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I kicked back in to an NL phase, and picked up a project from a few months ago...

(P.S. Anybody know of any good B&M catwalk objects that are available to be used so long as credit is given?)


Is that first drop hand built of newton 2 designed? It looks almost identical to leviathan's first drop! I...have...to...know!

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Interesting layout and design. The scenery is very nicely done, and 'fits' the ride quite well- I picture seagulls around a lighthouse myself.


If anything, there is only one 'hinkey' bit I'm seeing: After the first drop, you have a kinked 'rise' into the first camelback. That would not be too comfortable for the riders itself. I'd consider lowering the overall height of the camelback, and have it 'flow' a bit better for smoothness of design- but that's my view on it.




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^That's the RCT way of showing a more drawn out change in slope because not all coaster types have the bigger pieces that the gigas and hypers have. It doesn't always look nice, but it's necessary for a realistically spaced and paced and forced and designed ride.


In Schwarzkopf terms, however, it is inaccurate- across the board. Schwarzkopf did not employ multi-point angles for His rides- as they caused a lack of fluid-form motion. Instead, he'd modify the overall profile of the ride to fit the terrain, etc. instead of using multi-point curves.


As for RCT, yes, there are 'exceptions' that need to be made, but I tend to hold Speedracers/Jumbo Jets in a different league altogether for the game. It's one of the few times you'll see me quoting accuracy over play.

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I get it, but you have to think of them not like they're multi-point angles, but that they're just a wider crest or trough. Real rides in general don't go from flat to steep the way that his second hill does, but that's simply how you need to represent a wider curve in this game. He isn't implying that Schwarzkopf would design a hill like that, but rather he's implying that there's a wider curve in that space.

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@QueerRudie I understand the unrealistic transition the Schwarzkopf coaster has but RCT has limited option and I did try to make the transition in that space as I tried hard to fit it into the centrepiece for France. I will take your opinion into account however as I will be working on a different park after Tulip Thrills.


Very nice there ryansmith. I just hope you intend to straight out the landscaping (of course you do) and the theming is exceptional even for you. Not really much to say here as it is still unfinished and I would like to see the finished product before I do my semi-OCD criticism.

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@QueerRudie I understand the unrealistic transition the Schwarzkopf coaster has but RCT has limited option and I did try to make the transition in that space as I tried hard to fit it into the centrepiece for France. I will take your opinion into account however as I will be working on a different park after Tulip Thrills.


Understood: It's not a 'smash' per se, but rather, when it comes to Schwarzkopf designs, I'm a wee bit picky. It's not meant as a slam- as that isn't my style at all!


For everyone: Schwarzkopf coasters tend to be very refined, and it can be tough to do within the game's constraints. It has taken me years to refine how to do it right, and how to make it 'look' like He would have wanted it- so please don't take my comments on them as being de-facto criticism of the rides. It's the one area of RCT II I tend to do well, and it has taken a ton of practice to do so.




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