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Firewhip video montage

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I searched and discovery that is no material in english about this coaster after the opening day, so i made this video montage to show you firewhip operating.


I used a brazilian band song in the video and put an institution video about the park in the end.


Hope you like it...



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Please, comment the video!


I know that you'll like it!


Is there any wonder why Suzuka Circuit Park didn't survive? Its two premier attractions opening were this SLC and an outdoor Premier Spaghetti Bowl LIM full circuit (think Joker's Jinx/Poltergeist) but with trains that never got the lapbar retrofit.


If that had been the first "big" park I had ever visited, and these the first two "big" coasters I had ridden, I probably would have written off all coasters.


As an aside, I believe that first generation Intamin Freefall was originally "The Edge" at California's Great America. Interesting that this park has both this ride and what looks to be an Intamin Giant Drop as well. Astroworld had the same combo, but only in 1997 (the year Dungeon Drop debuted).

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Very nice work on the video. While Fire Whip may be "just a Vekoma SLC", it is certainly one of the prettiest and most nicely themed SLCs. I would imagine that many SLCs would be thought of in a better light if they looked that nice. The rapids ride looks awesome. The rest of the park looks fun as well.

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Very good video!


Is there a reason why the catwalk extends somewhat down the first drop? I was confused to as why you'd make it go that extra length.


The coaster came from Japan, where they have very weird standards for coasters. In sitdown coasters they have catwalks all along the track and in Inverted coasters they have it going for one third of the first drop, I think...


The park has, indeed, both an old-gen free-fall and a 300ft giant drop.


The rapids were home-designed and built except for the boats that were bought from Hafema.


Pretty cool park that offers circus, zoo and rides at the same place and is also surrounded by really cool beaches. If you ever visit, bring your surfboards!

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As an aside, I believe that first generation Intamin Freefall was originally "The Edge" at California's Great America.


Yeah, that 1st gen. freefall is the former "The Edge" at California's Great America.


Just a side note here: Beto Carrero World reports that attendance at the theme park is up 57% compared to the same period the year before.


This reflects the sucess of FireWhip here in Brazil... This is the first inverted coaster in the country.


Great investment!

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