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How well do you handle hangtime?

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Hangtime freaks me out. I've been afraid of heights since I was 5 or even less unfortunately.... I often end up with hangtime because I also hate being stapled due to claustrophobia problems.


The only time I didn't mind hangtime was on my local park's HUSS Top Spin. The current program they have gives alot of hangtime.


~ Jess "Don't leave me hangin'" Chan


I just put my hands up for the hell of it.

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Hangtime dosn't bother me at all. I just rode Behemoth, and my first time on it, I kinda freaked out a bit on the first airtime hill. After that though, I've loved it all ever since.


Did you ride Jet Scream too? I've ridden it too, didn't like it much. Atleast I didn't find the hangtime painful as I'm a girl.


I just in general don't like rides that stop you upside down. That used to be my worst childhood nightmare, rollercoasters stopping upside down. I also knew what happens when you stop a spinning bucket of water upside down...

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CGA's Firefall has some nice hangtime, though it kinda pins you in a bit tight due to the restraint system it has. Also at CGA, the much-hated swinging ship "Revolution" (as I still call it) or "Endeavor" offers some really nice hanging sensations. It really only hurts if you let your horse-collar restraint dig into your chest. I usually follow the signs and leave several inches so I'm not being tortured by the ride as many are.

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I realize I mixed hangtime with airtime. But hell, when I made that post, it was late and I had just gotten back from long hours and flights at the airport. Not to mention I was half asleep and went to bed shortly after.

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Good question...


I love hangtime. I let the restraints do their job; my hands are never on them lol. I figure it's really the only time a human being gets to experience that sort of thing, might as well enjoy it.


I still live Murphy's Law, so I tend to hold on to any "convenient object" during an inversion. Whether that'd be a handle, seat divider, or even a friend/family member's arm! Hangtime? more like "hang on tight time!"


As for the SS Endaever, I'm going to go on it. Thanks for the advice about the few inches slack (as I'm a girl, it might be abit uncomfortable).

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Hangtime is really the only thing that makes me fear for my life anymore. I HATE rides that have long hangtime tho, like Pheonix at BGA, that seemed to take an ETERNITY, (counted 7 mississippi seconds when I was on it.) And it scared the bejeesus outta me.

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I love the B&M bib. The Zamperla one is terrible with all the chest pressure I feel. The Flying Dutchman restraint is terrible. It shoves with my body into the twists. That makes me a little uneasy. I do alright with the Arrow restraint.

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The only hang time I remember and like is at the end of Mystery Mine at Dollywood. That thing was awesome. I even got my dad to ride it and he loved it. My dad used to love coasters when he was younger but now he doesn't ride at all. So it was awesome seeing him laugh on the 95 degree drop and the hang time at the end of the ride.

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Being stuck on lift numero uno on Deja Vu for about 15 minutes made me completely fearless of hangtime. You think about lots of different things staring at the dirt, but really, I was not afraid in the slightest.



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It kinda depends on the ride. When I was riding a Fabbri Booster for the first time, I really did NOT want to have the restraints loose. Then I discovered, that it's a good advice if your scared of a ride to have the restraints tight. A secure feeling comes from tight restraints.


But in certain cases I leave the restraints loose on purpose to get some extra fun on a ride that I'm familiar with.

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I have a hard time getting my mind to stop going over that wonderful little scene of just what happens if this restraint fails... I'm much happier if there's a secondary restraint, even just a seatbelt. That said, I'm a lot less nervous about it than I used to be; my love for Power Surge at Knoebels sorta forced me to get used to it. I could ride that flat all day, and you do spend a lot of time on that one hanging off your harness.

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The only hang time that really makes me nervous is the lap bar only restraints on Dare Devil Dive. When you go through the barrell roll extremely slow and all your weight is hanging on that little bar. I guess the good thing is that if you fell out it is only like 7 feet to the ground so you probably wouldn't get hurt too bad. LOL

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Not sure if it qualifies, but the lift hills on B&M Flyers scare the crap out of me. Looking straight down at the ground knowing that the restraint is the only thing keeping you from plummeting to the ground is a scary thing in my opinion.


Catapault at SFNE (S&S SkySwat) also has some really insane hangtime.

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I'd say the coaster with the most hangtime that I've ridden is Sequoia Adventure at Gardaland, and I really expected to hate it, but it ended up being not bad. Kind of pointless, but not bad.


Then there is Déjà Vu that used to be at SFOG. The first time I rode it, when they take you up backwards, my restraint clicked and loosened on me. I panicked and put my hands on the back of the seat that was in front of me to try and keep pressure off of the restraint. My friend who was riding next to me thought it was the funniest thing ever, and I really thought it was the end of my life. I've ridden all but one of the models multiple times, and that was the only time it happened.


When I was little, I rode the Ring of Fire/Super Loop at a little carnival. They held it upside down and the big puffy restraint that is supposed to be across your waist/stomach, ended up across my lower shins. If the ride trains didn't have the cage, my butt would have plummeted to the ground below. Last time I ever rode one of those!

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