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Have you ever seen a celebrity at a theme park?

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Saw Neil Peart (drummer from Rush) at DCA once


That's awesome.


I haven't sen anyone famous, sadly. But I have to say, I do respect the celebs who don't ask for special treatment from the park, but would rather spend the day like any other guest by waiting in line.


To be fair to some celebrities, when you get big enough it really becomes impossible to enjoy a "normal" day at a park without some sort of escort. But there are also those that demand special treatment that don't really need it too.

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I got to sit next to Fred Durst (lead singer of Limp Bizket) during the media day for Deja Vu at SFMM. I was not going to sit by him initially however as I was boarding the ride they decided they were going to go live for news in Bakersfield and wanted to get us loaded on and dispatched quickly. So basically they told us to quickly grab seats and he ended next to me. I said "how's it going" he said "good."


When I was working at the park there was an event where I got to meet a ton of people from Christian rock bands. To be honest I can't tell you who any of them are. At another event I worked at SFMM I spent a good deal of time talking to Miss America 2003 I believe. She was getting ready to take the LSAT, so the two of us discussed law schools for about 10-15 minutes.


Good times

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Had a bunch when I worked at WDW, but the best was MC Hammer at Waterworld USA, Concord.


I have seen Reverend Run and his wife.

I also saw that one dude that sings cant touch this...i forgot his name lol And i also met some female country singer. I also forgot her name. jaja


and i think that's it

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In 07, me and my family went to City Walk at Universal Studios Hollywood since the tickets were too expensive to get in the actual park and they wasted most of the vacation money in Vegas 2 days before

Well while we were in Jillian's, me and my sister were walking around trying to find a game to play when my clumsy sister drops her game card. I went to pick it up and right as soon as I lifted up my head I saw Tango from the "I love New York" reality TV show on VH1. I think he was on the first season and won, then left her at the reunion special. My sister was speechless, but he's not even a E-list celeb and i would probably forget about him if I never saw him at Jillian's! lol


And last year, me and my friends went to SFA randomly for the day, and while we were walking towards The Wild One, we saw Jordin Sparks walking the opposite direction! So obviously we followed her and she was leaving. I wish we got a picture with her and I wanted to sing "No Air" to her. (Jordin fans or people with good music taste will understand that lol)

I hope I see some celebs this summer since I now work at SFA!

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I have run across several Steelers Players when I worked at Conneaut Lake Park.


I also have seen various Pittsburgh Steelers at Kennywood.


I have also seen the cast of the Mr. Rodgers show at Idlewild. I believe they still have that event at the park to this day.

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