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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I can understand not knowing exactly how much stress a certain element puts on the train until you build it and test it. I do not understand not knowing how far away a support beam will be from the track until you build it and whoops, not enough space. I wasn't under the impression anything to do with coaster construction nowadays is "eye-balled".

yeah, hard to believe that something as basic as clearance could be messed up. not confidence inspiring.

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Someone I know well has an uncle who has been working on Goliath as a local contractor, so he has been feeding me updates, and he told me today in his uncle's words, "Nothing is going right" after that first test run. He did not offer any specifics, but he did say his uncle does not (and I am paraphrasing) have good things to say about the RMC faction of the construction crew right now.

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Someone I know well has an uncle who has been working on Goliath as a local contractor, so he has been feeding me updates, and he told me today in his uncle's words, "Nothing is going right" after that first test run. He did not offer any specifics, but he did say his uncle does not (and I am paraphrasing) have good things to say about the RMC faction of the construction crew right now.


I work on major projects where he hire outside contractors. Can confirm: The other contractors labor are crap. They always are.

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Im studying to be an engineer and it looks safe from my initial view. The piece they cut and replaced with a smaller beam is more there of a brace and to take some of the load off the beam that actually holds the track. Should be perfectly structurally sound based on my observation, don't see why it wouldn't be.

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discount tickets:


^ Coke cans. Or join Club TPR.


Hi, i don't live in an area where we get those coke cans, in fact i live in canada. ( crack smoking mayor yes, but no 6 flags coke cans) Is there some code on the bottom of a coke can you type in? if so can somebody let me know what it is or email it to me?


Just go to SixFlags.com to get a ticket online and use the promo code "COKE," and you'll save up to $21. If you bring a Coke can to the park, it'll just save you $15.

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Has the ride done anymore testing? It seems strange that there has only been one test run, so far.

A friend of mine was at the park most of yesterday. No test runs as of 4pm or so. He said they did roll the train back into the station from the transfer track around 4 or so but figured that was to get it out of the weather that might me coming later. Other than that, quite a bit of activity on various parts of the layout throughout the day.

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This question is a bit off topic from the Goliath conversations, but I'll likely be visiting Six Flags Great America on Monday, August 11th. How bad should I expect the lines to be? Last year, I visited on Monday, July 29th, and the shortest line I waited in all day was about 30 minutes for V2, and the longest line was 90 minutes for Superman: Ultimate Flight (which should have been shorter; it was down for ~15 minutes). I'm hoping it will be a little less busy, but you SFGAm locals know more about the park than I do. Would you recommend me getting a Flash Pass, and if so, which level should it be? I should be able to ride Goliath plenty of times because of the Single Rider line, but the other coasters don't have one. Any input is appreciated.

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This question is a bit off topic from the Goliath conversations, but I'll likely be visiting Six Flags Great America on Monday, August 11th. How bad should I expect the lines to be? Last year, I visited on Monday, July 29th, and the shortest line I waited in all day was about 30 minutes for V2, and the longest line was 90 minutes for Superman: Ultimate Flight (which should have been shorter; it was down for ~15 minutes). I'm hoping it will be a little less busy, but you SFGAm locals know more about the park than I do. Would you recommend me getting a Flash Pass, and if so, which level should it be? I should be able to ride Goliath plenty of times because of the Single Rider line, but the other coasters don't have one. Any input is appreciated.

I honestly wouldn't recommend getting a flash pass for the 11th. Normally Mondays are a little less busy and also some of the children will be returning to school around then.

Also, when entering the park, most people choose to go to the right into Hometown Square, but I would suggest going to the left, into Orleans Place and it will be less crowded and it will allow tou get some rides in before people make it around the park.

Just my thoughts.

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I'm not an engineer (disclaimer because some people are oversensitive regarding that) but I don't understand mistakes such as these when the computer design software is more advanced than ever. You'd think in the 2-3 years it takes to design these things a glaring flaw would be detected..


Then again this is minor compared to the many flubs say a company like Intamin has done (another disclaimer, I love Intamin rides)

Computers are just tools, no matter how advanced they are, an engineering team cannot fully rely on them. Given that Goliath is a wooden coaster and RMC is using a more traditional style structure to support a massive overbanked turn, even though such issue occurred on NTaG before, I think it is still reasonable. Plus, it's not like they are tearing down the whole thing, adding a small wood beam is just a minor modification.

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About the noise from the wheels squeaking. Outlaw Run makes the same noise. It's just the ride is going so fast and the up-stop wheels catch making that noise. I doubt the noise will go away but you won't notice when your on the awesome coaster. I'm not sure why anyone previously would say they might get disappointed by this coaster. Sure it might end up short but every second will be great. RMC is like the Pixar of coasters right now. I haven't been let down once and I doubt Goliath or Medusa will be that let down. Goliath will open soon and everyone will forget all the delays. I'm just glad it's not Intamin building this because we would have all the Intamin haters come out.

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RMC is like the Pixar of coasters right now. I haven't been let down once and I doubt Goliath or Medusa will be that let down.


So how long will it be till we get their version Brave (not terrible but not as good as what we'd become accustomed to) or Cars 2 (shameless cash grab)?

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About the noise from the wheels squeaking. Outlaw Run makes the same noise. It's just the ride is going so fast and the up-stop wheels catch making that noise. I doubt the noise will go away but you won't notice when your on the awesome coaster.


I think the strange (cool!) noise comes from the yaw action of the nylon wheels twisting over the metal track. With steel wheels, you would get a high pitch squealing (or "screaming") coming from the track (especially when the track isn't greased well; as evidenced by many a woodie.) I would assume Goliath's noisy areas will get a little grease/graphite (or whatever-they-use-now), as to not tear up the wheels. But I could be wrong.

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