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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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That top to the tunnel looks cool - just hope there is more so light will be blocked completely. Either way, I glad Six Flags took time to create a tunnel for the coaster.

I was thinking it would be a "bonus round" if the transfer track at the end failed and fell down.

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got there yesterday about 3:35. Ended up getting in Screams and Dreams, Pretzelman, and the Balloons before the storms hit. Pass processing wasn't long at all. Whizzer had a pretty decent line so we left for S&D in case it rained and we missed both. Pretzelman was about 20 min wait. Think I rode it twice last year so we made it a priority today. The pretzel loop is a great element, then it just sucks after that. They did a test run on Viper after the rain stopped around 6:30, but I didn't see any other runs after that so maybe they never reopened the rides after the rain hit. Most people were leaving when we got there. I only took pics of Goliath from a distance. Great America, to me, is the best place in this area by far, so just being able to go back was exciting enough that I didn't rush to go look at Goliath closer in the rain. It's still easy for me to get preoccupied with everything between Goliath and Pretzelman. I could go there just about every day and never get bored. I'm halfway hoping Goliath sucks people away from the other rides. But it could turn out that Golaith draws Fright Fest October type crowds all the time.

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That top to the tunnel looks cool - just hope there is more so light will be blocked completely. Either way, I glad Six Flags took time to create a tunnel for the coaster.

I was thinking it would be a "bonus round" if the transfer track at the end failed and fell down.



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The construction crew has got a lot of work done in the last few days. Just curious if any one thinks they will be on time.


As of yesterday, the park is still saying they'll be done on time. Until that changes, I don't see any reason to think they won't.

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They have to have a special transfer track and train storage because of the poly wheels if I'm correct. I think you have to keep the weight off of the wheels when they're not being used.

I'm not sure. I thought that all B&Ms were stored in that special storage where they don't sit on the wheels but then I heard that some are kept on the lift hills, so I can't really tell.

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^^ Oh my god


I know this is VERY off topic, especially with Goliath, but I was thinking about King Chaos yesterday. I was wondering, does anyone know if it had the same ride cycle since it opened?

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No clue about the ride cycle, but I just went on King Chaos for the first time on Sunday and I will never ride it again. I'm 6'3" and I thought that the restraints were going to break my collar bone. It was the most uncomfortable I have ever been on a ride. I almost asked the ride op to get me out, but it was too late and went on the ride. If the restraints were a bit more comfortable, the ride itself was kind of fun. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the restraints on a Top Spin?


Back to Goliath news, huzzah for more lift hill going up. I'm ecstatic that the park is sticking to their media day schedule. Still a bit skeptical, but they know way more about the schedule than any of us, so I will trust them and get excited for the media day.

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I was finding it quite strange that they were taking so long to get that lift piece straight but then I realised that it really is shaped like that (obviously because of the drop)


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