PKI Jizzman Posted May 20, 2009 Author Share Posted May 20, 2009 ^^ Seriously, Zach, don't base your thoughts on Raven on a morning ride. It's not fair. Think of basing a Beast ride on the first ride in the morning... -James Dillaman EDIT: ^Really? Don't tell me your parents never exposed you to sarcasm and comedy before. It closes at 5:30...I'll be sure to ride it from the moment I get there, thoughout the day until it closes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DBru Posted May 20, 2009 Share Posted May 20, 2009 ^^Nope, learned of both of those in my middle school English class, as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 21, 2009 Author Share Posted May 21, 2009 I'm back! I'll be adding a photo trip report soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 21, 2009 Author Share Posted May 21, 2009 Hey TPR! So, I live in Cincinnati...about 15 minutes from Kings Island, 3.5 hours from Cedar Point, 20 from Coney Island, 1.5 from SFKK...but I've been forgetting Holiday World! For some reason my family never goes west. So I decided to get my brother out of school and head to Holiday World! It was about a 3 hour drive, including 25 miles of construction...and McD's stop. I arrived at the park around 9:20AM and there were a few cars and busses, it was a Wednesday, the worst that could happen is 10 schools to dump their kids off at the park. And it didn't happen yay! Oh, I didn't venture into Holidog land for the kiddie credit, sorry but maybe I'm not a big credit whore, I'd rather take another trip on the Voyage instead. It's not going anywhere. TPR member sightings: Raven Maven! Food stops; 7 bucks: Ice cream in Safari. Kringle's Kafe...burger. Ride counts: Raven - 8 or 9 The Legend - 4 Voyage - 11 Liberty Launch - 3 Gobler Getaway - 3 Turkey Spin - 1 Swings - 1 Frightful Falls - 1 Raging Rapids - 1 Plunge - 1 Splashin' Safari: Bukali - 1 Watoobe - 1 Mat Racers - 4 Otgomogoslapintheface - 1 Bamboo chute/Amazoom - 1 Gripes: Checking the restraints - It's okay to have the seatbelts, since pretty much every wooden coaster does now...but wow, they pull those seatbelts TIGHT! Thankfully most of the rides loosen the seatbelts as you ride, but sometimes I thought it was way too tight. As goes with the lapbars. Most of the time it was pressed down as far as it could go, and on the Voyage...that's VERY uncomfortable. Safety is key, but this is like parents implanting homing devices on their kids. Loosen up a bit. See Pilgrim's Plunge. Details/Thoughts: The park - It's a nice, midsized park. I'm used to treking around Kings Island...this is easy to walk around, in four different sections. Halloween, 4th of July, Christmas, and Thanksgiving. Nice landscaping, clean, easy to find the attractions. I think the park is nice just as it is...coasters, thrill rides, water rides, water park, attractions, shows. Staff - Kind and courteous, as expected! Naw, they were all very nice; asking if they could take my bags for the lockers on the side; how my day was; if I'm a photographer; ect. Rides: Raven - Since I headed there first. I went straight for the back car, first bench. They were only running one train op the whole day. The trains are pretty, and they must have added new restraints. I got in the last car and after I got off the ride....this is where I ask people. If you're not emotionally attached to the Beast (ride ops) what's so great about it?! I know it used to be good, but hey so did The Crypt! Haha. Backseat or front? Do 'em both. ->9/10. It felt like an unofficial GCI. It was awesome. Constant speed, quick changes in direction, airtime, laterals, and crazy drops into the woods. Kicks the CRAP out of the Beast. Legend - Headed there second. One train op all day, most I waited was 10 minutes. It's cool how they have the bell ringing when the train leaves the station..eerie. I also really like the holwing at the top of the lift. The first drop is pretty good in the backseat, there's a few GREAT airtime hills and moments. Other than that....this ride is CRAZYYYYY laterals! I was broken over the side of my seat by the time I got to the station. It was in a kind of cool way the first time....then it got rough after the 4th. I'd ride in the back, left seat. GO LEFT!!! ->9/10. Great tunnels, interaction with other rides, airtime, and laterals. VOYAGE! - It's massive. It's...huge. The structure is so cool, and I love how it wraps around Thanksgiving. OH MY GOD. This ride is absolutely INSANE. I left the ride saying HOLY SH*T!! Every time. It's everything I heard about it.....and more. And I can see how it can be amazing #1 ride, or a painful potential. For me.... COASTER NIRVANA! New number one