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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Nice pictures. It's interesting to see that, on the storage track, it sits on its upstop wheels like el toro.

Maybe outlaw run also does but, if so, I hadn't noticed it.

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Hey, I'm in the picture of the first train. It truly is a great ride. Not as out of control as Outlaw Run, but it has some great elements.


I've gotten rides in the back and the middle and they are very different experiences. I actually thought that the middle was more intense than the back. You really get snapped into the zero g stall which is such a great element. Unlike anything I've ridden before.

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The train exited the dive loop and on its way up into the zero g stall poly started ripping off of a wheel which made an extremely loud noise. When the train returned to the brake run one of the cars was bouncing like a wheel was lopsided. They moved the train to the transfer track and lowered it for repairs.

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So, is this going to be an ongoing problem, with the coaster shredding wheels? Was it just a bad wheel? It is a potential safety issue, with riders getting hit with pieces of the wheel, not to mention will cause downtime for the ride. Are steel wheels the solution?

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