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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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^^Scattered storms after 2 forecast, some possibly severe, though some storms may fire sooner in Lake County, so they may or may not get a full day in (if that is even in the plans for today).

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They have two pieces to add and the lift will be topped off. This is basically plug and play track, so it won't take them that long to get it installed. They've already started the grout work for the track. Installing the lift chain is the hardest thing they're going to have to do. It wouldn't be too far fetched to say that the RMC will be done with construction a week before media day. Give or take a few days. They can do round the clock testing to break the ride in and have it pass the state inspection in time for media day.

Actually, unless they get an exception from the Village of Gurnee Board they can't do around the clock testing. They have quite a few restrictions in place for noise. Maybe they've got something worked out already.

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Photos at sfgamworld from Sunday the 11th, today, are flawless. http://sfgamworld.com/gallery/imagegallery.php?ride=Goliath%20Construction%20May%2011th

Track is waiting in the parking lot to be installed. Welding work on the zero g stall and lift is going on. Break run is getting work and so are its railings. Lots of nice close up shots that really show the structure in a new light. Same with views from sky trek tower. if I had to guess, the second set of switchbacks for the queue moght be taking place to the right of the entrance, near the old fastlane entrance for wolf, cutting into the midway in front of the tran station. There is a lot of open space there so it makes sense. Its also shaded by some mature trees. Replacing that black asphalt with cement would be a great bonus to mitigate heat as blacktop makes the park 10 degrees hotter on a summer day.

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Is it wrong of me to say that this ride looks stunning and yet, simple enough, to possibly become a cookie-cutter coaster for other Six Flags parks? It's interesting to think that X-flight also had the same sense to it...


Of course, I find it hard to believe that Rocky Mountain coasters is the type of company that would do cookie-cutter rides

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Actually, unless they get an exception from the Village of Gurnee Board they can't do around the clock testing. They have quite a few restrictions in place for noise. Maybe they've got something worked out already.


Curious as to whether this applies to just testing of a ride - I would imagine that the noise complaints (and laws) are concerned with people screaming beyond a certain time, so (and I don't know the restrictions like someone local might) maybe they would be able to circulate trains overnight during the testing period seeing as there would be minimal noise?

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Is it wrong of me to say that this ride looks stunning and yet, simple enough, to possibly become a cookie-cutter coaster for other Six Flags parks? It's interesting to think that X-flight also had the same sense to it...


Of course, I find it hard to believe that Rocky Mountain coasters is the type of company that would do cookie-cutter rides

I agree because the layout in rather simple meaning the space it takes up wide and length. But I don't think RMC would clone rides for some reason

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Is it wrong of me to say that this ride looks stunning and yet, simple enough, to possibly become a cookie-cutter coaster for other Six Flags parks? It's interesting to think that X-flight also had the same sense to it...


Of course, I find it hard to believe that Rocky Mountain coasters is the type of company that would do cookie-cutter rides

Sounds like what Batman: The Ride was in 1992, and at the same park, I might add. Both are by relatively new companies that recently stormed on the scene, and both are compact, (very likely) intense rides that change the way many think about the industry and what can/should be done on coasters. Batman was no extreme record breaker, but look where it is now... everywhere.


Just a thought. I actually don't see Goliath being cloned. Six Flags seems to clone smaller, non-record breaking rides, like Batman and S:UF.

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The clonability of the ride is because of the characteristics of the park. The same characteristics responsible for batman's. The park is at most 100 acres versus great adventures 300ish. The lots are small so the coasters need to be custom built to fit in those lots. American Eagle, raging bull, and superman are the exceptions- their lots are huge and able to accomodate a higher capacity/3-train operation coasters. Superman was supposed to go where wizzer is, but the public faught it. Shockwave was rough and unpopular by that point so we replaced a 3 or 4 train-operating coaster that was in 1988 the tallest and fastest coaster in the world (may have had or been tied for most inversions) with superman. It is wildly successful but in my opinion, beyond opening year, I have never been happy with that decision. Hardly liked it then. We didnt get the double station and the lot could fit a much larger coaster. The timing was bad anyway so an alternative to superman wouldnt have been too interesting. If superman ended up where wozzer is, and the park decided a few uears later to get rid of shockwave, they probably would gone with a b&m floorless looper- so we really didnt miss out on anything. Again, no reason to be too upset because the public still loves it.



Batman beautifully fits in its environment and was designed for it. When i go to other six flags i dont even ride their batman's. Where we have a pond and weeping willow trees, they have rocks and asphalt at the lower elevations. Goliath is incredibly clonable, though I doublt parks will clone it. Magic mountain will go for an I box, great adventure has el toro, new england has no land, over texas already has an i box. Its too tall for discovery kingdom. St louis has a huge wooden coaster already and it is oje of their newer investments. The ride was well designed for its lot. The park gave Alan/rmc that land. Im sure he thought up possibilities involving the wilderness theater property as well. Had he been granted that land or askd for it, say goodbye to the clonability of the ride because it would be too sprawling and oddly shaped. But the work of a designer for a client is not to ask for those things. You need to design within the existing conditions and in any project, those conditions are unique.

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Batman beautifully fits in its environment and was designed for it. When i go to other six flags i dont even ride their batman's. Where we have a pond and weeping willow trees, they have rocks and asphalt at the lower elevations.

I can't think of any Batman with a setting I like better. I credit SFGAm for very good landscaping of many of their rides.


I think many of us suspect that RMC would clone their rides if requested, as most companies would--they might prefer not to on principle, as suggested by their creativity, but wouldn't turn down the opportunity.

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Just got back from a great day at Great America. I wasn't entirely sure what kind of crowds to expect, but with it being Mother's Day and storms projected in the afternoon, I thought that the crowds would be pretty light, and I was correct. Most every ride was a 2 train wait for the first 4 hours. The longest I had to wait for a ride was for Whizzer and was the last credit I needed to complete the circuit for the day.


I spent some time perusing around the Goliath construction site. First off, the entrance portal looks great. There have been a few comments about it being in a weird place, and that the line might not enter through the sign, but after looking around the park today, most of the signs/portals are built in a way that you do not necessarily have to walk through the sign to get to the queue. I think of X-Flight, where you can walk through the sign, but the sign is built out a little ways from the queue entrance so if you want, you can avoid walking through the portal.


With regards to Goliath, there is still a crap ton of work to do, but the ride looks simply spectacular. It is the most unique looking ride I have ever seen. The mixed materials, crazy support structure, and the Dive loop make this coaster look like it's a frankenstein of a coaster in the best way possible. That dive loop has the potential to get lost in the shuffle with the drop and zero-g stall, but that thing looks bonkers. It looks like it isn't possible, but there it is...in real life. One other aspect that I was surprised about, was that, while I knew that it has a really small footprint, the ride looks so compact in person especially with how tall and fast this coaster is going to be. I can not wait to ride.

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Actually, unless they get an exception from the Village of Gurnee Board they can't do around the clock testing. They have quite a few restrictions in place for noise. Maybe they've got something worked out already.


Curious as to whether this applies to just testing of a ride - I would imagine that the noise complaints (and laws) are concerned with people screaming beyond a certain time, so (and I don't know the restrictions like someone local might) maybe they would be able to circulate trains overnight during the testing period seeing as there would be minimal noise?


It's using poly wheels and the concrete grout also minimizes the sound coming from the track. You'll have to be in the park to hear it more than likely. Outlaw Run uses steel wheels and doesn't sound as loud as other wooden coasters.

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