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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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^^ Wow I did not realize that until you pointed it out! I do wish they would just remove it all together. That would be a nice chunk of land for some expansion, when it sits unused for the majority of the time as it is. Also, Goliath could have been a little bit longer had they removed it for this project.

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I can see the flumes and the Wilderness Theater being taken out for a larger attraction (perhaps a family coaster or a more modern water ride) sometime in the next decade. I know they've had to do a few repairs, mostly to the Yankee Clipper side in recent years. The entrance could be in Yankee or Yukon.

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I'd imagine the amphitheater has been flagged for future expansion use at some point. Six Flags Over Georgia just took out theirs to make way for a embedded water park expansion for the park, so it wouldn't be farfetched to see this one get removed for some kind of addition to the park's continually expanding lineup.

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^^ Wow I did not realize that until you pointed it out! I do wish they would just remove it all together. That would be a nice chunk of land for some expansion, when it sits unused for the majority of the time as it is. Also, Goliath could have been a little bit longer had they removed it for this project.


I'm not going to debate the validity of keeping the amphitheater or not, but Goliath could have been a bit longer without taking up any more space too and just running near / through the structure again.

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I'm not going to debate the validity of keeping the amphitheater or not, but Goliath could have been a bit longer without taking up any more space too and just running near / through the structure again.


I thought the same thing until the structure for the floater hill started going up and I realized just how narrow the space actually is. I mean, I knew it was skinny but once you see the 2nd smallest part of the ride's structure (floater hill) take up almost half the width, it's quite amazing. I realize wooden coasters can go underneath higher sections of track and be supported by the same bents but I'm not complaining at all.


I applaud SFGAm for adding this kind of thrill ride in such a compact area, and not just any thrill ride but a 3 world record breaking one. Goliath is going to be action packed from start to finish without a dull spot in between it appears. I would take that over an extra few hundred feet of track any day. Can't wait until May!

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Do you think any parks, due to its compact design, would build a clone of Goliath?

I'm sure if parks wanted them and paid enough RMC would build a clone for them, but I think RMC would rather continue to develop new ride elements and designs instead of copying old ones. I think parks would rather have custom creations that are even more ground breaking than the last coaster, because RMC is going to keep pushing the limits.

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Do you think any parks, due to its compact design, would build a clone of Goliath?


While it would probably be the more cost-effective route, I think Six Flags (especially in their dealings with RMC) has been leaning towards custom creations each time. And from talking with the guys at Rocky Mountain Construction at previous IAAPAs, the really don't seem to be interested in settling with the same. It looks like Alan and the team will continue to push their own limits with each new build.

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I can just imagine a Goliath-clone at every or at several SF park. Batman or Superman, anyone?


Since the former Iron Wolf space is a rather unique land area/development site to begin with, I think this will remain a custom RMC.

Edited by Intaman
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Come on, you know what I mean . There are, of course, only three Superman: Ultimate flight clones, which is like saying there is one at every park . In any case, it was cloned.


Now, if only they had cloned El Toro.

Edited by Intaman
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^El Toro was back to 2006, I don't think it's possible for Six Flags to clone a model from 8 years ago(yup, I think it's 2014 already) Of course some cheap models are exception but El Toro is just not that cheap to show up everywhere like SLCs.


Now, if Lightning Run and Mack mega coasters showed the success, maybe Six Flags will start their business with zzz Chance and Mack Rides and build some nice clones around. Plus, RMC is with Six Flags

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^El Toro was back to 2006, I don't think it's possible for Six Flags to clone a model from 8 years ago(yup, I think it's 2014 already) Of course some cheap models are exception but El Toro is just not that cheap to show up everywhere like SLCs.


Now, if Lightning Run and Mack mega coasters showed the success, maybe Six Flags will start their business with zzz Chance and Mack Rides and build some nice clones around. Plus, RMC is with Six Flags


That is horrible - they only clone the crappy rides. Maybe they could clone a small, but good ride, like Balder? Or a Mega-Lite - oh, wait, they're already cloned, but the GP would think they look like kiddie coasters.

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Do you think any parks, due to its compact design, would build a clone of Goliath?


Actually, I take that back, thinking about it, since it is a world record-breaker, if it is intended to be a world-record breaker then other parks would not try to build identical rides, which would make Goliath much less notable. Correct me if I'm wrong


But at the same time they could just build taller and steeper versions of Goliath in the same way S&S was doing for a while with their El Locos, making near-identical rides but with steeper drops.

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^El Toro was back to 2006, I don't think it's possible for Six Flags to clone a model from 8 years ago(yup, I think it's 2014 already) Of course some cheap models are exception but El Toro is just not that cheap to show up everywhere like SLCs.


Now, if Lightning Run and Mack mega coasters showed the success, maybe Six Flags will start their business with zzz Chance and Mack Rides and build some nice clones around. Plus, RMC is with Six Flags


I was just being facetious/sarcastic about cloning El Toro back in 2006, which is why I used the word had. Certainly, the idea sounds absurd, but I really like/prefer El Toro, especially compared to a Superman or Batman. I think cloning El Toro was never a possibility. However, it is a longstanding fantasy to have an Intamin woodie closer to home. I would also think if many enthusiasts could have it their way and choose a fantasy coaster to clone, they would take El Toro over Batman and Superman.


There are obviously multiple reasons SF installs certain clones, including costs, feasibility and marketability.

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