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THE BEST VIDEO EVER--Woman Wants to Marry a Ride?

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^Lol... Just lol I have no other words!


Seriously tho, I've always wondered who manufactures the 1001 Nachts. The original poster said it was weber, but I seem to remember another version of the ride, like in the pic below.


Maybe the woman (at least I think she's a woman... Hard to tell in he video) ditched the Knobels version of the ride for this version


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Damn it, every time I manage to erase this from my mind someone has to bring it up again!!!


Wasn't it more like, it went 'round and 'round and 'round and...?


Their marriage is definitely going around in circles...

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Well, if there marriage is still going on, I really hope she didn't ruin anybody's trips to Knobels this year to ride impulse... I could just imagine her going crazy over some "love triangle" or something to that extent once Impulse opened!


Out of curiosity, has anyone actually seen this woman at Knobels? If not, maybe she likes to have her "fun" with the ride alone in the off season only?

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Wow! I just saw this video. I'm surprised the park let her that close to the ride or there wasn't a guard or staff member to tell her to leave. The rest of the story with her family is pretty depressing. I don't know if it's worse than her mom's obsession with those Raggedy Ann dolls though.


So that's why 1001 Nachts has been down this year and last year. Must be heartbroken over the divorce, you can't just replace a broken heart.

I was just about ask if this ride was operating during the East Coast Tour last year because I don't remember seeing it running when I was there, but I think you answered my question.

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