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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I went to the park today but the usual wait time for any ride today was about an 45-hour. We go to ride X-flight first smooth as always we rode the left side. Then we rode demon and I almost lost my cell phone, it fell out of my pocket midway through the ride caught it mid air. Then we rode American eagle, that hade to be the worst roller coaster I rode today I it my head of the head rest and blacked out towards the end of the ride. Ten we rode batman we got the last train that was the best ride of the day even though I had the head ache from American eagle. To finish of the day we rode the Indoor batman and finished with Superman Ultimate Flight. Ten I bought a goliath shirt earlier on the day an I got the "golden Ticket" to ride goliath Sunday June 1 from 12-2 in the morning.

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Small observation I had from today is that batman desperately needs a power wash and paint there are sizable chunks of paint coming off and the entire track not supports looks very grimy. Also they still don't have the wheel covers on which ruins the aesthetic of the ride slightly, they were sitting in the transfer are all neat and clean.

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Okay, is it just me, or do the colors on Goliaths drop seem to alternate. I even tried to zoom in, and the track seems to line up perfectly... Am I the only one seeing this?


It's just the ends of the track segments which are not painted.


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They are working sundays now, and they worked until 8:30 last night. I also read on sfgamworld that crews are getting there at 3:30 am now. I am not sure of the credibility of the claim but I have finally stopped worrying about the timeline for this attraction's opening. They have not pushed back media day and they are giving the general public exclusive ride time tickets with the purchase of any goliath merchandise. People are getting tickets with two hour windows of unlimited rides, like 12am-2am, for example, on June 1st. So the official opening is the second or third, depending on if they have a season passholder preview day or not. And since the ERT times are all night long, as we have known already because Club TPR members had the option to sign up for an event that starts at 3:30 am, they will be able and the certainly will be testing 24/7 once the ride is ready for testing. If they are willing to run the ride with screaming passengers in the middle of the night, they will certainly be able to run it with silent water dummies.

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I was looking to go to Great America this week but I'm hearing I can't buy flash passes until this weekend. Its quite a drive for me so we only go if we can get some Flash Pass action. Do you even need one at this point in the year anyway? I just don't want to be stuck in long lines with kids on school trips. Anyone been there within the last week?



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I was looking to go to Great America this week but I'm hearing I can't buy flash passes until this weekend. Its quite a drive for me so we only go if we can get some Flash Pass action. Do you even need one at this point in the year anyway? I just don't want to be stuck in long lines with kids on school trips. Anyone been there within the last week?




Last Wednesday I heard there was no one there except a few school buses. Apparently the longest line someone waited in was X-Flight and was just under 10 minutes because the dispatch was slow. I'm going this Wednesday and I'm hoping there's not too many buses. This will probably be the least busiest week day for the rest of the year until maybe late August.

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None of the area's school districts are on summer vacation yet, and with the late spring, i doubt anyone realizes its even open.


That's good to hear. Most schools in my district finished last week or finish this week but I wasn't sure about the Gurnee/northern Chicagoland schools. Sounds like this Wednesday or Thursday may be the best days to go for quite a while.

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Wow, looks like they have just a section or two of lift track left to complete the lift/drop track (obviously they still need to fill then finish the topper).


Do we know about what kind of lighting they are putting on this thing, btw?


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^^They'll probably just have a few lights on the catwalk that will light up at night. I believe this is also required in case they need to evacuate a train on the lift while it's dark out.


Update: It's 7:10 and they're still out there working. I have a feeling they will be staying late the remainder of this week and next to finish this up.


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