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How should I arrange the patches on this coaster jacket?

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This is my coaster patch jacket. I'm filling in the backs of the sleeves, and I can't decide if the patches should appear right-side-up when the arms are at the sides, or right-side-up when the arms are held outstretched. What would your preference be? These are sample arrangements. Thanks for your help.



This is in a row. Patches would appear askew when arms are at the side, but right-side-up when the arms are outstretched in a Jesus pose. I know, I'm an idiot.


This is in a column. Patches would appear right side up when the arms are at the sides.

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I'm thinking the column method looks better so they're right side up with your arms at your side. It would be interesting to put them upside down so that people would ask & you could tell them they're right side up when you're riding a coaster with your hands up. But that would get old after saying it 20 times a day if you ever wore it to a park.


Where did you get all your patches? Did you get them all at the parks because I don't seem to run across them often, but then again I didn't start looking for them until recently.

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Thanks for your opinion, tgadams. I had considered the arms-up-during-ride angle.


To answer your other question, you're right that not very many parks carry patches. I think that 25-30% of my patches came from park retail points. The rest are mostly from eBay, but some are from ACE and the like. One of them I even designed myself and ordered from one of those patch businesses.


When I'm done with my jacket and my wife's, I'll probably put my spares for sale on eBay, but I'll give you a heads up first.



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Thanks for your opinion, tgadams. I had considered the arms-up-during-ride angle.


To answer your other question, you're right that not very many parks carry patches. I think that 25-30% of my patches came from park retail points. The rest are mostly from eBay, but some are from ACE and the like. One of them I even designed myself and ordered from one of those patch businesses.


When I'm done with my jacket and my wife's, I'll probably put my spares for sale on eBay, but I'll give you a heads up first.




Yeah all the parks I've been to don't sell them either. Which makes them a classic. I tried looking for some too... Maybe I"ll try Ebay.


I'm kinda new to this coaster jacket thing, but is it really wrong or anything to have theme park patches mixed in with other patches like my country's flag, rock bands/music gear, and just random designs like animals and such? I already have a vest with patches on it (that i've basically worn to every concert I've seen) but no theme park ones yet.

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So what is the deal with "This patch is NOT iron-on" patches? Many of the patches I'm finding have this disclaimer. Am I supposed to take that at face value? Do they really make patches that aren't iron-on-able?

Just wondering if anyone had any insight or if this was the definition of a dumb question?

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So what is the deal with "This patch is NOT iron-on" patches? Many of the patches I'm finding have this disclaimer. Am I supposed to take that at face value? Do they really make patches that aren't iron-on-able?

Just wondering if anyone had any insight or if this was the definition of a dumb question?


Perhaps they've already been "ironed on" and ripped off. The design is not damaged but it's no longer in original condition (as some people are picky about that). It's still usable, as a "sew on" instead.

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Yeah all the parks I've been to don't sell them either. Which makes them a classic. I tried looking for some too... Maybe I"ll try Ebay.


I'm kinda new to this coaster jacket thing, but is it really wrong or anything to have theme park patches mixed in with other patches like my country's flag, rock bands/music gear, and just random designs like animals and such? I already have a vest with patches on it (that i've basically worn to every concert I've seen) but no theme park ones yet.


It's totally up to you. My jacket is just parks and rides and coasters, 95% of which I've actually visited or ridden. Your jacket could be something else. It's all about making art about yourself I think. Have fun!



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So what is the deal with "This patch is NOT iron-on" patches? Many of the patches I'm finding have this disclaimer. Am I supposed to take that at face value? Do they really make patches that aren't iron-on-able?

Just wondering if anyone had any insight or if this was the definition of a dumb question?


It's not unusual. The patch maker has the option of smearing on a glue that melts under heat...thus the iron on patch. It's more expensive to make, so not all patch makers opt for it. Bottom line, however, you have to sew them all on if you expect to actually wear and wash the thing. Otherwise patches will start to peel.


I iron on my patches, adding the same kind of glue myself if the iron-on glue is not on already, and then bring the jacket to the tailor to sew on. A bit expensive, but it's coming out pretty sweet.



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It's totally up to you. My jacket is just parks and rides and coasters, 95% of which I've actually visited or ridden. Your jacket could be something else. It's all about making art about yourself I think. Have fun!




Oh ok, I just checked Ebay and the ones I could find were of parks/rides that I've never been to/ridden. If I put all these random ones on of parks i've never been to, I'd be like a poser just trying to look 'cool'.


It's like wearing a patch of a band you've never even heard one song from on your jacket just because "it look cool" and "everyone else's got one".


Why don't we all "post our patch jackets" if we have one? I'm interested to see everyone else's.

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