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Hard Rock / Freestyle Music Park Discussion Thread

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Does anyone else think this is heading down the road to epic fail? I may be wrong, but I would personally get to the park this season, because I'm not counting on there being a 3rd season of this place...


Yeah, pretty much. Given the bad location of the park and the fact that it already failed as Hard Rock Park, I wouldn't at all be surprised to see it go bankrupt towards the end of 2009, just like its predecessor.


Freestyle Music Park...WTF, I totally agree with Robb, what is up with that name.


Maybe the new owners won't make quite as many obvious mistakes running the place as the Hard Rock owners did, but somehow I can't really see it surviving, especially in a location where two other parks failed.


And the biggest thing is, if it does indeed fail, then the whole HRP/FMP saga will be an even bigger epic fail for the enthusiast books!

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That interview was awesome,lol. Because I don't live near their, is Myrtle Beach really an international travel destination, or is he just trying to make himself sound good. I know Myrtle Beach has never come up when we are discussing family vacations.

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^^I can't comment on international travelers (although the website is in 7 langauges), but Myrtle Beach is a popular destination for golfers and beach goers. Since you have plenty of beaches in Southern California, you family probably wouldn't consider traveling 2,500 for a beachfront vacation.


Fact: Myrtle Beach gets close to 15 million visitors a year

There are other seaside towns in this country with a lot less visitors that can still sustain a park.


The question is: are the Myrtle Beach visitors willing to support this park.

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The question is: are the Myrtle Beach visitors willing to support this park.


I always have (and still do) say no way. Spring Breakers (I hear Myrtyle Beach is a popular spot for that) have better things to spend their money on when the beach is right there, and free.

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What exactly are you trying to say? Is your point trying to be "Give Freestyle Music Park a chance because even a park named Muscle Park can be a success?" Because if it is, that's a really, really bad analogy.


Many of us who have been to Muscle Park understand why the name works for the park and the Japanese culture. Do you actually know anything about Muscle Park and it's history? Because if you did you would know that this is not a good comparison at all.


If you're going to look for a comparison, please not try to be clueless about it.




Whoa, whoa, WHOA... hold on, Robb! All I meant to say was that the name "Freestyle Music Park" sounds like it would be in the same genre as Muscle Park. That's all! Absolutely no deeper insinuation than that.


Now I need to go find some ice for my ass after the chunk you just took out of it.

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Oh wow-I'm just now reading all of this.....in regards to this new park name-is there an award for "Worst Re-branding I Have Ever Seen?" I saw the new name, and the first thought I had was just "No." Two words and three letters: "Epic Fail" and "WTF".


I have a feeling either the name won't last or the park won't; if it ends up being the latter, I think it's a shame. I had hoped to visit Hard Rock Park last year-the original park was something I would have made the trip out there specifically for-because it looked clever and cool-if poorly and improperly marketed-whereas this new one would be something I would do "if I was in the area" to get a ride on the B&M. I wish them the best-HRP was a great concept that needed some work in the execution, and I hope the new owners can make something out of it.


However, if they rename Led Zeppelin "The Hindenberg", then I fear it's the beginning of the end......

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Mechanic, LOL on the "fix". Sadly, I already have a big trip planned for this year, and FMP (am I the first to acronym that?) won't be part of it. So, yeah, it will have to last a few years for me to make it there. IF they don't close down after just a few months!

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