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Discovering new music via coaster videos

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Ever have one of those moments watching a coaster video thinking "oh wow, this song is awesome! I wonder who it is?"


I've had this happen during this year's coaster video contest. Thanks to this year's video contest I have become addicted to:

Andrew WK - Party Hard

American Hi-Fi - The Art of Losing

Motorhead - Born to Raise Hell

Bowling For Soup - On And On (About You)

Homenaje a los Ramones (forgot the artist, but it's in Spanish!)

I bolded the Andrew WK because that was the most recent addition. (thank you Wisconsin Dells video!)


last year's entries added:

Vengaboys - We Like to Party

Adrima - I can't stand it

American Hi-Fi - Swing, Swing

to my mp3 collection


and a misc. coaster vid posted this year added

Aqua Bats - SuperRad


the only downside is that when I fall in love with a song, I have to have it right away. often the video doesn't list who the song is, so it's off to a lyrics search engine to try and find it. or the other option I found that works is a video to audio converter that rips the audio from the video into an mp3. granted in some of these that will include coaster footage audio but that's minor.


So...anyone else watch (or re-watch videos), fall in love with the song in the video and add it to their current mp3 collection?


~Allison "party hard!" Y2K~

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yeah Adrima is pretty awsome. My friend used it for his WHizzer video and it went so well with it. I have also noticed that the music I hear in the video's it really good and I download them ass soo as I can! You guy's pick some good stuff!


Colin C

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Vengaboys - We Like to Party


Are you sure that wasn't from a trip to any Six Flags park? It just randomly starts up on speakers throughout the park. There's no rhyme or reason to it, but one second you are enjoying your day at the park and the next, the Vengaboys are rudely informing you of their recreation preferences.

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Well most people yust use well known songs so I don't meet new songs that often. But there are some that I don't often listen to. And then it's nice to hear them again in videos.


btw I always thought that the title of the song "We like to party' was "The Vengabus" ... thanks for clearing that up


don't forget: Vengaboys -We're going to Ibiza- 8)

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I guess on a parallel, I loved a song Tommy used in one of his videos, I had to use it for one of my videos (the Kennywood one) if any of you watched it. 8)


What song about a fascination with Phoebe Cates based on "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" couldn't be awesome!?

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In the last weeks, for me, it was definitely Orgy - Suckerface from the awesome Intamin Accelerators Video (sorry, forgot who it came from).

This video should have entered the contest.


And I still don't know the song from Greg Spalding's UK Parks Video from this year's contest. Can somebody help me with this please?


Greets Nikita

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Hey Ted, that was a pretty good video. Lots of nice shots. I'm not much of a Man O War fan, but it was a nice change from DDR music...


Gregg, I'll upload a video at some point. My goal is to have a DVD of stuff I've done over the last four years finished by the end of the year.



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