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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I would tend to agree with you in that this tease likely points to a Justice League dark ride, however, I wouldn't entirely be surprised if it's a 4D coaster themed to superheroes.


Unfortunately, if this is a superhero themed ride in Southwest Territory, I would be disappointed at the placement or theming of the ride. Count me in the crowd that is getting annoyed at the management for completely ignoring the themed areas. What's the point of a THEME park if you don't follow your themes. Southwest Territory was the only area of the park that was still fairly well themed, but now...not as much.

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I would tend to agree with you in that this tease likely points to a Justice League dark ride, however, I wouldn't entirely be surprised if it's a 4D coaster themed to superheroes.


Unfortunately, if this is a superhero themed ride in Southwest Territory, I would be disappointed at the placement or theming of the ride. Count me in the crowd that is getting annoyed at the management for completely ignoring the themed areas. What's the point of a THEME park if you don't follow your themes. Southwest Territory was the only area of the park that was still fairly well themed, but now...not as much.


I think Carousel Plaza has done a good job of maintaining its theming Seriously though, I hoped that if they did put a 4D ride in the Southwest Ampitheater they would try to theme it sppropriately. But I guess Great America figured that since they had already ruined other areas in the park with superhero rides, why not just do it again? Six Flags really should have done what St. Louis did and established a DC Comics area where they could install any superhero/scooby doo rides they wanted without disrupting any other theming in the park. On another note, I thought that most of the concerts held at Great America were in the SWA. Will they move them to the Wilderness Theater now?

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Question for the locals and regular attendees of SFGAm... Given the park's inclement weather policies and practices, is it worth it still to go to the park on a day where there are scattered T-storms forecasted, and a 50% chance of rain? That is what I'm currently looking at for my planned trip out to the path on Wednesday... I really don't want to drive all the way out there, spend that money on gas, parking, and park entry, and end up having a waterlogged day where we're unable to do much. Last time I was at the park, a storm rolled through for about 45 minutes in the afternoon, but other than that it was dry, and we had lower crowds. Just looking for some thoughts/advice... Thanks!

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Question for the locals and regular attendees of SFGAm... Given the park's inclement weather policies and practices, is it worth it still to go to the park on a day where there are scattered T-storms forecasted, and a 50% chance of rain? That is what I'm currently looking at for my planned trip out to the path on Wednesday... I really don't want to drive all the way out there, spend that money on gas, parking, and park entry, and end up having a waterlogged day where we're unable to do much. Last time I was at the park, a storm rolled through for about 45 minutes in the afternoon, but other than that it was dry, and we had lower crowds. Just looking for some thoughts/advice... Thanks!


Hard to say. Lightning will close rides for awhile, of course, but if it's scattered, it will be hit or miss. They are pretty good about getting rides going again ASAP after a storm in my experience. Rain forecasts can scare away people sometimes, so if it did not rain much or at all, it could work to your benefit.


I will say that five days out, a weather forecast can change a lot. You will have a better idea of the forecast on Monday or Tuesday, if you can make a decision that last minute. Currently I am seeing a 40% chance of storms that day. You will just need to make an informed decision. We typically have lucked out with out of town parks with storms in the forecast, just getting one storm the day we were there--it's just pretty common with the heat of summer.

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The search light screams Batman, and the purple hints at Joker, so today's' clues point to Justice League.


Do the Os at the end in the "Coming Soon" text look like coaster loops to anyone else? Took me four views to think of that, but found it interesting,

Edited by ilrider
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The search light screams Batman, and the purple hints at Joker, so today's' clues point to Justice League.


Do the Os at the end in the "Coming Soon" text look like coaster loops to anyone else? Took me four views to think of that, but found it interesting,


I found the Os a little strange as well, but my bets are still on JL: BFM.


If it really is, it surprises me that Six Flags would install more of these considering that the St Louis model is still ironing out issues. But from what I've heard the Texas model has had a lot less downtime. I'm sure that the issues will all be resolved by next season though. The folks at Sally are really good with adjustments and fine tuning.

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What's in the video description also seems noteworthy: "The road to #SFGAM2016 has begun! Can you figure out what we are up to? You may think you know...but we're not so sure you do." Which tells me that maybe it's NOT the most obvious thing (the Justice League dark ride)...

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The search light screams Batman, and the purple hints at Joker, so today's' clues point to Justice League.


Do the Os at the end in the "Coming Soon" text look like coaster loops to anyone else? Took me four views to think of that, but found it interesting,


I found the Os a little strange as well, but my bets are still on JL: BFM.


If it really is, it surprises me that Six Flags would install more of these considering that the St Louis model is still ironing out issues. But from what I've heard the Texas model has had a lot less downtime. I'm sure that the issues will all be resolved by next season though. The folks at Sally are really good with adjustments and fine tuning.


The Os are very much Joker style writing except for those weird lines at the bottom. I had been predicting JL: BFM for our park all year, and even earlier tonight, with the first clue, but now I am keeping an open mind after this video.


^That is a good catch. I think we may be very surprised.

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If this does turn out to be a JLBFM clone, you guys better get ready to have 3-4 hour lines all day long. I mean, at SFSTL, where lines for the coasters rarely go over half an hour, JL constantly has 1-2 hour waits.


Then again, maybe you'll get a single rider line with your version... For some reason SFSTL doesn't have one.

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If this does turn out to be a JLBFM clone, you guys better get ready to have 3-4 hour lines all day long. I mean, at SFSTL, where lines for the coasters rarely go over half an hour, JL constantly has 1-2 hour waits.


Then again, maybe you'll get a single rider line with your version... For some reason SFSTL doesn't have one.

Seriously? The line for JLBFM was never longer than half an hour during my SFOT visit.

