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Have you ever seen a celebrity at a theme park?

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Saw Simon Gallup of The Cure ride Minebuster at CW (back when in the pre-neutered days... Minebuster, not Simon!) I was a train behind him.

He had enormous black hair that was clearly visible sticking up from the train throughout the duration of the ride. The Cure we're playing at Kingswood later that night so the park was packed with fans. Word spread he was there and we climbed over him and the mob waiting at the exit.

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Saw Seth Green a couple of times at SFMM. Both times were a super bowl Sunday. (pretty cool considering the fact he's kinda the reason I got into TPR)

I'm curious, how so? Is he a member that I'm not aware of?

No he's not a member (at least not that I know of). Me & my brother saw him on something talking about how he had went there for SB Sunday cause attendance is low that day. So my brother said that we should do that too (as neither of us are into football). In looking for various info on SFMM all roads inevitably led to TPR.

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I've seen the Matt kid from the Lizzy mcGuire show at Dollywood. He pranced around like he was an Alist celebrity, but people were treating him as such, so Im not sure if I blame him.


The Rock, Dewayn Johnson, came to Dollywood this summer, He ever rode Rive Battle, which for those of you who know what I am talking about, I now understand why he is a famous Action movie star. That ride is Intense.


Seen Dolly Parton at Dollywood, and some other various e-list celebrities who come and perform, such as Linda Davis( made know by the "does he love you" duet with Reba).

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From working Indy, Trains, parades and special events, I have spotted/dispatched (and spoken to some) the following celebrities. They're easy to find, just got to look out for the plaid tour guides...


Snoop Dogg

Adam Sandler

Rob Schneider

Leonardo DiCaprio

Kelsey Grammar

Kate Moss

Miley Cyrus

Billy Ray Cyrus

Kevin Jonas

Hugh Heffner + Playmates

Howie Mandell

Lawrence Fishburne

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They let Heff into Disneyland with the playmates? Disneyland just became an even happier place, even though it was already the happiest place on earth. Also, how come I'm not on your list? I have never actually looked for you, but I am an AP and go to Disneyland at least twice a month, so I'm sure you've seen me.

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I personally haven't, but my mom's wife used to be a liaison to certain celebrities at the now defunct Disney Gallery at Disneyland. Apparently, Julie Andrews is incredibly nice, Kobe Bryant has a lot of money (surprise) and Thomas Kinkaide is a bit of a drinker.


Also Kelsey Grammer nearly knocked her down trying to get to a buffet.

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Saw Neil Peart (drummer from Rush) at DCA once


That's awesome.


I haven't sen anyone famous, sadly. But I have to say, I do respect the celebs who don't ask for special treatment from the park, but would rather spend the day like any other guest by waiting in line.

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