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Have you ever seen a celebrity at a theme park?

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Of course not talking about those who made a "special appearance" or did a concert at a park, just some celebrity who just happened to be visiting a park while you were there. Dittos with carnivals too.


Long before he became known as "Mr. Paternity Test', back in the 70's I do remember seeing Maury Povich standing in line to ride the Scobby Doo coaster at Kings Dominion. Oddly a few years later ( 1980 ) I remember seeing Oprah Winfrey doing the same and at the same ride too. Back in those days both Maury and Oprah were local TV news anchors in Washington and Baltimore.


My husband claims he can remember seeing Jerry Springer at Kings Island back in the mid to late 70s ( 1978 I think ). This may have been around the same time Springer was mayor of Cincinnati.


Back in 2007 during the Winchester, VA Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival, I can recall when Mr. Vegas/Wayne Newton and his family showed up at the carnival. Wayne, his wife and a child were taking a ride on a kiddie coaster ( one of those Wacky Worm coasters ). Of course being the "big star" as he is ( or at least Wayne's opinion anyway LOL ), nobody else was allowed to ride that coaster while they were on it. Anyway after several circuits ( I am prety sure they were on that ride for a good 15-20 minutes ), once the Newton family got off I do remember some of the language the public were using while they were yelling at the family for "hogging" up the ride.

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Lebron James at Cedar Point, 2003.


Diablo Cody at Seabreeze, Darien Lake, Martin's Fantasy Land, Canada's Wonderland, Marienland, Waldameer, Idelwild, Lakemont & Delgrosso's, all in 2008 - I think she might be a coaster enthusiast?

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At Knott's Solace 2003, we ran into Richard Karn (he played Tim Allen's sidekick Al on Home Improvement). He was very nice and posed for a picture with my daughter and her friend. We saw him over by Supreme Scream and wondered if it was in fact him, and it turned out to be the case. He and I got to chat a bit before moving on.



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I was once at Universal Studios and saw Zach Roloff from Little People Big World. He's the little person who's twin is the averaged height one. I didn't see Jeremy the rest of the day, but I swear that I saw Zach Roloff. It's not every day that I see a little person, let alone a recognizable one. I almost said something, but I get shy when I meet celebrities. I never wanna be the dorky one asking for an autograph, and just bugging them. I'm content to gawk.

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We were at Disneyland in 2005 and Jodie Foster and her family got in line behind us on Roger Rabbit. Her guide than took them to the front of the line once the line stopped. We also saw Ricki Lake the same day being escorted around.

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Short list (these are ones at USH):


Joe Walsh, Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus, Dennis Miller, Keysha Cole, Michael Jackson, Jane Kaczmarek, Ron Howard, Bob Zemeckis, Steven Spielberg, Tony Shalhoub, Wilmer Valderrama, John Stamos, Dwayne Johnson


We see a few...

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LeBron @ CP like downunder said. I remember he was all trying to line jump on TTD because he thought he was cool. Weird Al also came in 2003 when I was working Magnum. The entire Cleveland Browns team came that year also...it was awkward having to kick most of them off Corkscrew because they were too huge for the OTSRs. I checked the lapbars of 3 Doors Down on MF in '04. Maury also rode when I was working MF...the station was going CRAZY "Maury! Maury!" Seems like there were rumored celebrities at the Point weekly, but that's all I saw first-hand.


Tim Allen and his brother come to Michigan's Adventure every summer.


I respect the ones that try to "go it alone" more than those that get Marketing to walk them around. Yea, they get to walk up the exit that way-- but then they're so much more in the public eye too.

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I had to staple nearly all of the Detroit Pistons into Maverick at Cedar Point in '07. A few of them wouldn't even fit after being stapled.


I also saw Tim Allen in '07 at the Point while working Maverick, and then last year at Michigan's Adventure while working Timbers.


There were a few at Disney World back in 2006, but I can't remember who it was. A few friends of mine pointed them out, but I didn't recognize the celebs. Oh well.

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WoW, lots of folks there the day LeBron was at CP. It was the day after he signed with the Cavs. I didn't recognize him, but the guy next to me sure did. He was an ass, and obviously not used to having money. Said he was going to sue if he got injured after it broke down while we were in line.


However, it did lead to a great onride photo...




Only my second ride on Dragster, which was my 300th.

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