to be open until 10 in August... but now they figure everone has a cheap season pass. uck.


"But it's a buziness!"

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Cedar Point is closing at 8pm because of low crowds this week and next week. Schools are back in session so their attendance now consists almost entirely of Michigan residents, residents of upstate new york and people without kids. Kings Island and Carowinds are actually closed this week but Cedar Point always holds on until Labor Day and thanks to their "Michigan Days" promotions they do alright for themselves.


Is school in session around Great America? If so that would explain it.

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Still think it's a coaster. One woman made a loop with her finger, and another made a dip with her arm like a coaster drop. I think all the JL characters have been a big red herring so people think it's the dark ride. Think it's Joker-themed.

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Still think it's a coaster. One woman made a loop with her finger, and another made a dip with her arm like a coaster drop.


I think it is a coaster as well. Especially after watching that video. I noticed the same things you pointed out about the actions of the ladies. Maybe they are just trying to play a joke on us? Also, the blue piece of paper said "New Capital 2016" . . . Anyone have any idea what that could mean?!

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Another thing to note, one lady is holding a shovel from the Goliath groundbreaking (they had 4 shovels for worlds, fastest, steepest, and tallest). Could this mean it's a record breaker. And maybe that record could be most inversions in the US (10 if they get a ten inversion freefly model)

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