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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Interesting... I thought it would make more sense to put the rest in one piece as that bit will look kind of unsupported once the crane goes away, but I'm sure they know what they're doing.


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^The right crane will probably be used to stabilize the crown while the left crane installs the final section(s). Typical practice in roller coaster construction.


That drop is going to be utterly insane in the membrane. I wonder how it'll compare to El Toro's, considering this is straight off the lift whereas ET picks up some speed in the turnaround.


Hardly though, since they slowed it down a few years ago. No more speed than a lift can give you! (Unless you count Iron Rattler or Goliath/Titan...those things slow to a crawl!)


It's more efficient if the speed is low because the train can reach a steeper vertical angle within the vertical clearance.

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Is there any news on rides running backwards this year?

I would think that aside from the semi-regular American Eagle Backwards Blue, that's a gimmick best saved for the years without much of anything in terms of expansion, like 2013's The Desolation of Hometown Square nightly musical.

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From that angle it looks like the drop get very steep very quickly, similar to El Toro, which contributes to the airtime on the first drop. It's interesting that this is mainly seen on the newer, extreme wooden coasters. B&M hypers, MF and I-305 drop relatively gradually. It takes them longer to reach the maximum descent angle, taking away from the whip over the drop experienced on El Toro. Curious to hear how this drop compares, given its a chain lift, unlike the gigas and El Toro.

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From that angle it looks like the drop get very steep very quickly, similar to El Toro, which contributes to the airtime on the first drop. It's interesting that this is mainly seen on the newer, extreme wooden coasters. B&M hypers, MF and I-305 drop relatively gradually. It takes them longer to reach the maximum descent angle, taking away from the whip over the drop experienced on El Toro. Curious to hear how this drop compares, given its a chain lift, unlike the gigas and El Toro.


They're designed differently to intentionally give different ride experiences. MF & I305 become g steeper and steeper the farther you drop. Creating that extra sense of thrill (a never-ending drop). As opposed to being whipped over the top with a standard free-fall that seems less intense due to former.


Goliath's drop will be similar to traditional RCM drops (NTG, iRAT) - wheres the backseat might provide a good whip.

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