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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Yeah, small station or not, I'd have to imagine word will get out and there could be REAL issues with this promotion.


Chicago people are only slightly less prone to rioting and violence than LA and there have been 'promotions' like this in LA before that did not end well![/]


What Chicago rots are you thinking of? The '68 Democratic Convention? Chicago is a lot less prone to riots than L.A. In my opinion.

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It appears the free admission part has yet to be confirmed, and the park clearly stated on Twitter that the only thing that has been confirmed is that "Eddie and Jobo" will be live at the park on the 16th.


Sorry for the confusion fans and @IzCoaster. Yes Eddie and JoBo will be live on May 16th. But nothing is confirmed yet about admission.



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What Chicago rots are you thinking of? The '68 Democratic Convention? Chicago is a lot less prone to riots than L.A. In my opinion.


How about anytime the Bulls win the NBA Championship?

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Only the first 500 people to the park will receive free admission.


Make sure you arrive EARLY. The first 500 listeners that come out to the event by 7:00am will be the first to ride X Flight when the park opens. You, your friends and family can all enjoy the day in the park on K-HITS & Six Flags!

Read more: K-HITS and Eddie & Jobo Live Broadcast at Six Flags Great America http://khitschicago.radio.com/events/2012/05/16/free-admission-morning-at-six-flags-great-america/#ixzz1tksp0FNQ

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^^That looks amazing. I always thought it would be neat to have a coaster that goes over water with this big "water bombs", this comes the closest to that fantasy. I really like how this interacts with its environment very well and it seems to interact better than Swarm's interaction. Here comes the Thorpe fanboys...

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Sorry guys, I'm staying home. Gotta watch the kids.


Waiting for my perhaps one and only chance to go to the park on Media Day.


I'm crossing my fingers that you'll be able to go with us at least once this year, but I understand if you can't. When the boys are big enough to ride coasters, can we borrow them to get those credits that requires a child? I'll be willing to pay. You do have to think about college early these days.


Oh and yes, I'll be there tomorrow. Not sure about Sunday. I really didn't give it any thought.

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I'm crossing my fingers that you'll be able to go with us at least once this year, but I understand if you can't. When the boys are big enough to ride coasters, can we borrow them to get those credits that requires a child? I'll be willing to pay. You do have to think about college early these days.


Oh and yes, I'll be there tomorrow. Not sure about Sunday. I really didn't give it any thought.


Cam has already offered up one of his free tickets from the Season Pass Holder booklet....so I think it'll happen.


I totally forgot about the kiddie credit! We need to have a bash here, so I can pimp them out!

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It looks like a garden hose that people poke holes into to water their grass.

I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible for you to be more vehemently sarcastic and down on this ride than you've managed to be so far. Lighten up bro.


Personally, I think that looks stunning, especially for an SF ride. Kudos to SFGAm for making their wingrider the nicest looking of the "Non-Dollywood" installations.

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