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New vekoma ride design

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I was looking through Vekoma's website the other day when I stumbled upon an interesting article in their news feed. Of course I was on the website because I am a nerd of some sorts. But the headline stated:New Train Designs 4-Abreast Sit-Down and Suspended Trains.


As I researched a little further, it turns out that the design uses the same restraints as their new suspended junior coasters. It seems as if they've learned something from B&M because they plan for it to be a 32 passenger train which is typical for a B&M, and the track design too.


I like the new direction vekoma is going nowadays.

Here's the link if you like to see it: http://www.vekoma.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=94&Itemid=1


Also I'm not sure how to post pictures, so if you check out the site, feel free to post them here.


Evan "smooth as a babies bottom" Forman

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Vekoma seems to be basing itself more and more like B&M, they pretty much stole B&M's flying coaster restraints (although to be fair B&M did take the idea of the flying coaster from them) but these are pretty much slightly modified B&M trains, although I'll go with anything to improve smoothness

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I know new trains are already in use on the Great Nor'easter. Heard lots of great reviews about that.


I'm just wondering, the new system, might be abit of a problem for people with long hair (like me). I mean my hair is like 3/4ths way down my back and I can't imagine pulling a rubber sheet over my head. I'd only do that if I wanted to go bald!


Atleast Vekoma is fixing the dreaded


~ Jess "Rapunzel Rapunzel..." Chan

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^What's sad is, these trains almost look...better.


Thats kind of true. But in my opinion the train dioes not make the ride

(GCI coasters MF trains are one of the few exceptions) and although the trains will make the ride much better they are still going on an SLC. The reviews for Nor'Easter but it will not be as smooth as a B&M invert. Also, I have never been on a Vekoma sit down besides Boomerang, and I did not like it. Vekoma will NEVER be as good as B&M, because they were the original.

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Thats kind of true. But in my opinion the train dioes not make the ride

(GCI coasters MF trains are one of the few exceptions) and although the trains will make the ride much better they are still going on an SLC. The reviews for Nor'Easter but it will not be as smooth as a B&M invert. Also, I have never been on a Vekoma sit down besides Boomerang, and I did not like it. Vekoma will NEVER be as good as B&M, because they were the original.


Well, the Boomerang at prater got new trains, and it was awesome...

I have been on 2 other Vekomas, and they cannot compare to the smoothness the Boomerang gave...

I think the main problem with Vekomas are the trains... They are not totally fixed to the track, and they tend to jump around...

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These trains look really cool, but Vekoma has had so many ideas in the past that were just pretty much forgotrtten about, so it makes me wonder if any of these trains will be put on coaster tracks. I definately do think some will, since they already tried new SLC trains and are currently trying out new Boomerang trains. Both I'd say are successful.


But will Vekoma just replace some trains on some of their types of coasters for these trains, or make new tracks/ride designs or what, because some of those new trains can't even really fit on some of their current designs. For example the 4 seated Inverted trains.

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But in my opinion the train dioes not make the ride

(GCI coasters MF trains are one of the few exceptions) and although the trains will make the ride much better they are still going on an SLC. The reviews for Nor'Easter but it will not be as smooth as a B&M invert. Also, I have never been on a Vekoma sit down besides Boomerang, and I did not like it. Vekoma will NEVER be as good as B&M, because they were the original.


You are forgetting that Vekoma isn't just introducing new trains---they are introducing COMPLETELY NEW train AND track systems.


Assuming their prices don't raise too much with this drastic improvement, I see no reason to doubt that Vekoma is headed for a very promising future...

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WOW! I know this is old news, but i just stumbled on this thread again and those trains continue to have me questioning, "where is the old Vekoma we all used to know and dislike?"


These new trains look really cool and I am looking forward to riding a coaster with one of them down the road.

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