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Roller Coasters in the Raw 2 & Coaster Expedition 11

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The DVDs started shipping on Saturday!


We've gotten through about 1/2 of the orders now so if you were one of the first to order, you'll be one of the first to go out!


Thanks again to everyone for your support and if you haven't ordered your DVDs yet, you can do so here:



Remember, they are only $10 each and if you order more than $30 worth of DVDs you get TPR's 2008 Christmas ornament FREE!



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Well I know I will be getting Rollercoasters in the Raw 2, sicne I ordered the first one last year and really enjoyed the quality of it. Although I had some paypal issues (that Rob quickly helped me with) I got my DVD fairly quick. Your "Raw" series are perfect for someone like me who just want to hear all the raw elements of a roller coaster. The lift hill clanking, people's screams, the sound of a wooden/steel coaster traversing through the track and such, is all the music I need. I hope you continue making more of these!

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^ On a somewhat related note:


When I was writing the previous thread above me, I remembered last year you put up a thread where if we did a review on Rollercoasters in the Raw part 1, we would receive a TPR bag of crap. I was wondering "well i guess he'll send it when he's ready or he just forgot about it" It just so happened I checked my mail today, and I see this weird package from TPR and lo and behold! I finally got my bag-o-crap you promised last year! So yea, you really are a man of your word. Who cares if it took a year, I got my bag-o-crap! Thanks for not forgetting about us.

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^ On a somewhat related note:


When I was writing the previous thread above me, I remembered last year you put up a thread where if we did a review on Rollercoasters in the Raw part 1, we would receive a TPR bag of crap. I was wondering "well i guess he'll send it when he's ready or he just forgot about it" It just so happened I checked my mail today, and I see this weird package from TPR and lo and behold! I finally got my bag-o-crap you promised last year! So yea, you really are a man of your word. Who cares if it took a year, I got my bag-o-crap! Thanks for not forgetting about us.


Awesome to hear! I guess I never thought about the "Never said when!" part


I can't wait to order RAW 2


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