coaster. Sorry Diamondback.... Based on your seat, you get ejector air, floater air, roughness, silky smoothness, great views, OMFG airtime, and crazy throw you around moments. Backseat - Airtime over the first hill is very nice. Steep, loonnngggg floater. Same with the two to follow. After that, it's just ejector air, throw you from left to ride, NO BRAKES TO OMFG TRIPPLE DOWN, crazy turns, crazy airtime, 90 DEGREESE, and more airtime. Frontseat - My eyes teared up, and went from my eyes, all the way to my jaw bones...then flew off. Amazing views of the beautiful track, the woods, the area around the ride. You're off the seat probably half the ride. I believe the 24 seconds of airtime is here. Why? Because there's prooooobably 20 moments of airtime. I can't begin to count them. ->10000/10. To me, this is as good as it's been. If El Toro's better, then I can't wait to find out; because I'm not sure how it's going to beat this 4 minute long, 24 second airtime filled ride. This ride is absolutely insane. Liberty Launch - I think I've been on all the different types of drop rides now. OH! Except combo towers. Tower of Terrors, Space Shot, S&S shoot down, Intamin 1st, 2nd, 3rd gen; stand up; Giant 420ft; Shock Drop; and now Double Shot. It's like those little mini energy drinks in like, 1oz. Everything you'd expect from a space shot, just smaller and better. Two moments of shoulder-hits-the-OTSR ejector air, then a little floaty back down. Wow, this park has loads of airtime... Frightfull Falls - Ride it for the tunnel. Raging Rapids - Eh, it's fun. Gobler Getaway - So much fun! My best score was like, 2160. So much better than Scooby's impossible! Pilgrim's Plunge - we go. When we arrived, we were told it'd open late. I kept looking over to it, and 10, 11, 12....nothing. I think around 2 or 3 it tested, then opened. I went over and got in line. I was REALLY excited for this. I was happy I could ride in just a bathing suit, too. I got up and over to the loading platform, and waited for the front seat. Our boat pulled up....and there was already two people sitting in the front row. Huh? Oh well, I'll just wait for the next boat. Nope. I was pushed onto the boat with someone I didn't know in row two. So that upset me. I sat down, and the lady was trying to get us out quick, so I was stapled pretty I'm pretty upset. You float around to the back of the lift, pretty quickly. There's random worker dudes, hay, growing grass, and concrete. So really nothing. You're loaded onto the platform, and slowly carried up. It looked so cool and kind of scary from the ground...but it seemed like nothing to me; I was kind of let down there. We get to the top, and start to head down the drop. The water starts to hit off the boat....and shoot right into my eyes. OUCH. Leveling out....then you skim across the water until the splash starts. The boats are pretty compact, and when you hit the's like brakes. HARD brakes. My knees were smashed into the seat infront of me; and I hardly got wet. I was REALLY frustrated during the trip back to the station. Sparknotes: -No front seat for you -Super Staple -Boring trip up to the lift -Mediocre ride up -Water in the eyes at 50mph -Drop into heavy brakes -Smashed knees -Hardly wet Sorry Plunge and HW...but this ride didn't not impress me, and I thought it stunk. My ride was pretty bad; that was my honest trip. Oh...and it broke down 10 min after I got off. It was open about 20-30 minutes the whole day. But I took my anger out on some turkeys, then let Voyage kick my ass. Photos will be posted soon! -Zach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Erik Johnson Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 ^ I am glad to hear Voyage is still running great this season. It certainly is a lot bettter than my first rides two years ago. When we visited opening weekend a few weeks ago, we were all really impressed with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DBru Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 Sounds like you had a great visit to the park...I agree with all of your thoughts, except your review of Pilgrims Plunge. But from your review, it sounds like you had an unusually bad experience on it. Would you be willing to give it another ride on your next trip to Holiday World? (It really can be fun...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedLeg21 Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 Wow, I had no idea that you could ride in your bathing suit. I'll def gonna be doin that then when I go to Holiday World on Monday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghost007jas Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 Thanks for the great report, I really enjoyed it. It's too bad that Pilgrims' Plunge didn't do it for you, it looks like a terrific ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
