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Hersheypark Springtime in the Park

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Two thumbs way down to the PR department, who evidently went to the Dish Network school of marketing. (Anybody who has ever had to call Dish about anything will understand.) Stormrunner isn't open, and I heard from several people in several positions that it might not be til June. So why did they say in emails in the last few days that they anticipated that it would be this weekend? What everyone was saying today is that they're waiting on a part from Germany. I have no idea what part. The trains are back (if it's true that they were sent out for work) and are on the track.

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Yes. Fahrenheit's trains have been done being inspected and I believe it opened the week after STITP.


I don't care when they open Storm Runner, just as long as it's safe and doesn't break down often. If I go and it's not open, then no big deal.

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Just a little FYI for all of you people who (like me) are fretting over Storm Runner's status. The ride is officially open again! The "down for maintenance" notice is off the website, and a park representative confirmed this when I called to inquire. So, for those of you who live nearby, this is not a big deal. But, for those of you traveling great distances for a rare (or first time) visit to the park (again, like me), rejoice! That is all.


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Well they did say it would be shut down for the month of May so this seems to be accurate, especially with June beginning this Monday. This is great news, especially since I'm going next Sunday. At least I'll be able to get my 09 Storm Runner credit in for the summer.

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Storm Runner IS open!!


We were at Hersheypark today and Storm Runner was closed for most of the day but it did open. We got one ride on it before it started raining and they promptly shut it down again.


Fahrenheit was running all day except for when it was raining.


It was a bit disappointing because we had talked to someone about which rides would be most likely to close due to rain and the guy assured us that pretty much everything runs, rain or shine, unless there is lightening. BUT, as soon as there was a little drizzle, they were both shut down immediately.


There were a lot of kids at the park today on field trip but the park was still pretty empty. Our 45 minute wait for the front seat of Storm Runner was our longest wait of the day!


Good luck to all of you visiting this summer!!

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