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Have you ever seen a celebrity at a theme park?

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I just remembered, if this counts, in around 2002, my brother was chosen to be on the Nickelodeon show Slime Time Live (which was filmed at Universal). I met the hosts of the show, and I met Howie Dorough from the Backstreet Boys, who was making a guest appearance (I was 8, and I didn't know who he was until years later).


And no, my brother didn't get slimed.

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Jennifer Love Hewit last week. I work at a resturant at DCA and she was backstage cause I think she wanted a chicken sandwitch, cause they are awesome. She seemed pretty cool, she said hey to us as she was passing and I didnt realize it was her until I was told later. We apparently have a number of celebrities that visit rather frequently, but I have only been there about a month, but apparently my resturant (taste pilot grill) is Kobe's favorite place at the park.

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Max Bemis at SFMM!!!! it was a total dream come true! ( Max bemis is lead singer in the band Say Anything)


got to sit next to him on Goliath cus he said that people could ride with him. I was the luckiest goose EVER!!!!


Picture coming SOON!!!!!




Also saw Haley williams at KBF and Sat with Lead singer of Blink182: Tom Delonge 2 years ago. I rode with him at DCA on California screaming... AWESOME FIRST RIDE!!!!

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I saw Jose Canseco at BGT back in the late 90's and Dan Patrick on the Disney Boardwalk probably 10 years ago.


I also saw NSYNC performing outdoors at City Walk at Universal Orlando, when City Walk was brand new - and it was a free event. That was after a day at IOA when they had their soft-opening, which, I kid you not, was the day they were filming on The Incredible Hulk for the movie House on Haunted Hill. I was furious that the Hulk was closed the whole day, and even more furious when I found out that if I had been there at the opening I would have possibly gotten to ride it 14 times in a row while they filmed. I missed Will Smith by a day when M.I.B. opened at Universal Orlando

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