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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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That looks nice! Hopefully the trains will fly through that like Kumba's zero - G.


I really hope this is open by May 24th... How likely is that in reality? I'm going on the 27th and will likely not be able to go back in the next few years. The construction crew seems to be moving pretty quickly though.


The park has already confirmed that this will not open Memorial Day weekend

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I really hope this is open by May 24th... How likely is that in reality? I'm going on the 27th and will likely not be able to go back in the next few years. The construction crew seems to be moving pretty quickly though.


It will open on May 31st to the public at the earliest. May 24th was their original target date but they moved it to May 31st the other week because of poor weather over the winter.

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Actually that track is interesting. Does outlaw run also have this plate that goes over the main steel part? I haven't noticed any (but maybe that's because this one is orange).

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Actually that track is interesting. Does outlaw run also have this plate that goes over the main steel part? I haven't noticed any (but maybe that's because this one is orange).


Yes, Outlaw Run has this "plate." This is the standard road steel that goes on any wooden coaster. See pic below, it is brown on Outlaw Run.


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NTAG does rattle on those bolts! It makes the ride feel more wild! So excited.


Today in the webcam, its only 10:00 am so a lot more will get done, but from what I can tell, they are attaching the pieces of steel that will hold the steepest part of the first drop track to the tower. Once they are done with that they'll be able to connect the first drop track to the tunnel.

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^Probably, to look more "natural". I thought that because the steel under it is rather thick, it wouldn't be necessary but apparently it is.


Just think how much easier those thin steel plates will be to replace than that whole thick steel rail.

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In the Clouds. Maybe they should rename Spacely's David.

(^Looks like we had the same idea. "In the Clouds" is also a song by the Cult. )


Aaaannnnddd now I am singing the Cult - going to have to pull that CD out on the way home from work .


It would be really cool to ride it like this, wouldn't it??

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