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Magnum’s new sign at Cedar Point!

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As a coaster sign maker in 2007 and 2008, I've seen the sign for Magnum more times than all of the other coaster signs on my list combined... well over 300 times and I've seen 350+ coaster signs. It sits firmly at the top of my steel coaster sign list. I can't really even explain it. The construction, the font choice, classic color combination, beveling, and my GOD the steel framing. Out of my 300+ sign views, I MIGHT have had three or four unpleasant ones where the sign had bird poop on it and I was unfortunate enough to see it after a dirty rain shower, but 99.9% of my views have been pure bliss. Stand about six feet back (so that you're not directly blocking your peripheral vision) and you'll be fine.

Where do I send the money, hot chicks, flowers, and candy?

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^^ Try viewing Magnum's sign early in the day before the sunlight is on it about eight feet away. It is not horribly glare-y and you get to experience the shine Magnum's sign should always have. One way to cut down on the amount of glare is to put sunglasses on as dark as possible and not look at the sun beforehand. Helps me a lot.


By the way, I have seen Magnum's sign 120 times and it is still my 2nd favorite coaster sign (behind Maverick of course).

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Wes, does Cedar Point shut down the sign at the hint of rain?


Cedar Point's sign rain policy is one of the things I hate about the park. There's no thought put into it. They cover the signs well before the rain comes. Sometimes the rain misses (like it did two weeks ago), so people are left not looking at signs for no reason.


The practice of going down to one-sign operation during or after rain is ridiculous. Magnum's got a soil sign base. Taking the signs off MF and Maverick is completely ridiculous because the sign bases are concrete. It's like the person who makes the decisions doesn't work with the sign maintenance people and has no concept of how roller coaster signs work.


The park needs to go back to the old policy of keeping the signs out for everything except TTD and Raptor in the rain. There is no viewing safety issue. And covering up every sign down well before the rain may or may not come is just going to get people angry.


I propose that all of us who have been to the park and not been allowed to view during, before or after a rainstorm write the park. The contact form is here. I know Cedar Point takes lots of complaints seriously (they changed a menu board policy in early 2005 because of complaints). I doubt we can make a difference, but we could at least possibly get them to think about how stupid this is.

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As a Magnum crew member in 2007 and 2008, I've ridden Magnum more times than all of the other coasters on my list combined... well over 300 times and I've been on 350+ coasters. It sits firmly at the top of my steel coaster list. I can't really even explain it. The view, the second drop, third hill, classic Arrow awkwardness, tunnels, and my GOD the airtime. Out of my 300+ rides, I MIGHT have had three or four unpleasant ones where my lapbar came down too tightly and I was unfortunate enough to be sitting in a wheel seat, but 99.9% of my rides have been pure bliss. Sit in the second row of any car (so that you're not directly over an axle) and you'll be fine.


As for the sign, It's pretty sweet and WAY overdue. The most frequent question I got while working at Magnum entrance was...


"What ride is this???"

"This is Magnum." I'd tell the guests.

"Which one is the Magnum?" they would ask.

"You can't see it from here. Walk down the midway 100 yards and you'll see it on the right or you can get in line and you'll be able to see it."

"Nah - let's go ride Dragster!"



Yeah, Magnum has airtime and everytime I get it, no offense I either get it to the point where it hurts my knees and legs. Maybe it's also the fact that I didn't get stapled, the airtime would be less painful on my groin, waist and legs.


I go two ways on Magnum, I get rides where I'm TOTALLY STAPLED or free as a bird. Both instances hurt, and it may be my favorite ride but I can't see why people see this ride as so GREAT! It got BUMPED out of my TOP 10 list because of Diamondback and believe me Diamondback maybe made by another company but it offers a better ride and less stapling.


Something Magnum will never give me at all, the stapling needs to go on the ride before I have another good ride on it.


I may sound like a jerk or biased to some, but honestly this is just my two cents!

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I like Magnum, but I'd have to agree with a lot of the opinion going on here about it being overrated. Magnum was one of the first big coasters I ever rode and I loved it at the time. But after riding some B&M hypers and Milliennium Force, as well as Phantom's Revenge I feel that it just dosn't stack up. I think it's mainly due to its brutality- it can easily hurt your thighs and the pretzel turn can be uncomfortable as well.


About the airtime- It gives airtime, and more then most coasters. The airtime is more intense then on B&M hypers, IMO. However, I think that the experience of the actual airtime is nowhere near the level of a lot of coasters. I'll take Maverick airtime over Magnum's any day.

