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Radical Attraction for sale in orlando?

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Hello, Beto Carrero World is negotiating a radical attraction for the season 2009/2010, according to park director of the attraction comes from orlando.

You know that a radical from orlando attraction, which had plans to be sold?


The staff here is anxiously.


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I'm pretty sure Orlando just lost an S&S Screamin Swing, and one of those Air Powered 100mph Dragster ride.


There is also all of the rides from Cypress Gardens. Not sure if any of them were 'radical' though. Maybe the Zamperla Power Surge or drop tower?


Can any Floridians think of anything else?

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Noooooooo, Why are all the radical rides going to South and Latin America??


I knew the G-Force Dragsters were allready removed from Fun Spot, but the park was telling that they were looking for a new location nearby.

And I hate it that i'm going to visit Orlando for the first time and that i'm not able to ride this radical thing.

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When I read it on Friday, I thought it could be something from Cypress Gardens too. But I took a look at the ride list that shows what is still being sold and there isn't too much left; only the coasters (if they could call them "radical"): http://italintl.com/Cypress-Gardens-Amusement-Rides.php


The park president said he couldn't release the details of this ride yet, but this will represent the same success as the recent additions. So, I can only think about the 100mph Dragsters.


I heard that some park representants are in Orlando right now, so we may find out which ride is that very soon.


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