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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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The more footage I see of JL, the more I wouldn't mind seeing it at the park. As long as it doesn't mess with SWT


Having ridden it at SFSTl, I think it would be a great addition. The two concerns I have are the capacity and the reliability.

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SFGAmWorld user great american fan just reported that there is an excavator inside SWAT tearing down Operation Spy Girl's set. He says the entrance to swat is blocked off by ten feet with a "please pardon our dust" sign.


Pictures of deconstruction:




EDIT: According to JiggidyNDG on facebook, the only thing remaining in SWAT is the Volcano!

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We were there on Monday and it was also packed. We got fast passes, but the rides kept getting shut down due to 'lightning in the area'. We were there maybe 6-7 hrs and I would say all rides were shut down at least 2-3 hrs total. The first time was an hour an a half at least. Without the flash pass, we probably wouldn't have been able to ride Raging Bull or X-Flight. So that takes the sting out a little. The rides were shut down a second time and after another hour of waiting we gave up and left around 515 or so. As we turned in the fast passes (along with just about everyone else it seemed), we heard a woman arguing she didn't even get to use the flash passes because of the weather, and I kind of wanted to stick around to see if they'd refund her $$ but I was just so hot and sweaty and the kids were so damn cranky. That's the very expensive chance you take unfortunately when getting a fast pass.


I'm still bummed because I have yet to ride Goliath. The line was crazy even while the rides were down. I just can't wait longer than an hour when it's so hot.


We had just gotten back from Cedar Point a couple days prior and I hate to say it, but I liked it there so much more.

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We had just gotten back from Cedar Point a couple days prior and I hate to say it, but I liked it there so much more.


I love our home park, but CP does double the capacity on similar rides and is much more of a 'fun to hang out at' park.

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I see at least two more clear clothoid loops in the purple spraypaint, at separate spots. I continue to wonder if it is some inverting ride (coaster?), not the dark ride. None of these clues screams dark ride aside from some possible Justice League clues, but they could theme any ride to that.

Edited by ilrider
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According to the SFGAm Rumors Facebook, there was some kind of business meeting at JB's. Jim Reid and Hank Salemi were there.





These pictures are kind of creepy.


I got a feeling the gentleman in purple shirt and the gentleman to his right are from Sally Corp. I've met them before and they resemble them very much.

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ok so some people have wondered if the purple paint has any clues? In the video I did a screen shot and imported it to my Adobe Lightroom. I was able to make the purple really stand out. See for yourself.


Original photo


Color adjustment photo

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I mean, JL does actually have a simulated loop in it...


So they say, and it was oh so thrilling that I do not remember it at all after riding it this summer. I had to look it up online earlier today to confirm it was even on the ride.

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