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Why Does TPR Hate ACE so much?

The Disneylander

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This was just brought up recently so you may want to do a search for that topic.


TPR does not "hate" ACE, we actually support them with advertising money every issue of ACE News! (Most people are not aware of this!)


But we do make fun of them...just like we make fun of ourselves.


Remember, that TPR members make more fun of TPR members than ANY other group out there. Maybe TPR just doesn't take themselves as seriously than other groups do...I dunno....



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I've been an ACE member for 20 years---and even I make fun of ACE. Like Robb said, it's just about laughing at ourselves. I also make fun of diabetics and Asians---guess who's diabetic and married to an Asian...?


However, as is true with any organization, there are the "bad apples" who spoil it for everyone. Some ACEers consider themselves "experts" about theme parks, so the park rules don't apply to them (not true, obviously). Some ACEers have stood up on coasters, taken cameras aboard rides when it's forbidden, etc. Some think they get perks not given to regular park guests just because they belong to ACE and have been known to throw a fit when they didn't get their way. These are the things that bring down the club.



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^ Agreed. And hey, we've had to ban some TPR members so even our group is not free from "bad apples."


There are Stereotypes for a reason, though. At the X2 media day I was in the station waiting for my ride and I overheard a conversation between the ride ops...


Op1: "Where are all our riders?" (refering to the ACE members there that day)

Op2: "They are all in the tent eating."

Op1: "Oh."

Op2: "Not sure when they'll be back."

Op1: "Yeah...those guys can eat a LOT."


I just stood there laughing on the inside!


It's just how serious you want to take yourselves. For example, at the Star Trek convention, are you the trekkie that comes dressed up as a Klingon or the trekkie who laughs at that guy?




One of them just is having a bit of a laugh at the other's expense...that's all.



--Robb "I don't see a problem with this." Alvey

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but I'm kinda scared now....lots of fat people.


Whats so scary about fat people? They are people too.


You have nothing to worried about. Majority of the people that go to ACE events are nice people. But as in all hobby related meets and events, there are a few weirdos that give the entire organization a bad image.


Just go and have fun.

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Ive met a few ACErs in my time, not all of them enjoy fried crust bathed in brown gravy and topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. But, I have to agree about their perceived "knowledge" at times and its annoyance with the typical journeyman who rides coasters for fun It is true, man cannot live by acceleration knowledge alone.


Its the same with those indie hipster d-bag music nerds you see at cochella or SXSW, who push their perceived "Coolness" and "Knowledge" and make you feel bad for not know a band they discovered browsing on myspace. I came to TPR for the fact that the D-Bag count is very low, and robby robb keeps people like that off of here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like fat people. They make me look attractive.




This is the ONE thing about this site that really pisses me off royally. I am overweight, and have to say that this constant bashing of fat, overweight or whatever really sets me off.


I do not get it! Really I don't....

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^^ You do need a sense of humour on this site though...


I mean if people like Robb etc can laugh at themselves (though they are making efforts to lose weight), why can't you?


I don't say this in a mean-spirited way but at the end of the day, it's just words on an Internet forum...

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I like fat people. They make me look attractive.




This is the ONE thing about this site that really pisses me off royally. I am overweight, and have to say that this constant bashing of fat, overweight or whatever really sets me off.


I do not get it! Really I don't....

Ed, you know me...don't take anything we say too personally or seriously. I don't really think anything we say should really be taken as "bashing" in the sense that we ACTUALLY mean anything behind our words. We joke around a lot about everything.


There are some things that I've seen said that honestly rub me the wrong way to, and even some things I may post I may not want to be said to myself....BUT....I accept the fact that if I'm going to be allowed to make fun of everyone/anything in an open forum, I gotta take it also.


Some comments may be mean "spirited" humor, trash talking, etc, but I don't think they are flat out "mean" or meant to be mean.


That's one way of looking at it.



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Geeze Robb & Ed, I thought you folks were supposed to be jolly LOL


In all seriousness, If I took every sling and arrow thrown at me literally on the interweb, id be a very sad, depressed person living in his parents basement. I learned a long time ago that you have to roll with the punches and blow those people and their comments off.


In other words: Relax. Now, lets get back to making fun of ACErs accordingly

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  • 1 month later...



I am 6'3" and pushing 400 lbs and I think the fat joking is funny as H*LL!!

You just need a good since of humor or a thicker skin..... I have been chastised about my weight all my life i don't get offended.

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