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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Looks exactly how Swarm did on its first runs and first thing in the morning. As mentioned it does appear to have a less of an inline tiwst off the lift and more of a dive, hence why the train starts off quicker.

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^Very true, and you can kind of tell:




Plus, to all the people complaining about the speed of first test runs...welcome to the coaster industry. Coasters start out slow. It's a fact of life. If anything, the engineers are just praying it makes it through the course.

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Finally! I was seriously beginning to doubt if they would install it or not. I hope they still plan to put in the other fly-through building. Any word on if they are still doing it? I thought the theming was cancelled.

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Finally! I was seriously beginning to doubt if they would install it or not. I hope they still plan to put in the other fly-through building. Any word on if they are still doing it? I thought the theming was cancelled.


You can't be asking this...[really hope the wink meant this was sarcasm]

They are building all planned theming, nothing has EVER suggested they wouldn't.

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I read the past 4 pages of this thread and didn't find this question (so go ahead and shoot me if it was asked 5+ pages ago, since I know everyone here is a moderator in their own minds) but does anyone know if they are still planning on adding the proposed "water effects" and what/where they are? Also would that be the last thing they add?

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