downunder Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 I'm glad the Voyage is running well, my rides on it in August 2007 were very good but not great. It was extremely rough and had nowhere near the extremity of El Toro's airtime, though I didn't ride at night which is something I regret. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 21, 2009 Author Share Posted May 21, 2009 As for the I said, it lived up to what I've heard everyone saying about it. It just depends on how you deal with things. -Row two was a bit rough; but nothing compared to other wooden coasters -Of course, the airtime was absolutely insane. I can't wait to try Phoenix or El Toro The very back seat and the very front seat were the smoothest rides to me. I'd try PP again....if it had a 10 minute wait... Here's some photos! -Zach You guys decide, I don't know! That happens about 20 times during the ride. Go ride it NOW. Passed out? Very hard to photograph much of it... Second hill offers NICE airtime. Heading up the lift. Pretty fast, too. Such pretty trains... Weee! Heading down by the station.. I believe that's 175ft. Off the track? The view from the back of the station... View from the station... Time to sail away! Don't look back! Weee...coming back to the station I see you, Voyage! It's's fast! Nice and curvy... Wow, that drop looks great! Way more flags, way more fun. And come FLYING out of the woods and hit the brakes. Fantastic ride. Track details... What a nice lift. Just surrounded by trees. I almost grabbed leaves from a tree! But I hug trees, not grab them. Raven Station All of HW's trains are like these. Very padded, nice and comfy. Raven TV! And the control pannel. Station on the left, train storage on the right. We headed to the Raven first. It's so cool to finally be here after seeing so much footage. Wow, look who replied to meet up with me at HW! Jk, it's MWT '07. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SFOGdude25 Posted May 22, 2009 Share Posted May 22, 2009 I just got back from the park today. Never got to ride Pilgrim's Plunge cause it broke. Oh well. It's nice to hear you like the Voyage. It's my #1 woodie as well. I got four rides today (3 of which were in the back). What a coaster. It pretty much has it all. It was running VERY well. Nice trip report and photos dude! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BamBam36 Posted May 22, 2009 Share Posted May 22, 2009 If airtime is your biggest concern in a wooden coaster I suggest you go ride El Toro. NOW. El Toro is far better than the Vuyage for air time. El Toro would be the wooden equivalent to Superman at Six Flags New England. Now, if you're looking for the fastest, most out of control coaster ever to grace the earth, I suggest you go back to Holiday World when you can get numerous night rides. Nothing IMO beats it. Well, Hades does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DBru Posted May 22, 2009 Share Posted May 22, 2009 I have a feeling the guy in your last photo was a disabled man who was unable to control his head movement during that (INSANE) section of the ride... ...or maybe its just a guy that passed out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 22, 2009 Author Share Posted May 22, 2009 Photos... Yeah, Voyage had everything I love. -Airtime, and lots of it -A great layout -Fantastic first drop -Out of control feeling -Speed -Height -A hint of roughness (on a wooden coaster and based on the seat) -Lengthy ride. It's worth a long wait on a busy day! It was really coaster nirvana for me. I practically had the whole coaster to myself! Legend. Prepare to be smashed into the person next to you. Great way to meet someone! Obviously staged shouting dude. It was funny because there were only about 20 other people watching, and he was was so obvious it was hilarious! (In the yellow) Woodies and speedoes. A view from the station. Oh touch me in a way I've never been touched before! Not the hair, Voyage, not the hair! Don't ruin my Hollister hair! Ring this bell when the flies come! Behemoth? Lots of angry pirates. Pirates are pirating because Voyage took all their planks. If yes, then turn to page 114. Nope? Good. HIGH FIVE! /Borat Tired of Voyage yet? A little unsure? Size doesn't matter here! Double shots RULE. Oh crap! Three big hills....then everything else is probably 20-50ft off the ground. It maintains speed like MF. Wait? Comparing MF to Voyage? That doesn't work... Now you can get off, grab some Dr. Pepper....breathe, then get back in line! The ending is the most intense part of the ride, IMO. Or maybe it seems that way because after the rest of the ride, you're tired hahaha Before this an epic airtime hill. Swooping drop into one of many tunnels. Legend needs love too. THIS RIDE IS AWESOME! Fun for everyone! Now...with people! Gravity Group track! It's the Voyage!.....roller coaster. Credit #95 Heavily banked turns alllll over. Random Voyage shots...seen from all around Thanksgiving. Yeah...INSANE section of the ride... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
