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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Wow, that zero G stall is going to be amazing/weird! Now I see why they call it a "stall." I realize it will probably go a bit faster through it with a full train and after more testing.


Thanks so much for posting the video. Yes, it is pretty much impossible to get the full circuit on video due to the trees, but I am sure people will post more vids of different spots on the ride in coming days.


Think I have to go to the park tomorrow to see this!

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That drop...... WOW! Your going to fly out of your seat in that back car. Even though the car will be moving quicker with people, I think the POV footage from September last year really gives a good impression that -------- there's going to be some "sick", "rad", "totally cool" hang time on that zero-g-stall.

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Man, that first run has to be incredibly gratifying for the construction crew still there...right? I assume the group photo the other day was right before some of the guys headed back west, I just wonder how many will still be around when they start putting people on those trains.


Seeing that stall in action really does make you realize JUST how insane this coaster is (seeing it in the animation is one thing, real life??!? WOW!)

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Just watching the test run makes me want to ride it more. Is the construction crew done now? Or are they going to be there through the testing process to?


I would imagine that the crew would stick around for testing, just to work out any "kinks" the ride may have. I know the ride will have to run for awhile before the state can sign off and before anyone can set foot in the train.

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Just watching the test run makes me want to ride it more. Is the construction crew done now? Or are they going to be there through the testing process to?


I would imagine that the crew would stick around for testing, just to work out any "kinks" the ride may have. I know the ride will have to run for awhile before the state can sign off and before anyone can set foot in the train.

They still have to put up a support for the zero-g stall and they have to finish the last section of lift hill stairs.

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Am I the only one that thinks people are going to be disappointed? Gosh I hope I'm wrong but I think most people's hype is based off the big drop and zero G. Doesn't seem to be much substance other than that.

Sorry, I am being a negative nellie!

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Am I the only one that thinks people are going to be disappointed? Gosh I hope I'm wrong but I think most people's hype is based off the big drop and zero G. Doesn't seem to be much substance other than that.

Sorry, I am being a negative nellie!

I see your points. I agree with the fact that it doesn't seem to offer much from a point of view, however it is all about the way it rides. Think each and every element of the coaster is probably going to be powerful, I'd rather have 6 powerful elements, as on Goliath, than some good some boring elements.

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