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I remember one time when I was looking at Maverick's sign, and they covered it for "mechanical reasons we are evaluating at this time". Every enthusiast out there knows the real reason was because of the new rain policy; they said the sign might be back up at the end of the day, but I went back later and it was still down 4 hours after the rainstorm! And the ride ops practically promised I could look at it later! Come on, CP. Keep your signs open or else the only profit you'll be making are all of the people who buy $3.50 pop bottles. And food. And park tickets.

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I worked at the Point in '89 when Magnum debuted. It was smooth, fast, and ALWAYS had an hour wait every single day. I rode it as much as I could, but always had to have at least an hour to wait.


Now, it's pretty rough and not that rideable in my opinion. Not sure if there is anything you could do to fix it since all Cedar Fair hypers of this style (Steel Force, Mamba) are pretty much the same ride. I'm really looking forward to Diamondback since Apollo's Chariot is one of my fav hypers.

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A very nice touch for Magnum! It has definitely needed a sign for a long time now.

*sigh* Everyone has their own opinion.

I personally like Magnum. The hills give that instant "lurch-in-the-stomach" feeling, and the first drop in the back is pretty good.

Magnum's personality is shown through its bumps, quick transitions, and quick airtime.

Magnum isn't my favorite coaster in the park though. Maverick, Millennium Force, Dragster, and Raptor are all better than Magnum to me (to name a few).

This opinion is coming from a guy that has a high coaster pain tolerance and can ride most rough or jerky coasters without much pain.

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Anyone notice the pic Rob posted is actually Chang at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom from the same trip. Only noticed cause I have been to Kentucky Kingdom. Obviously Rob knows this since the photo is called kentucky Kingdom.


On a side note, I 100% agree with Rob's comments on the ride.


Edit: Obviously Rob knows this since the photo is called kentucky Kingdom.

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Wes, does Cedar Point shut down the sign at the hint of rain?


Cedar Point's sign rain policy is one of the things I hate about the park. There's no thought put into it. They cover the signs well before the rain comes. Sometimes the rain misses (like it did two weeks ago), so people are left not looking at signs for no reason.


The practice of going down to one-sign operation during or after rain is ridiculous. Magnum's got a soil sign base. Taking the signs off MF and Maverick is completely ridiculous because the sign bases are concrete. It's like the person who makes the decisions doesn't work with the sign maintenance people and has no concept of how roller coaster signs work.


The park needs to go back to the old policy of keeping the signs out for everything except TTD and Raptor in the rain. There is no viewing safety issue. And covering up every sign down well before the rain may or may not come is just going to get people angry.


I propose that all of us who have been to the park and not been allowed to view during, before or after a rainstorm write the park. The contact form is here. I know Cedar Point takes lots of complaints seriously (they changed a menu board policy in early 2005 because of complaints). I doubt we can make a difference, but we could at least possibly get them to think about how stupid this is.


Just plain awesome...

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Wait...I'm so confused! I have no idea which park this coaster is at, nor do I know who it's run by! I know it's in Ohio because a LOT of people are complaining it's the best. (Which it probably is, because it's in Ohio and it's not at Kings Island)


Unlike Diamondback's sign, where I know what the ride is AND which park I'm at! BUT! I don't know who owns it, so that's a HUGE flaw.


See! Kings Island! Ah.

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In regards to certain conditions affect the ride. I have found that high/steady winds really affect the performance of Arrow/Morgan hypers.


I can see why people love the ride and I can see why people do not like the ride.


Hype is a very bad thing for coasters IMO. If all you hear is the ride is the absolute best and the bar is sooo high, chances are you are gonna be disappointed. I plan to ride SROS/Bizarro for the first time this year and I have this terrible feeling I am gonna get off it going meh. (but I hope I don't)


It still cracks me up that no matter what coaster forum you go to people will still tell you your opinion is wrong



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Wow, this thread rocks!


Whew, I'm glad that photo of me took off 350 pounds! Thanks Robb for great photo skills in making me a skinny enthusiast.


I like Cedar Point, but it's in no way amazing, nor are the selection of rides there. My opinion of coarse, but I don't see myself booking flights any time soon to go back there.


As far as the airtime goes, why should I have to hope for a "specific seat", "non-wheel", "over the axel", "under the bird that will be flying over me", and "75 degree temperatures with no wind" to have great airtime. On the East Coast Tour, we had Phoenix for an hour during ERT and I believe I said "OMFG" on every seat. That's how airtime or just a great coaster should be.


Maybe it's because I've been on a few TPR trips now, but places like Lake Compounce and Indiana Beach, I'd have no problem rushing off to visit.


Edit: I just looked at the sign. The rain policy in regards to signs still disappoints me. Many people will be waiting for hours to catch a glimpse of this new for 2009 sign only to be disappointed when the sign is out for testing and then quickly covered again when a gray cloud moved overhead.

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