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Magnum XL-200 First Rider Auction

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Cool idea but I don't think a lot of people will pay to ride Magnum for its 20th anniversary since it has been around for 20 years. Magnum is a great ride but I wouldn't want to pay to be the first person to ride it even for a nice occasion. Once the 2009 season starts the crowds will be going to Millennium Force, Maverick, & Top Thrill Dragster like always.

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I think this is the same thing as having a Benefit Dinner.

You get to donate money to a good cause, get dinner, and you get to have fun and ride magnum.


Not only do you just donate, and get to ride, you also get this...

Taken from the website:

"Successful bidders will receive a ticket to Opening Day, a commemorative T-Shirt, the first two (2) rides of the day on Magnum, a commemorative group photo, lunch at the Breakers East Conference Room, and a commemorative medallion. The medallion will be personally engraved and will be sent to riders some time after the event."


People have been eating dinner for thousands of years, but people will still go to benefit dinners.

I can only imagine that they will get a decent amount of people to donate. I'm sure people aren't donating to be the first rider of 2009 on Magnum. They are donating to the Red Cross, and just happen to get a bonus thank you from Cedar Point.

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I just thought of something. Even thought a person could win the bid they still won't technically be Magnum's first rider of 2009. Don't the ride ops at CP ride their coasters in the morning before the park opens to listen to the train as it goes along the track to see if the ride is able to open that day?

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I just thought of something. Even thought a person could win the bid they still won't technically be Magnum's first rider of 2009. Don't the ride ops at CP ride their coasters in the morning before the park opens to listen to the train as it goes along the track to see if the ride is able to open that day?


What are you going to tell us next? That the construction/engineering crew that builds a new coaster rides it before the public.


Thanks for the keen insight!

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I just thought of something. Even thought a person could win the bid they still won't technically be Magnum's first rider of 2009. Don't the ride ops at CP ride their coasters in the morning before the park opens to listen to the train as it goes along the track to see if the ride is able to open that day?


What are you going to tell us next? That the construction/engineering crew that builds a new coaster rides it before the public.


Thanks for the keen insight!

Or all managers, every employee and there mom and executives like some snake nearby....
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Here's the way I look at it folks:


If you are a coaster fan and you are feeling charitable, then you can donate what you want AND get a coaster ride. That to me is like getting the free T-shirt or coupon what have you when you donate blood. So you're donating money to a great cause AND you get a free coaster ride (I don't believe you have to pay addmission).

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I just thought of something. Even thought a person could win the bid they still won't technically be Magnum's first rider of 2009. Don't the ride ops at CP ride their coasters in the morning before the park opens to listen to the train as it goes along the track to see if the ride is able to open that day?


What are you going to tell us next? That the construction/engineering crew that builds a new coaster rides it before the public.


Thanks for the keen insight!

Or all managers, every employee and there mom and executives like some snake nearby....


"Say it ain't so"

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I agree people are looking at it the wrong way. This is for people who want to donate the money anyway so they might as well get a fun event out of it. I think the highest bidder for Diamondback bid something like $5,000 which was way more than they needed to bid to win the spot. They just wanted to donate to charity and get their name mentioned for doing so (It was a company I believe).

Also I remember there was video of people riding Diamondback friday night on youtube before the first rider auction winners got to take their "first ride." It's more of an event than a true first ride.

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Here's the way I look at it folks:


If you are a coaster fan and you are feeling charitable, then you can donate what you want AND get a coaster ride. That to me is like getting the free T-shirt or coupon what have you when you donate blood. So you're donating money to a great cause AND you get a free coaster ride (I don't believe you have to pay addmission).


Quoted this for the truth. There is nothing wrong with them wanting to raise money for charity.


Now if they wanted to get extra money themselves and charged extra for the ride, then thats a different story, but its not in this case.

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