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Yorkshire Hills-RCT2- Park closre page 3

What should the Schwarzkopf coaster be named  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the Schwarzkopf coaster be named

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Tussaud's Entertainment Group(owner of Thorpe Park, Chessington, and many other successful European Parks) has finally decided to build a theme park in the USA. The park will be located in California and is said to be California's largest and most beautiful theme park besides Disneyland. So far very few details have been released besides two roller coaster pictures as well as some exclusive shots . There will be more information soon as soon and as soon as it is released I will get the pictures up soon.



Please give me some comments and criticism.


Coming Soon!!!!


This is the parks scenic railway. I don't know who built it.


cool and beautiful tunnel.


I'm pretty sure these are the best coaster ratings I have ever received. I put a lot of work into this and it is pretty well themed.


Here is the parks custom GCI. Its called fierce because of the fierce ride it produces.


Anyone notice anything strange about the supports? :)


Wow, what a nice looking station. I wonder what the rest of the ride looks like?


The path to this park is awesome looking. I really think guests will like it.



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Thank you so much. This is definitly my best work so far. If you would like I was going to start a coaster catalog( Some custom and some slightly modified re-creations) and would be glad to include Fierce in the download pack. The pack will start either later tonight or tomorrow.

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^I agree, that was very cold sounding. TLM, I must say, ever since your new park, you seem to be a little full of yourself..just because someone may not be as experienced as you doesn't mean that you should give them negative criticism. Instead, you should try to help them get better at it so they can be really good at RCT too...


As for the park, I really like the fact that you are trying to make scenery and the such. I commend you for that. It is a little bit blocky though..I don't know if you have any quarter blocks in your scenery options, because you need some of those to make realistic looking buildings. If you don't I suggest that you download some of the parks from new element to give yourself a better selection of scenery and carefully skim through it when you create your scenario in the editor. Don't get me wrong though, I like your effort here, and with practice, you will get much better. It looks like you have a lot of creativity, which is a great thing, but it seems to me that it is just your scenery selection that is holding you back.


About the GCI, I think that if it is going to be that short, you may want to try and make it a little more compact if possible. It is pretty good as it is, but if you are going for realism, then I would make it more compact.


All in all, it is looking pretty good. Just make sure that you have wide enough paths around your park. I don't know if you were going to make the ones leading to the coaster wide or not, so I am just sayin.


Keep it up!


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This is definitely your best work yet, and improvement can be seen everywhere.


I agree though, that your scenery selection is holding you back. Though time consuming, quarter-tile scenery items will really get you the detail and realism you need.


Keep building, and mess around with some different shapes; just don't make them too unrealistic!


Look forward to seeing your progress...

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Don't worry guys, I am going to be doing two parks and the second one will be coming out very shortly. This park is going to be no CS as I have never done a no CS park and been a good designer at the same time. My newest park which will include CS will be much more beautiful and elaborate, but for the time being I'm having fun.


Now for the real reason I am online right now. I have just uncovered a shot of the parks third roller coaster. The name so far is unknown and it is a

Anton Schwarzkopf model and is a tribute to one of the best steel coaster designers ever.


Here is the coaster. Please comment

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I can get a little mean though. You do need to work on your buildings though.


I'll repeat ths rule from the Etiquette Announcement,


6.) If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. There are constructive ways of stating you opinion. "It sucks" will not be tolerated.


I've banned one "higher than thou" poster before, and I'll do it again. Hint, hint.

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I like that mini coaster, family lopper. I can give you some credit for that drop tunnel though. I like it!



Thanks, I really thought that the building was a nice touch also. It was kind of an accident cause I put the support thing on top of the coaster instead of underneath for supports. I decided to keep it and am enjoying how it turned out.


The Schwarzkoph looks very realistic!



Thanks Andre.


Expect an update tonight or tomorrow.



The Ghost

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I'm really liking your park. The family looper looks very fun and original with the helix in the loop. I like the GCI but like other people have said in the future make it more compact, my advice is to make a boundary and stick to it when building one. Anyways great job though and keep it up.

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Guys I am having some issues with my game but want this park to continue, so here's how this works. I am unable to take screen shots, so who ever would like may take screen shots. They may take whatever screens they choose (see restrictions below for additional info.)


1st person to ask gets it.



Must have RCT2 to be able to post pics

Must give me email(by PM) so I can send the



Get a sneek preview of what I'm working on

The Ghost(me) will be in your debt.



If I am building a new ride not yet shown you will not post a pic unless given permission.


Pictures must be taken of what I say( there will only be a few things and then you can post what you want.)


The person who responds to this first can also receive all current and future tracks at Yorkshire hills.




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Hey guys my computer is being kind of messed up and my disk is broken so I am probably going to get a torrent or something. I would not normally do this but have legally owned the game since it first came out so expect to see more work from me soon hopefully.




Hey i hope not all is lost man the park is looking great !!!

Waiting to see what else you do with Yorkshire ....

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I hope you can continue to work on this project because it was really looking nice. I know how frustrating it is to have issues with your computer since mine still isn't fixed. I hope you can pratice and produce an even higher standard of work because I see potential in this park.

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