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What is your Chinese Element & Zodiac?

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Element personality quizzes featuring various elements are very popular, but the 5 Chinese elements of Wood, Water, Metal, Fire, and Earth belong to their own cycle and are specifically personality-related pertaining to Chinese lore. Each has a certain set of characteristics, and most people's personalities are ruled by one of the five elements. You can learn more about them on many other sites.


Depending on what you guys have been doing on the web or elsewhere you may already know what your Chinese Element is (in which case you can just post it), but if you don't know it you can take a quiz here to find out:



It works on a different principle than most personality quizzes, just check off all the traits from each that are true about you and the one with the highest score is the element that is dominant over you.


As for the Chinese Zodiac, that is a 12 animal cycle based on the year you were born in, so if you don't know it just look it up.


In any case, once you know both, post them here.


I was born in 1988 so my Chinese Zodiac is Dragon (almost Snake though). As for my element:


Dear Joseph,

Here are your results:


WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 10

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 7

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 5

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 9

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 16


Keys To Understanding Water:

• articulate, clever, and introspective

• self-contained and self-sufficient

• penetrating, critical, and scrutinizing

• seeks knowledge and understanding

• likes to remain hidden, enigmatic, and anonymous


Typical Problems:

• emotionally inaccessible and undemonstrative

• isolation and lonelines

• tactless, unforgiving, and suspicious

• hardening of the arteries, deterioration of teeth and gums

• backache, chilliness, loss of libido


Yep, this is pretty much me. How ironic, I am water in both the Greek element quizzes I've tried as well as Chinese element!


EDIT: I actually only skimmed through it the first time and didn't check off everything I could have, so now I've done it more carefully, Water is still in the lead though.


Joseph "Water Dragon" Frombaugh

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WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 9

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 16

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 12

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 7

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 11




Keys To Understanding Fire:

• relishes excitement and delights in intimacy

• keenly intuitive and passionately empathetic

• believes in the power of charisma and desire

• loves sensation, drama, and sentiment

• likes to be hot, bright, and vibrant


Typical Problems:

• anxiety, agitation, and frenzy

• bizarre perceptions

• nervous exhaustion and insomnia

• palpitations, sweating, hypoglycemia, rashes, palsy

nerve inflammations, migratory pain

• abuse of stimulants and sedatives


A Friendly Reminder:

The power of Fire comes from the capacity to liberate heat and light and realize joy and fulfillment. Fire types need to temper their chemistry and contain their fervor, conserving as well as sharing their resources, withdrawing and separating as well as embracing and merging.


That's totally me!

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Dear Christian,

Here are your results:


WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 10

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 13

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 12

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 10

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 16




Keys To Understanding Water:

• articulate, clever, and introspective

• self-contained and self-sufficient

• penetrating, critical, and scrutinizing

• seeks knowledge and understanding

• likes to remain hidden, enigmatic, and anonymous


Typical Problems:

• emotionally inaccessible and undemonstrative

• isolation and lonelines

• tactless, unforgiving, and suspicious

• hardening of the arteries, deterioration of teeth and gums

• backache, chilliness, loss of libido


A Friendly Reminder:

The power of Water comes from the capacity to conceive, concentrate, and conserve. Water types need to offset their toughness, bluntness, and detachment with tenderness, sensitivity, and openness, risking softness and contact, exposure and attachment.


I'm the same thing as the poster, and THAT really is me!

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Dear Manny,

Here are your results:


WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 16

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 8

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 7

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 6

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 8



Keys To Understanding Wood:

• seeks challenge and pushes to the limit

• enjoys and does well under pressure

• admires speed, novelty, and skill

• loves action, movement, and adventure

• likes to be first, best, and only


Typical Problems:

• intolerance and impatience

• volatile emotions

• extremist, in either external or internal way

• headaches, muscle spasms, high blood pressure,

nerve inflammations, migratory pain

• abuse of stimulants and sedatives



Wood won by quite a bit.

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WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 3

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 14

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 12

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 9

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 15


Keys To Understanding Water:

• articulate, clever, and introspective

• self-contained and self-sufficient

• penetrating, critical, and scrutinizing

• seeks knowledge and understanding

• likes to remain hidden, enigmatic, and anonymous


Typical Problems:

• emotionally inaccessible and undemonstrative

• isolation and lonelines

• tactless, unforgiving, and suspicious

• hardening of the arteries, deterioration of teeth and gums

• backache, chilliness, loss of libido


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WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 13

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 12

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 9

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 12

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 10



Ok, my two highest results are Wood and Metal, how does that relate to coasters

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Um, I think it was a play on words based on the fact that wooden and steel (metal) are types of rollercoasters. Not too perceptive, are we?


I'm a Metal Monkey by birth, fairly equal Wood & Water by this quiz!


And still a monkey. I've been considering getting the monkey symbol tatooed on me, actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this was fun. :)


WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 6

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 8

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 0

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 5

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 13

Keys To Understanding Water:

• articulate, clever, and introspective

• self-contained and self-sufficient

• penetrating, critical, and scrutinizing

• seeks knowledge and understanding

• likes to remain hidden, enigmatic, and anonymous


Typical Problems:

• emotionally inaccessible and undemonstrative

• isolation and lonelines

• tactless, unforgiving, and suspicious

• hardening of the arteries, deterioration of teeth and gums

• backache, chilliness, loss of libido


A Friendly Reminder:

The power of Water comes from the capacity to conceive, concentrate, and conserve. Water types need to offset their toughness, bluntness, and detachment with tenderness, sensitivity, and openness, risking softness and contact, exposure and attachment.


This does describe me pretty accurately.

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WOOD ARCHETYPE: The Pioneer.............................. 8

FIRE ARCHETYPE: The Wizard.................................... 5

EARTH ARCHETYPE: The Peacemaker......................... 7

METAL ARCHETYPE: The Alchemist.............................. 4

WATER ARCHETYPE: The Philosopher......................... 3


Keys To Understanding Wood:

• seeks challenge and pushes to the limit

• enjoys and does well under pressure

• admires speed, novelty, and skill

• loves action, movement, and adventure

• likes to be first, best, and only


Typical Problems:

• intolerance and impatience

• volatile emotions

• extremist, in either external or internal way

• headaches, muscle spasms, high blood pressure,

nerve inflammations, migratory pain

• abuse of stimulants and sedatives


A Friendly Reminder:

The power of Wood comes from the capacity to rapidly expand

and build up pressure. Wood types need to modulate their intensity and stay flexible, to be able to retreat and yield as well as surge forward and be undaunted.



So very true!

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A Friendly Reminder:

The power of Wood comes from the capacity to rapidly expand

and build up pressure. Wood types need to modulate their intensity and stay flexible, to be able to retreat and yield as well as surge forward and be undaunted.


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