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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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A picture of X-Flight that someone at Advocate Health Day took today at the park.
It looks like the Queue is goes right through the Keyhole.


That was the plan! Should be fun waiting in line for it!

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K-HITS and Eddie & Jobo Live Broadcast at Six Flags Great America

Wednesday, May 16th, 5:30am-10:00am

Six Flags Great America, 1 Great America Parkway, Gurnee, IL


Join The New 104.3 K-HITS and Eddie & Jobo as we broadcast live LIVE from Six Flags Great America for the grand opening of the brand new roller coaster, X-Flight. Make sure you arrive EARLY. Everyone that comes out to the event by 7:00am will receive FREE parking and FREE theme park admission! No restrictions or limitations, you, your friends, family or the whole office can all enjoy a day in the park on K-HITS & Six Flags!


There’s plenty of time to take the day off work or school, or be prepared for your best sick day excuses. Plus, we’re passing out special commemorative items, prizes and wristbands so you can be the first to experience X-Flight!


The K-HITS crew will be there begining at 4am with your chance to win other great stuff too, like K-HITS swag, concert and movie tickets, CD’s, DVD’s and much more. Don’t miss this awesome day at Six Flags Great America!




Thank God for Media Day and Season Pass Preview days because this will be a complete disaster.

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K-HITS and Eddie & Jobo Live Broadcast at Six Flags Great America

Wednesday, May 16th, 5:30am-10:00am

Six Flags Great America, 1 Great America Parkway, Gurnee, IL


Had no idea they were still alive, let alone employed in a market the size of Chicago by anything bigger than a Ham Radio station.

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Yeah, they don't pull enough listeners to even make this that news worthy.

WOW Are you kidding me? News that there is a free day at SFGAm is going to spread like wildfire, and when it does you can expect a disaster of epic proportions. SFGAm services a metropolis of 4+ MILLION people! If a small radio station can close down SFOG in the morning and cause huge traffic jams all the way to downtown Atlanta like the one time they did a free day there, it sure can do the same at SFGAm.

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Yeah, small station or not, I'd have to imagine word will get out and there could be REAL issues with this promotion.


Chicago people are only slightly less prone to rioting and violence than LA and there have been 'promotions' like this in LA before that did not end well!

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Yeah, they don't pull enough listeners to even make this that news worthy.

WOW Are you kidding me? News that there is a free day at SFGAm is going to spread like wildfire, and when it does you can expect a disaster of epic proportions. SFGAm services a metropolis of 4+ MILLION people! If a small radio station can close down SFOG in the morning and cause huge traffic jams all the way to downtown Atlanta like the one time they did a free day there, it sure can do the same at SFGAm.


Good point. The news will definitely spread and they can expect a very, very busy day for a weekday, but at least they're not doing this on a weekend day and you have to get there by 7am. I'll be interested to see how this plays out.

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Seems mcjaco has a disdain for the members here, no? Why so prickly?


I agree that this is going to be a mess. What with social media and all, it's not like these guys are broadcasting out of a 10,000 watt station in Beloit in 1979 or something. I agree that it's stunning that they are still around, but whether it's Dick Biondi or Eddie and JoBo or Mancow, free is free and you will get a wide spectrum of people out there. Some of which will surely feel entitled and looking for an excuse to get rowdy over the promise of free free free.


I saw some grasses and other landscaping sitting in pots in some of the photos - I am very interested to see the mixture of grass/plants/flowers/concrete around the site underneath the tracks. I'm insanely anxious to see the water effects in action as well. I think this is looking to be the most aesthetically pleasing of all of the wingriders built. I'm curious to hear, after they're all broken in, how they each compare - I assume that they'll be pretty similarly, with the each park's maintenance staff proving to be the difference as they age.



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I heard the White Sox are doing $1 admission for anyone that brings in a disco record. It's a radio show no one cares about though, so everything will be fine...whats the worst that can possibly happen?

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I definitely understand all the references to past debacles. I'm just wondering if it will be as bad since we're talking about people arriving by 7am on a weekday. I'm really hoping for the park that it doesn't get ugly. It's definitely a risky promotion.

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Seems mcjaco has a disdain for the members here, no? Why so prickly?


Only one that was banned and keeps re-registering new accounts to post links to other websites, and news items. So, if you must know the background, that's why I'm "prickly."


Could this possibly be a mess? Maybe. But Eddie and Jobo? Does anyone even know who they are now? They're doing Safe Auto spots for cryin' out loud. And on a Thursday? Before 7AM?


I used to trek out for Mancow spots when he was huge here in Chicago. You'd get to wherever they were, and at most you'd have a few hundred people. At most. Most of the time, it was a dozen guys staring at each other.


EDIT: Didn't realize that it coincided with their first weekday opening. OK, this could be a mess. If you can get through the traffic on 94 around Gurnee before 7AM. Isn't staffing rather sparse too? How many rides could be open for this?


Glad I live just south of the park and don't need to use 94....just in case.

Edited by mcjaco
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There is a smaller station in Lake County that is doing a promotion to be the first riders on X Flight, but the day is on May 10th. This makes perfect sense to me because 1) it's media day and 2) in order to win you have to answer silly "Wheel of Fun" questions. I was listening to the morning show today but I didn't hear what they were doing for this contest. They might have something later in the afternoon. So if any locals want to take a day off of work next week, just listen to 102.3 XLC (http://www.xlc.com/ if anyone would like to listen online) and you'll be able to win.

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It was also a complete disaster when SFoG tried it. It was pretty much the exact same circumstances - a radio promotion on a weekday early in the season:


Cars began lining up as early as 3:30 a.m. for the offer. The "Ditch Work" promotion offered free admission to the amusement park between 6 and 9 a.m. Traffic began backing up in both directions on I-20 before 5:30 a.m. Some drivers let passengers out of their vehicles to walk along the interstate to the park.Those pedestrians, many of them children, wanted to get in line at the park entrance, but Six Flags workers turned them away, telling them admission was limited to people in vehicles. That caused even more problems when those walkers began trekking back to their vehicles, wandering on the interstate searching for their rides.There were reports of fights near the park's front gates.

Once Six Flags officials opened the parking lots at 5:30, they filled up quickly. Park officials decided to end the free admission promotion at 5:55 a.m.


I would stay far, far away from Gurnee on that day.

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