STR8FXXXINEDGE Posted May 22, 2009 Share Posted May 22, 2009 You've got some super awesome photos here. Thanks for sharing! Voyage and El Toro deliver two completely different rides. Both are amazing, though! It's hard for me to decide which I like better. I just about like them equally, but for different reasons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tedten Posted May 22, 2009 Share Posted May 22, 2009 Ride counts: Raven - 8 or 9 The Legend - 4 Voyage - 11 Liberty Launch - 3 Gobler Getaway - 3 Turkey Spin - 1 Swings - 1 Frightful Falls - 1 Raging Rapids - 1 Plunge - 1 Splashin' Safari: Bukali - 1 Watoobe - 1 Mat Racers - 4 Otgomogoslapintheface - 1 Bamboo chute/Amazoom - 1 -Zach Grrr! Jealous! I had a total of 5 coaster rides, flume, rapids, 5 or so flats, and 5 or so slides on the busy day I went. Did you find the giant viewing window for the station flyby down below the station for voyage? They had that part of the que blocked off in the morning but opened it up in the evening once the line was filling up my last trip. As to your "not getting the beast" comment I definitely need to visit holiday world again now that my back is in better shape but I do prefer the beast over all 3 of the woodies at holiday world. It's just a different run away ride experience that I absolutely love in the front seat. The rides I had with you showed me the roughness of the beast that I had heard about so often but never experienced myself. Riding the beast in anything besides the front seat is nowhere near as fun or as smooth! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiroo Posted May 22, 2009 Share Posted May 22, 2009 You sure take some great pics. Glad to hear you had a good time and also that you watched the dive show. I was there today with Big Mike and the crew....but I'll let his TR do the talking on that one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiSab Posted May 23, 2009 Share Posted May 23, 2009 I need to get back to HW soon. It's been much too long since my last ride on Voyage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 23, 2009 Author Share Posted May 23, 2009 More photos! Row 1: Take my head, but don't take my boobs! Or Row 2: GRRRR I'MA GRIZZLY BEAR Robb says, "TAKE THE TUNNEL!" Don't be scared, the Headless Horseman just wants heads! Down the first drop.. Legend's structure Out of the station....into the tunnel! Here's part of the ride. Queue and station. See all the queues are like this. It prevents line jumping. This translates as: Rapids Nerd...this way! Texas trip preview! Mm...S&S The overview of the section. It's all pretty It's my birthday already? Sweet, 18! Outside of Kringle's Burger, drink, fries, cookie...4.50. Yay Kringle's Cafe! Another view Christmas is the area of the park at the entrance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angryemobeaver Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 Nice photos, but why no photos of Pilgrim's Plunge? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disneygurlz2s Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 Your pictures are awesome Zach... next time I see you at KI I want to check out your camera.... I would love something that could take that quality. We love HW, and I am sure that there are elements of the park that are less exciting when you are a guy your age, versus a little one like Sammi. She could ride the Revolution in 4th of July all day long! I didn't read everyone's comments, but I did want to address your comments about the safety aspect. Several years ago (as you may know) HW suffered a tragedy when an enthusiast attending an event allegedly released herself from her restraint and stood up on the Raven, causing her to fall to her death. Now you and I are used to the "corporate park" that Kings Island has become (you've probably never known it any other way). When something like that happens they make their media statement, call in their lawyers and pretend it never happened. HW, being the family-owned, know your guests by name kind of place that it is, took what happened very much to heart. I think this is