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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I still would have a hard time believing a new coaster is landing at Great America that soon. If there is in fact one on the way, well then I'll be one surprised sonovagun.


Well I am one surprised sonovagun. Here's looking forward to the 29th to see what we're up against.

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I still would have a hard time believing a new coaster is landing at Great America that soon. If there is in fact one on the way, well then I'll be one surprised sonovagun.


Well I am one surprised sonovagun. Here's looking forward to the 29th to see what we're up against.


So is the 29th when the six flags guy with the funny accent tells everyone in a video what is new at each six flags park?

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So they are keeping Iron Wolf's station... interesting.


No, they are actually keeping Z-Force's station.


Seriously, that thing has more lives than a cat.


As for those of you wondering about the queue, I would practically be willing to put money on it being the same queue. Why would they destroy the queue to remake it? On top of that, there are other reasons to keep the old one.


Combining the two pieces together (the height thing and the layout thing), you have a dive loop in the middle, and a zero G roll near the end.

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So they are keeping Iron Wolf's station... interesting.


No, they are actually keeping Z-Force's station.


Seriously, that thing has more lives than a cat.


Ha, that makes me laugh.


But I'm pretty excited, are you excited? If not then why not. I can't wait for the announcement.


But I think the craziness of the layout makes me 80% sure it's RMC.

Edited by sfgam#1
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Ha, that makes me laugh. But I'm pretty excited, are you excited? If not then why the hell not.


If you're asking me specifically, honestly I'd be lying if I said that I was that excited over it. I personally get excited over riding stupid crap generally, and not decent stuff. Without going to ultra nerdy, I've said before I don't fit into a real "slot" with theme parks because I am fascinated with how they work and what goes right and wrong then I am with actually riding stuff, so if this thing is added and decent, it isn't as interesting to me as something that goes wrong.


I just went to King's Island and Holiday World for the first time in 10 years, and while I can honestly say that my favorite two wooden coasters and favorite steel coaster was on the trip, I was most excited to ride Firehawk and watch it operate, which was the worst ride experience on the trip.


I'm wacky. By all means, you should be excited

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It'll be interesting to see what the inversion actually looks like. I know Alan Schilke said that they were not going to do any high-G element, because once you go high-G, the element will control the ride and structure. As for the rest of the ride, it looks like both turn arounds are going to be overbanked. As for the idea of a launch before the inversion, which was thrown out there by Lance over at Screamscape. If the ride utilizes steel wheels and holds the record for the fastest woodie, the ride should carry that speed throughout the whole ride and should not need to utilize a launch. If it uses those hard polyurethane wheels (which can be found on Intamin woodies), those wheels will absorb most of the energy the ride carries and might require a launch to get it through the second half of the ride. Should be interesting to see how much airtime this ride has. I'm hoping all those straight parts of track that go to and from the turn arounds are filled with camel backs or bunny-hops.

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^ That sounds like Intamin to me. RMC's whole argument on why Outlaw Run was a woodie was the steal wheels the train utilized. But Intamin said they were not going to do any inversions. I'm starting to wonder if this is going to be a I-Box track.


Edit: I wouldn't put it past Six Flags to claim it as a wooden roller coaster. This is their tidbit on the Texas Giant.


"The legendary new Texas Giant delivers beyond vertical banked turns and the world's steepest drop. This new super hybrid boasts a state-of-the-art track of steel fabrication, with the steepest drop of any wooden coaster at 79°. The lift hill is 10 feet taller than the original Texas Giant.


The new ride also has a record-breaking bank of 95°, steeper than any other wooden coaster on the planet."

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^ That sounds like Intamin to me. RMC's whole argument on why Outlaw Run was a woodie was the steal wheels the train utilized. But Intamin said they were not going to do any inversions. I'm starting to wonder if this is going to be a I-Box track.


But remember, it's a woodie.


Edit: I saw your edit.

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But Intamin said they were not going to do any inversions.


No, Sandor Kernacs only said that they did not believe the wooden coaster was the best one to put inversions in. He said nothing about weather or not they were going to do it, if asked about it. I would seriously doubt that Intamin would refuse it, if somebody wanted it from them, and had the cash for it.


But my bet at SFGA is definitely RMC.

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Now I'm very intrigued and can't wait for the announcement next week. My favorite Six Flags is going be even better next year.


I'm just a bit surprised given the diagram of the layout presented at the meeting it's not a bit more spread out but at the same time if they can make it as compact as Viper then we are in for a very unique treat.

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