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Hard Rock / Freestyle Music Park Discussion Thread

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I think alot of the reasons the management had so much faith in the park was the city of Myrtle Beach practically guaranteed success to lure them to build there. They basically told the financiers that the reason why the other venues failed in the area was due to lack of branding and capital infusion (new rides). I think the city used their tourism estimates and tax incentives to brainwash the HRP people into thinking Myrtle Beach was a good idea. Obviously, it was not a good idea.


I expect Blackstone or someone else to come in and scoop up this place for pennies on the dollar. It might not be a wise decision, but there is a formula to help this park survive with much lower aspirations.

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Now people will be even more jealous of my polyester and leopard print shirt from HRPs Elvis collection.


I'm no bankruptcy lawyer but if the ride manufacturers were owed money, they might have first dibs on reacquiring their rides before being sold for pennies on the dollar to someone else.


I'll buy Nights in White Satin.

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I think the city used their tourism estimates and tax incentives to brainwash the HRP people into thinking Myrtle Beach was a good idea. Obviously, it was not a good idea.


But then how does a major theme park like Dollywood work in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, which is basically just Myrtle Beach with mountains instead of the ocean? In fact, the Smokies see around 9 million peeps per year - that's a lot less than Myrtle Beach, yet Dollywood still thrives. There are no major population centers around, they have to suck in the tourists and vacationers that are visiting the area.


I feel that it was ultimately HRP's fault itself that it failed, not the MB area.

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But then how does a major theme park like Dollywood work in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, which is basically just Myrtle Beach with mountains instead of the ocean? In fact, the Smokies see around 9 million peeps per year - that's a lot less than Myrtle Beach, yet Dollywood still thrives.

We were at Dollywood the day before we visited HRP and we spoke to some of the management there. We talked about how HRP promised more than 2 million visitors in the first year and the Dollywood guys laughed "It took us 16 years to reach that number....good luck to them!"


Basically they were saying they were being unrealistic with their projections. And they were right!


Also, you have to remember that Dollywood caters more to the demographic of people who come Pigeon Forge. Dollywood is more about shows and food and less about rides. It's also WAY more geared to families which make up a core audience of Dollywood's guests.


Again I'll say that HRP seemed more geared to the beer drinking, gambling crowd of Las Vegas and less towards the "lay on the beach with your family and have a BBQ" visitors of Myrtle Beach.



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As Nights in White Satin is not relocatable, it's a shame to see such a unique dark ride to come and go within a year.


Give me the Sally Ride System, a warehouse, and about $2500 in blacklight paint and I will totally recreate NIWS for you!

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^Don't forget the novelty mobiles, Elissa.


Another point about why Dollywood does so well--the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited park in the whole National Park System.

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ps. I could totally see Cedar Fair buying this place only to have new rides for their parks for the next couple of years! Start the guessing now....which park would get Zeppelin? Which park would get the mine train? Which park would get the...um.....hmmm.... yeah.... then again... maybe Cedar Fair wouldn't bother!


If that happens...oh I hope Dorney gets Maximum RPM. Those parks in the Pennsylvania area have all been on my list for quite awhile and the 2010 CoasterCon just happens to be at Kennywood...

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I guess they weren't thinking because so many OBVIOUS mistakes were made that this park wouldn't have survived as a scenario in Roller Coaster Tycoon.


Funny thing is...I recreated the Hard Rock Park in RCT3...and it got the same complaints as the real thing.


I'm just amazed at how the park went into bankruptcy almost 5 MONTHS after it opened. I hope Led Zeppelin: The Ride is relocated somewhere. It does look like a fun ride.

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Celebration City in 2003? Oh, wait...


The original DCA in 2001? Oh, wait...(Ok, maybe it didn't fail, but it wasn't really successful)


Of the major parks, I have to go back to IOA and Animal Kingdom in 1999 (AK in April, IOA in May). Unless I'm missing an obvious one...


It's a shame the park isn't going to be around, as I think I would've enjoyed myself there for a day. But with regards to the high-up people of the park, I don't have any remorse or sympathy. I wasn't really all that knowledgeable on the whole scenario, but just reading the stuff on here got me prepared to mark HRP off as a "would've liked, but won't get the chance" place.


I look forward to the ensuing "Geauga-esque" garage sale of rides in the coming months/years.

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If that happens...oh I hope Dorney gets Maximum RPM...


Having Dorney as one of my "home parks" I say.... No thanks! It won't work anyway! That coaster was a bad idea from the start! But I guess that makes it fit in great with the overall theme of HRP.


If they put random stuff in the park up for public auction, someone should buy me the guitar fountain that plays "Stairway to Heaven"!!

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