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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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So it looks like Six Flags accidently leaked the first paragraph of their press release:


Six Flags Great America to Celebrate 40 Seasons in 2015

A Look-Back on the Evolution of a True Americana Theme Park

Gurnee, Ill. — August 28, 2014 — Six Flags Great America is excited to announce a celebration of 40 seasons of thrills in 2015. Built on a $50 million dollar investment, thousands workers and countless details, Great America embodied the country’s bicentennial with classic Americana themed territories. Join us as we look back at guests’ favorite shows, classic rides, plus weekly festivals of our world-class roller coasters.

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So it looks like Six Flags accidently leaked the first paragraph of their press release:


Six Flags Great America to Celebrate 40 Seasons in 2015

A Look-Back on the Evolution of a True Americana Theme Park

Gurnee, Ill. — August 28, 2014 — Six Flags Great America is excited to announce a celebration of 40 seasons of thrills in 2015. Built on a $50 million dollar investment, thousands workers and countless details, Great America embodied the country’s bicentennial with classic Americana themed territories. Join us as we look back at guests’ favorite shows, classic rides, plus weekly festivals of our world-class roller coasters.


So in other words, they're not getting jack squat.

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So it looks like Six Flags accidently leaked the first paragraph of their press release:


Six Flags Great America to Celebrate 40 Seasons in 2015

A Look-Back on the Evolution of a True Americana Theme Park

Gurnee, Ill. — August 28, 2014 — Six Flags Great America is excited to announce a celebration of 40 seasons of thrills in 2015. Built on a $50 million dollar investment, thousands workers and countless details, Great America embodied the country’s bicentennial with classic Americana themed territories. Join us as we look back at guests’ favorite shows, classic rides, plus weekly festivals of our world-class roller coasters.


So in other words, they're not getting jack squat.

Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, the park's gotten two pretty awesome coasters in three years. And Kings Dominion did a 40 year anniversary celebration that was VERY well received, so this could be a great thing for the park.

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^ I saw replies to the video on twitter saying that they say something that looks like coaster track behind the guy announcing or whatever.. Doesn't connect to the '40 Seasons'


I disagree. It looks to me like a Six Flags logo over an old Marriott Great America Logo. I'm guessing it's going to be a "40 Seasons" logo. If there's coaster track back there too, it's probably just because that's the background picture of the park they used.



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I agree that it looks like a mashup of old/new logos.


Wonder if they're leaning on Steven, the guy who runs greatamericaparks.com, at all for gathering/documenting stuff to celebrate 40? I honestly don't know how good their in-house archiving has been over the years.


I must admit that I'm eager to hear what they're going to do. Restoring Hometown Square back to it's original form would be great - and the idea of returning some of the kiddie-type rides to the area is awesome, and thoughts of pulling the old Ameri-Go-Round and getting it running to celebrate 40 are all certainly intriguing!


With the removal of the ropes course, you have to assume "something" is going in there...right? Or is this something as simple as an outside vendor's contract running out (I don't know if this upcharge was a Six Flags owned operation or something an outside vendor was running).

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The amount of awesome that would be them ordering up a new age Sky Whirl would be off the charts. I've oft times wondered what Intamin/whomever would do, with today's technology, if asked to build a triple wheel?


Glad to hear that those two areas are being spruced up, and that a few of the kiddie rides are coming back (I guess that's what'll be going in the ropes course's old spot...?


Will be fun to see just how detailed they get - I have some faith that we'll be surprised with some of the attention to detail.

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Join Six Flags Great America as we celebrate 40 seasons of thrills in 2015, honoring the park’s history and applauding its growth. This season will see many new projects and events throughout the park. Namely the return of classic kiddie rides, a weekly event highlighting one of our world-class rides, and the refreshing of the Carousel Plaza and Hometown Square areas of the park.




Great America opened in 1976 in honor of the bi-centennial and to celebrate rich American history. Over the years, Six Flags Great America has evolved greatly, striving to create lasting memories for families.


From its conception in the 70s through today, Six Flags Great America has always pushed the envelope in thrills, entertainment and innovation. This park has seen 40 incredible seasons providing memories for millions of families. These memories live on for generations to return and pass on to their children. Join us in 2015, as we commemorate our 40 seasons at Six Flags Great America.


40th season celebration

Complete refresh of the Carousel Plaza and Hometown Square sections

Coaster celebrations

In-park festivities and weekly events

Restoration of three original chiildren's rides

Tots Livery Surrey Carriages

Red Baron Airplanes

Lady Bugs


Six Flags Great America today includes:


80 rides, slides and attractions

100 acres of fun

20-acre water park

Home to Goliath, the world's tallest, steepest and fastest wooden roller coaster!


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Glad to hear that those two areas are being spruced up, and that a few of the kiddie rides are coming back (I guess that's what'll be going in the ropes course's old spot...?


They haven't officially said this (maybe at the event today?) but it makes massive amounts of sense for them to be going in the old Hometown Park area (where I believe they were originally) - It's covered up now by a basketball game, but you can see from overhead maps that all the ride pads are still there. And they keep going on and on about Hometown Square, which is where those rides would be, so it doesn't make any sense to put them in County Fair.

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I rode the Red Baron and the Lady Bugs as a kid. It's nice to see these come back. I'm happy the announcement wasn't for Ignite 2: Electric Boogaloo. Them saving money at this park can only (hopefully) mean something big in 2016. Let's hope for an RMC retooling of the Anerican Eagle!

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Yeah, it really isn't much, but the park did just get Goliath, so this event is perfect for the park. Bringing back some of the original rides from the park will bring back some charm from Great America's early years, and I don't think adding charm to a park is a bad thing at all.

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What type of crowds should I expect during weekends in September?


Well, first thing to keep in mind is that they're only open the 6th and 7th, then they're closed until Fright Fest starts on the 27th. In my past experience, that last weekend of normal operation is usually pretty dead (at least compared to Fright Fest). I would expect the first weekend of Fright Fest to probably be busier, but less crowded than later in Fright Fest would be.


This is good to know. For those attending in October, it is NUTS the Sunday before Columbus Day. Most rides were over 2 hour waits. I think Raging Bull was at least a 3 hour wait. We had the Gold Flash Pass and still had over 1 hour waits for most rides.

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