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SFMM PTR 4/25/09

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well I had a good day at sfmm yesterday figuring as I got there before it opened, but if I had gotten there a tad later, it would have been hours of boredom.

I sprinted my arse over to Tatsu since x2 was closed, here's what the line looked like when I got there

And here's how it looked right after I got off

Yummy, B&M hotness!

Due to budget cuts they had to stop Tatsu right behind the tree

C-c-c-c-c-coaster porn!

I then proceeded to sprinting my arse over to vu! woohoo no lines! rode twice! and it was my 48th credit! (There's a nerd in this picture)

Termy getting worked on!

I know sfmm works fast on their woodies, but they managed to put a Balder clone in overnight

I like my rides like I like my plotlines: Dense

What a vibrant and sunny station for a vibrant and sunny themed ride

I hear in that part, it has high speeds and flies through the station, if only they had a name for that element

Ah yeah hut porn, make sure to keep your trench coats and tophats on though

Here's where the rumored whale portal will go

Beautiful new concrete!

Last time I looked through this hole in the wall, there was mud

Hey mr goose! Heading to Jet Stream?

Oh wait...now I know what you're headed for you naughty goose

It's that hidden mural from an old sfmm update!

Attempt at a Riddler's Signature shot, success or fail? you decide

Now this is more like it! I never noticed riddler's had a zero g roll until now

Still no lines for Batman yet

Nanananananananana STANDARD SHOT!

Scream got its line mist back!

I actually like this shot....I'll take it!

Guy in the first row leftmost seat is doing his lazy boy impersonation

Look at that, he's still doing it!

I totally did not take this picture too early, I meant to do that *cough*

Woah! I never knew revolution was at magic mountain, but it says it on the front so you know it's true

If loop through the trees=TPR porn, then pretzel loop through the trees, with train must equal illegal tpr porn

I bet nobody has this shot

Yep, I definitely wont be doing Tatsu again

This is where I ate, and surprisingly the tacos were really really really good

Work fasssssster dangit!

The glorious credit 48

I hope there are also cable lift hill geeks, oh and look at that, they turned deja into a 4th dimension coaster!

Look at that fine, American-built station

Tatsu's so hot the trees wouldnt dare touch it

No mrs goose, that's where Eagle's Flight was, not Goose's flight


Definitely wont be doing Riddler's again

I give you a TPR first, a full line for Scream! Apparently it later extended out of the line

I didnt bother waiting for it, so I got this picture instead

Crafty Zamperla

Sniper! no wait I mean Viper!

Parents were about to come so I decided to waste time in the gift shop, do you also spot 2 things wrong with this?

Oh sweet! We have Nessie now!



Well that does it, final ride count: Tatsu 1x, Deja vu 2x, Riddler's Revenge 1x, Batman 1x, Jet Stream 1x, Scream! 1x, Goliath 1x, Viper 1x

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Yeah I also happened to be there and it just sucked, flat out sucked. After not going to SFMM on a Saturday in more than 2 years, I now remember why I go Sundays. Anyway since I don't need to post any Deja pics because I would be that SEXY beast in the one Atem posted. Anyway I never really got to take any pictures because we walked on everything and my friend complained last time I went with him, so I only took pictures when he stopped to text.


I haven't seen Tatsu's line like this since it first opened back in 2006.



Rode Deja 4 times this morning, thought we'd check it out again. But we came across this line.



I bet these guys love crowded days, more people = more food



I have NEVER seen Riddler's line this big.



Atleast I got a somewhat cool picture.




Hum.... No Goliath today.



Lets go check out the empty part of the park, well atleast on most days.



Ok, if Scream ever has a line thats your clue to LEAVE!



And so we left at around 4-ish.

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nice pics. it is rare that Scream has a line? I dont know why it wouldnt have one. i love Scream. I dont like it over the cement but the ride itself is extremely thrilling to me.

Scream is a walk on, you know you didnt luck out well enough when you have to wait for a train, so when you have to wait for an hour long line, you know you've come on a bad day

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We went on Saturday also. I'll be posting my own Trip Report later. My guess as to the long lines..... There were about 1000 people who would normally be in line for X2 that were in other lines. Also, Tatsu broke down at least once that I saw and was only running two trains by the time we rode it (right around sunset).

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I cant understand why those people go on a Saturday? Especially if most of them are locals. Makes no sense to me.

Saturdays are all around easier, a) You can stay later and not have to worry about waking up early for school b) Sundays are usually my homework days at least so it's easier for people like me to go on a Saturday and not worry about anything. c) The majority of the population around here is some form of Christianity, so a lot of people have church on Sunday and therefore have to go on Saturday (this is the jew's time to shine ).


I'm also wondering how awful the line for x2 would have been Saturday

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^Sunday's parking lot was filling up past Scream! before 3 o' clock. We decided then not to even enter the park! I think it's going to be a real busy summer.


Did Tatsu operate both Stations? I'm happy for Six Flags' being busy, but I hope they can get the lines moving fast or people aren't going to come back as much. Maybe this Summer we can see both Colossus tracks running. The thing that disappoints me the most at SFMM is waiting in slow lines to get food!

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Tatsu was operating both stations, but only 2 trains after a mid-day malfunction. One of the trains wouldn't return to the upright position, so maybe that train was removed.


Goliath was running three trains, and the ops were running to dispatch the trains as quick as possible.


I haven't seen lines as long as they were on Saturday for a LONG time, but they moved pretty quick. Goliath was at the 120min mark, but took only 45min to get through. Batman was nearly at it's main entrance, but got us in after about 20min. Scream was overflowing outside of its queue and only took 15 minutes or so.

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^haha I noticed Alex was one of the running restraint checkers, I wanted to ask him if he was a part of any forums but never got around to it. He ran his @$$ off though, that's what I like to see, although the head ride operator was kinda slow at button pressing and everything lol

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