why they are a notch or two more cautious than your "average" park. As a parent, I can appreciate that more than some, for sure. (Realize, as much as I LOVE Diamondback, I cannot go over those hills without the thought "What if these restraints failed???", especially when Sammi is sitting beside me.) I am anxious to make our 2009 visit... this will be our 5th year going to HW, and I am anxious to see how I like PP. Shari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 27, 2009 Author Share Posted May 27, 2009 Nice photos, but why no photos of Pilgrim's Plunge? That's about half of my pictures...sorry I've been working and busy with things. I'll try to get them up soon! We can set up a meet at KI, Shari! It's no problem to let you check out the camera. I didn't ride all of HW's attractions, but I did see that ride...haha I think Coney Island's 5 minute death ride has scarred me for life, haha! Those of you who've ridden can agree.. I do know about the death on Raven...but that really was the person, and HW's fault for letting someone leave the station with...hardly a lap bar down at all. I DO understand on a ride like Voyage, though...that's just pure insanity! But hey, better safe than sorry; and stupid people tend to ruin fun. Regardless, that shows how awesome Holiday World's rides are. You can be stapled, and have a new favorite woodie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 28, 2009 Share Posted May 28, 2009 Great photos! Holiday World is one of my favorites. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted May 28, 2009 Author Share Posted May 28, 2009 Photos...the last update! (Big one) Splash! Thanks for viewing everyone! Holiday World is an AMAZING park, go out and visit! Voyage is my new NUMBER ONE coaster! -Zach Hot stuff! On the way over to Raven, I caught the "hot" part of the dive show Wee...last Voyage pic, I swear! Ughhh...another photographer. There were a lot of cute girls at Holiday World. Two thumbs way up! It's very hard to photograph so close due to the sheer speed it's at when it FLIES by. Time for Voyage once again! The station and the cars. Heading off into the village to get some birds. Granny tells you how you can bring dinner home in time for Thanksgiving! Pepsi Oasis. Where employees and guests can enjoy free Pepsi. Well, in my case...Dr. Pepper. I win. Shirt on and backseat of a Voyage, I'm feeling better now! Pilgrim's Plunge made my boob slightly sag. That's fantastic. What the hell was that?! It looks like...liquid lava. LAVA COMING TO GET YOU! See? Not pleasant at ALL If you guessed "Wet Cubs Fans" you're correct. Voyage intermission. That's nice. What's behind wall of water number one? -Wet Cubs Fans -Scared young girls -Jared's lost phone A little wave of water coming to get you! It looks SOOO cool! So much fun! But my ride...just sucked! Maybe I'll have to ride it again... Yeah..55mph right into a very abrupt stop. I don't know about the front row, but all the others are cramped. I'm 5'8" and I SMASHED my knees in the seat infront of me. And a wall of water right over the front seat. Check out the theminggg...see, this part is fun, skimming across the water...wait until you hit the water.. Approaching the water... Oh, yeah...water hitting you at 55mph..that's fun. Yeah, let's build that. Wait, they let people on this ride? One more with the train... Go ride Voyage, now! I love this ride. One of THREE 90* turns. PP area... Testing! First drop madness. AT 66 DEGREESE. THAT'S STEEP Look out for the 90*!!! Foosh. Off into the woods... Mm...Voyage on a sunny day. I understand this ride will be a million times prettier than it is right now later this year? It looked like a Cedar Fair job right now. Random hay, cement, and mud. Yuck. Some nice views of Voyage...I could have gotten closer, but not much else you could see... Yay for mat racers! Zoombabwe, one of two slides with a line...something I didn't ride. Shut up James! Six waterslides in this picture. I sh*t you not. Call Intamin and tell them to make a steel rival of Voyage. Oh dear God. Sheer beauty and amazingness. Oh, and an interactive layout with more airtime and laterals. YES LATERALS, OMG YES. ACRers said "let there be a good first drop" ...and there was one. Punch-you-in-the-stomach-brakes Chalk Legend Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reon Posted May 28, 2009 Share Posted May 28, 2009 Yeah, so apparently someone DID steal my phone and tried to pawn it back to a Verizon hut somewhere in Indiana. They have it now, but they can't ship it so I'm kind of screwed with that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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