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PHOTO CONTEST! – Show me your favorite theme park/ride shot!

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Yeah I know, but in the early hours of the contest, there was a huge backlash over a rule I had that originally allowed "stolen" pictures.


So even though I knew he was in charge of the site, I wasn't going to risk any more drama and I had to give him the boot due to the direct link. We PMd about it and he was cool about the whole thing.

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^ I like the image vffreak07 but I'm going to have to consider it stolen. It was direct linked from ValleyFairZone.com, which you may very well help maintain, but the air of suspicion is too strong so I've got to give you the boot.


You've been DQ'd and I don't mean Dairy Queen. Better luck next time.


I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, as he does most of TPR's trip reports of Valleyfair.


You may need to do a bit more investigating before outright DQ'ing someone.

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^ I agree, but I got a real reaming in the first few hours this thread exisited because I originally encouraged all entries no matter how you obtained the photo.


After the public outcry I changed the rule in hopes of making the contest a success. I guess it made me gunshy because I did DQ vffreak even though I knew the photo was probably his. I even alluded to this in the initial DQ posting. I have since PMd him about it and everything is cool.


But yeah I did give him the boot because someone who didn't know he ran the site could have started crying about the direct link and the rules and all that. I'm running this think for fun and the truth is I didn't want to deal with any more bitching on the "stolen image" issue.

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But yeah I did give him the boot because someone who didn't know he ran the site could have started crying about the direct link and the rules and all that. I'm running this think for fun and the truth is I didn't want to deal with any more bitching on the "stolen image" issue.


The proof is in the pudding. He runs the site, and it's his picture. What's there to argue about? Right?


Keep the "original" pics coming folks. These are excellent!

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I noticed A LOT of you guys that entered the contest live nowhere remotely close to WOF, let along Missouri. I'm not trying to be rude, but how many of you are actually going to travel to Missouri to go to a small amusement park when you have bigger & better places to go? I only live a couple hours away and go about 4 times in a season.


I'm just stating a theory so nobody bite my head off. A lot of you are teenagers so I don't think your parents would let you drive 8 hours to go to an amusement park. It makes sense in my mind to give the ticket away to someone who will actually use it. If you people who all entered it plan to use it, by all means, ignore me. I'm just saying we should give it to someone who is ACTUALLY going to use it, and not just let it a perfectly good ticket rot away.

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^I was going to post the same thing sooner or later.

I live 3 hours from WoF and I know for a fact I can use it this season. I saw people in other countries posting a picture, and I was like, "WTF? They'll never use it! Give it to someone who WILL!"

I hope that whatever happens will happen for the best, as I'm sure it will.

It'll be fun to see who wins, and who gets the ticket, whether Emiroo decides to make those two separate because of people's locations.

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The winner will get the ticket no matter where they live. I will however, give them the option to select a different person to receive the ticket should they not be interested in using it.


Of course, I have to pick the winner first...

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