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TPR PENS! (Yes, pens!)

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Okay, Robb, throw in a free pen and I'll buy another DVD right now.

Deal! In fact I'll throw in a free pen to all orders that go out this week!


A pleasure doing business with you.


/Ordered two.

//The check is in the mail.

///Not really. I used PayPal.

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I had a pen similar to the TPR pen, but it came from my dentist. It still works to this very day too.


I also got a Comfort Inn pen that I lost the cap to years ago that still works like it was brand new.


You must be mistaken. There is no possible way that another pen performs as well as a TPR pen.

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Wow, I didn't realize they weren't given to everybody, I think I've got one with just about everything I've ordered from TPR. I have one that doesn't work (school does terrible things to pens), but two that still do.


-Emil "Expecting to get my fourth with my Bag O Crap!" Gruber

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Fun fact: A bunch of the rides at Michigan's Adventure have TPR pens in the clipboards we use to do paperwork. I think I started out with 10 of them at the beginning of the season, and now I have none because they usually got left in whatever ride I was working that day.

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I've been known to randomly put them in with DVD orders! Perhaps on your next TPR Store order you'll be one of the lucky ones to get a TPR pen!




And I am known to be one of the lucky ones who got one! Thanks Robb! I love my TPR pen!

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Wow, I didn't realize they weren't given to everybody, I think I've got one with just about everything I've ordered from TPR.

I usually try to include at least a little *something* with every order. It really depends a lot how many pens we have in stock, if we have a ton of park maps left over, or how many orders I'm filling at the time.


Sometimes if I'm running low on supplies (like if it's *right* before a TPR trip) I'll only put stuff into orders where someone has written us a nice note in the comments section or if it's a name I recognize as someone who's ordered from us before.



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Catrina and I were handed a TPR at Magic Mountain to fill out our Season Pass apps in the processing center.


They are everywhere!


That's kind of awesome.


I have a few that I take to class with me, Statistics is 10 times more fun when I have a TPR pen to distract me!

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We only did one batch of red ones (the first batch) and there were 500 of them made (I think) in 2006. Basically we didn't think the color "popped" as much as on the yellow ones so we've made those ever since.



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Wow, I didn't realize they weren't given to everybody, I think I've got one with just about everything I've ordered from TPR. I have one that doesn't work (school does terrible things to pens), but two that still do.


-Emil "Expecting to get my fourth with my Bag O Crap!" Gruber


Those must be counterfeit TPR pens. The real TPR pen never stops working.

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I got a pen with my RAW DVD's on Christmas. I didn't realize it for a few days because my cat pushed it under the couch while I was looking at the DVD's.


Anyway, I love the pen and I use it every chance I get. You should start selling them in the store!

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