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If this does turn out to be a JLBFM clone, you guys better get ready to have 3-4 hour lines all day long. I mean, at SFSTL, where lines for the coasters rarely go over half an hour, JL constantly has 1-2 hour waits.


Then again, maybe you'll get a single rider line with your version... For some reason SFSTL doesn't have one.

Seriously? The line for JLBFM was never longer than half an hour during my SFOT visit.

When did you go to SFOT?


Every time I've been (days where Titan and NTaG are walk-ons), JLBFM has had waits of up to 90 minutes.

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Question for the locals and regular attendees of SFGAm... Given the park's inclement weather policies and practices, is it worth it still to go to the park on a day where there are scattered T-storms forecasted, and a 50% chance of rain? That is what I'm currently looking at for my planned trip out to the path on Wednesday... I really don't want to drive all the way out there, spend that money on gas, parking, and park entry, and end up having a waterlogged day where we're unable to do much. Last time I was at the park, a storm rolled through for about 45 minutes in the afternoon, but other than that it was dry, and we had lower crowds. Just looking for some thoughts/advice... Thanks!


Hard to say. Lightning will close rides for awhile, of course, but if it's scattered, it will be hit or miss. They are pretty good about getting rides going again ASAP after a storm in my experience. Rain forecasts can scare away people sometimes, so if it did not rain much or at all, it could work to your benefit.


I will say that five days out, a weather forecast can change a lot. You will have a better idea of the forecast on Monday or Tuesday, if you can make a decision that last minute. Currently I am seeing a 40% chance of storms that day. You will just need to make an informed decision. We typically have lucked out with out of town parks with storms in the forecast, just getting one storm the day we were there--it's just pretty common with the heat of summer.


Thanks for the feedback! I think we're going to do that: just wait for Monday, and decide then whether we're going to come out now, or postpone the trip.


BTW, what are crowds life for Fright Nights at GAm? I know Holloweekends at Cedar Point often get quite unwieldy!

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Question for the locals and regular attendees of SFGAm... Given the park's inclement weather policies and practices, is it worth it still to go to the park on a day where there are scattered T-storms forecasted, and a 50% chance of rain? That is what I'm currently looking at for my planned trip out to the path on Wednesday... I really don't want to drive all the way out there, spend that money on gas, parking, and park entry, and end up having a waterlogged day where we're unable to do much. Last time I was at the park, a storm rolled through for about 45 minutes in the afternoon, but other than that it was dry, and we had lower crowds. Just looking for some thoughts/advice... Thanks!


Hard to say. Lightning will close rides for awhile, of course, but if it's scattered, it will be hit or miss. They are pretty good about getting rides going again ASAP after a storm in my experience. Rain forecasts can scare away people sometimes, so if it did not rain much or at all, it could work to your benefit.


I will say that five days out, a weather forecast can change a lot. You will have a better idea of the forecast on Monday or Tuesday, if you can make a decision that last minute. Currently I am seeing a 40% chance of storms that day. You will just need to make an informed decision. We typically have lucked out with out of town parks with storms in the forecast, just getting one storm the day we were there--it's just pretty common with the heat of summer.


Thanks for the feedback! I think we're going to do that: just wait for Monday, and decide then whether we're going to come out now, or postpone the trip.


BTW, what are crowds life for Fright Nights at GAm? I know Holloweekends at Cedar Point often get quite unwieldy!


If the weather is warm Fright Fest is very busy, and you don't have Hurricane Harbor open to ease the crowds on rides. Sundays are a little better than Saturdays, especially in the morning.

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If this does turn out to be a JLBFM clone, you guys better get ready to have 3-4 hour lines all day long. I mean, at SFSTL, where lines for the coasters rarely go over half an hour, JL constantly has 1-2 hour waits.


Then again, maybe you'll get a single rider line with your version... For some reason SFSTL doesn't have one.

Seriously? The line for JLBFM was never longer than half an hour during my SFOT visit.

I've never seen the line for the SFSTL version any less than 1 hour.

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If this does turn out to be a JLBFM clone, you guys better get ready to have 3-4 hour lines all day long. I mean, at SFSTL, where lines for the coasters rarely go over half an hour, JL constantly has 1-2 hour waits.


Then again, maybe you'll get a single rider line with your version... For some reason SFSTL doesn't have one.

Seriously? The line for JLBFM was never longer than half an hour during my SFOT visit.

When did you go to SFOT?


Every time I've been (days where Titan and NTaG are walk-ons), JLBFM has had waits of up to 90 minutes.

I went on a Friday about two weeks ago. All the major rollercoasters were about an hour long give or take but JLBFM didn't seem to have much of a line.

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The video teaser focused solely on Batman and Joker, there were no hints regarding any of the other Justice League characters from what I gathered. So I'm not fully convinced this is for a dark ride just yet.


Plus didn't Six Flags send out a survey several weeks back where a Batman vs. Joker roller coaster was mentioned? Maybe this is some type of dueling/racing launched coaster? Which would make sense considering American Eagle was pictured.

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If this does turn out to be a JLBFM clone, you guys better get ready to have 3-4 hour lines all day long. I mean, at SFSTL, where lines for the coasters rarely go over half an hour, JL constantly has 1-2 hour waits.


Then again, maybe you'll get a single rider line with your version... For some reason SFSTL doesn't have one.

Seriously? The line for JLBFM was never longer than half an hour during my SFOT visit.

When did you go to SFOT?


Every time I've been (days where Titan and NTaG are walk-ons), JLBFM has had waits of up to 90 minutes.

I went on a Friday about two weeks ago. All the major rollercoasters were about an hour long give or take but JLBFM didn't seem to have much of a line.

For me it was the opposite, mostly walk-on with the coasters but ridiculous waits for JL.

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